The Rant & I Cannot Say This Out Loud Thread

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To: Brother
I soooo hate you right now. Why do you have to be such a baby? Sure, I acted like that once, too. When I was 5! NOT 13. Grow up. You know, when I was your age we were still living with dad in a motel with no food and had to go to the church just to survive, so you bawling your eyes out because you don't want to clean your room really makes you look like a dick.

To mom:
I know you weren't mad at me, but every time you're mad you find something to yell at me about, and honestly it makes me feel like not doing anything at all. I get no praise and get yelled at rather I do it or not. It's not fair. And stop being so lenient on my brother, just because you get tired of yelling at him to do something doesn't mean you get to give up and tell me to do it.

To Avril Lavigne:
Stop being so damn hot! I'm trying to pretend I'm straight here...
I know you weren't mad at me, but every time you're mad you find something to yell at me about,

Ohh my gosh. My mothers like that too, anytime I was around when she was getting mad at someone, she'd find something to yell at me about. It made me want to yell really louldy at her.

To my grandpa: Why did you give me the delayed reaction gene? Yeesh, it's not very useful you know, I have barley any emotion when someone dies, then I cry for hours three months later. Haha, I just miss you too. Although I still insist your a little birdy somewhere. But it just sucks that your gone. We were finally getting to know eachother...I just wish you could see who I've become today.

To my roommate: Stop eating my food! Like I know we all share food, but when I have something labeled "LEVON" don't eat it! It's mine, it's most likley leftovers, or something I made for someone else. Agh! I swear, if you had eaten that cake like you were about too, I would have had to hurt you.

To Allie: Yes, I seriously made you cake. Even though our "awesome" roommate tried to eat it! AGH. And now I pretty much can't let you come on the computer tonight, otherwise you will see that, you can't have it until tomorrow morning!

To my mother: I don't know if I want to move in this summer. It scares me...I don't want things from the past being held against me in the present. I hope we can be civilized human beings for once in our lives. Like we were getting a little better, then Em had that freak attack thing, and I freaked out on you, because you caused it, then things have been iffy. Hmm...this is only for her.

I really wish you would call me. I really miss you. Sometimes I feel like you are the only person I have met (even if it was online) who would take me as I am, scars and all. I know that stuff is hard for both of us right now.

To myself:
Grow up, she is probably not going to call, just get over it. You have a lot in common but honestly, think about it. You have no money to get out to AZ to see her and she has not money to get here. This isn't going to work.

I really wish I could meet a nice girl that isn't states away. This always happens to me. I don't mind it, not really. It just gets aggravating when I'm having a bad day and I want someone to cuddle with.

To myself: stop being such a baby
to X
Why are you so perfect? I mean.. you sound like the perfect woman for me to hang out, do stuff with and maybe even be together with. You make me feel comfortable, you're supportive, you're funny and just plain cute.. But why?
I feel so stupid cause I just loooove your personality but when I look at you I can't picture myself with you. Why is that I feel like I could be with you when it concerns your personality but not the rest of you? I feel so simple and stupid cause I believe personality matters the most. It does. But I mean, looks count too and somehow.. I don't know. I could definitly fall for your personality but you're not my physical type of woman. I feel so incredibly stupid for thinking and feeling that way! :confused: :(

To dad:
I explained to you once again I no longer want meat. And you went nearly ballistic on me. "You're a VEGGIE?!" Thanks for the support, dad.. I wonder what comes next.. But at least you get it now. I hope.

To self:
Stick with the veggie part. And figure out what touches you about X so much! You idot!
to bossman:

if you ever make me work from 6am to 6pm by myself again i am going to start unplugging random important looking machines. like that big one over in the corner...something to do with frequency...yeah, i'm pretty sure we don't need that. :devil: when i got home i couldn't even stay awake for the sopranos finale and its all your fault! and do you have anything better to do than listen all day long? you called when i made one tiny little mistake, 30 seconds of overlap and you called but have you ever told me i was doing a good job or let me know when i did something right? No. at least at the last station i knew when i was appreciated. and you know what? i worked a hell of a lot harder for them.
if you ever make me work from 6am to 6pm by myself again i am going to start unplugging random important looking machines.

To self:
WHY do you keep getting sick like this? What's wrong with you? You just got better, now, what? You got a tummy ache? Maybe there really is nothing wrong with you and its all psychological...

to doggie:
you know I love you, but.... SHUT UP!
To mom: how can you be so inconsiderate? my little sister just got her first period and you bought her pantie liners told her to get a pad from your room then went off to have sex with your boyfriend. how could you? you didn't even give her a talk about it! me and my friend had to!

to body: stop hurting
To my roommate: What are you trying to do? Kill us all with the scent of hair spray. I mean, hair spray is handy, but do you really need to stand there for two minutes spraying your hair with it? You are going to kill me.

To my boss: I would really like you to do this...SHUT IT. I'm sorry that I'm moving for the summer, oh and this job sucks. Answering phones and getting death threats daily just isn't my cup of tea. I prefer jobs that I don't know, I'm not threatened to be killed daily! And I'm not even quitting becuase I don't like it, I'm quitting because I am moving for the summer. So don't give me these crappy jobs, you know I don't want to work in billing, I told you that, and you're sticking me there to do what? Don't tell me "your good at it" I screwed up four problems last time, you just are pissed. And well, you're getting a little old. Grow up.

To summer: Will you pleease hurry up? I miss you so very much. I'm stressed out, I can't handle this school stuff, please come soon!
To dave:
If you're going to walk out on us just F*king do it already because if you;re gonna stay here and yell at us and get me involved in all your efing shit I'm gonna slit mywrists rignt now. I don't need to deal with that agaibn so if you wnat to marry mom ljust do it and if your gonna figt get the hell out of our lvies. I can't deal with this and my hands are shaking so much I dcan heardly type. I don't care how much wine you give me so long as you do as tou said you would and be the BEST damn step dad I've ever had. You're4 not doing it, so figure out what the f**k it is you want so that we can get on with our lives. Of ourse mom spent time with dad today, they just got divoced byt they've been rriends for like 25 years! Get a clue! If you call someone fourty times in a day its cfalled STALKING! GEt a life and for the love gof god stoo being such a god damn pain in the ass!
to my family: thanks for having a great time while i'm stuck at my uni. i heard y'all laughing over the phone and it made me cry. i wanna be with y'all and celebrate my mom's and pawpaw's birthday. :(

who ever you are: you creep me out. you look like my mean PE teacher in middle school. and you're probably 35 years old. and even if you study/studied at my uni, you are 15 years older than me and in the pics on your page you just look kinda...uuuurgh. creepy, freaky, whatever. please, don't visit my page again, cause it kinda freaks me out.

to the health lady from the magazine: i should restrict myself to "a moderate 1,500 calories A WEEK"???? i figured 1,500 calories A DAY would be ok. either i'm losing my mind or you have lost yours...nevermind, i just saw that i lost my mind. you said, that i should lose 1,500 calories a week through sport and stuff. alright, i guess i need new glasses.
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

To you lj icon makers:
Do you REALLY need to put 50 bajillion rules for using your icons on every post you make? I can't even go to my friends page without being bombarded by 50 lines of rules before even getting to your 15 or so horrid icons that aren't worth taking, much less even looking at, seeing as how you now look like an attention-seeking bastard and therefore do not deserve for me to look at your icons anyway.

To some newscaster guy today:
Is it necessary for you to point out that the victim was 'a black female' 100 times? The case is over, we all know all the facts, and the new case has nothing to do with her anyways. WHY do you have to make such a huge deal about her being black?? What does her color have to do with her accusations?
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

To my best friend: get off your high horse and stop thinking you're damn better than any of us, i've been trynna help you and stuff and you keep pushing me away so now i dont wanna bother. ta muchly. <_<
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

To my boss, no chance I'm at work tomorrow, that play went way late and I'm totally exhausted, mostly my own fault, but if you really think I'm pulling my arse outta bed before noon, you're sadly mistaken. I'll call at 2.
Thanks, love ya, bye.
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

to the exam office b*tch: thanks for screwing up my day, week and semester. i worked my freaking arse of this semester, attending a ton of classes and getting a sh*tload of work every week. i took 4 translation classes and now you tell me, that i can't take my translation exams??!! you goddang cow!!! :mad: you tell me, that i need some stupid certificate, that tells me "you speak german". it's my freaking mother tongue!! if you need me to recite some Goethe poems or tell you what article to use in front of certain words, i will!! just let me take my exams!! none of my professors complained about my german. they didn't even tell me, that I needed that certificate! if i can't take my exams this semester, i've to take them next semester - meaning i've to attend the same translation classes AGAIN! i basically lost this freaking semester because of you! and you were so pissed because i didn't know about that german certificate, that i didn't have the right forms with me and that i -god forbid- asked you questions about the exam. it's your freaking job! if you don't like students: get a new job! don't take it out on me. how am i supposed to tell my parents, who were all excited that i'll be able to get my prediploma in 3 semesters instead of 4, that i'm not allowed to take my exams? i'm so furious and disappointed in you and in me for not knowing about that certificate. i’m this close to giving up and choking somebody. gah!! I hate you and your damn bureaucracy.
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

I really like this thread...
you're girlfriend is a total b***h! I told you that before you asked her out. She's a diva, and a nasty nasty person. Trust me! I worked with her for three months! Look I realize that my relationship status is stuck at 'single' but that doesn't mean I'm stupid. I know that that girl is gonna use you and then dump you on your arse. If you don't want to listen, that's your perogative, but I never want to see her at our apartment together. The threat of throwing your boxers over the balcony still stands! Either dump her, or don't bring her over. I don't want to deal with her!
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