*:·.CatNip.·:* #7: Lets Take This In The Shower

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I agree! This is starting to get annoying. We need more CatNip. Maybe if we quit asking for it it will happen! LOL!! Anyway, I am going to pout big time, if there is no CatNip in the finale....

Howdy howdy hey y'all! Kels hey hon...another gorgeous icon, Cath is so purty! :D

This eppy wasn't my favorite, it was alright...I did like Cath and Sara talking at the beginning about fantasies...that made me laugh...and then her "don't dip your pen in the company ink" speech...I SO wanted Sara to turn around and be like "Really, so do you tell Nick that when you guys are doin' it??" :lol: :devil:

And uh yeah they dang well better have some scenes in the finale...otherwise I'm doing some serious CBS writer stalking!! :p
I sware I didn't forget about you guys! I guess lately I've just been down on my luck. first my computer got a virus then my grandparent's, then my aunt's, then my BFF's, and I've had no access to the computer for almost 3 weeks!!! Hehehe, I'm at school right now, shhh don't tell my teacher ;) I'm supose to be doing research, but CatNip is more important. I'm so sorry guys! i don't know when I'll be able to get on again :( Great updates you guys! CatNip rox! Hope to get on next weekend, but no promises.
I SO wanted Sara to turn around and be like "Really, so do you tell Nick that when you guys are doin' it??"

LMAO!! Good one Mo!


CSIWillows We miss you babes, we know you'll figure out ways to see us. ;) and we hope you get internet access again so you can hang with us. *snuggles you tight*


Okay so I sat down and figured this all out:

A) They've been pretty good at matchy clothes or in something similar or a touch of matching lately.

B) Both of them said, "no coworking relationship" within an ep apart, hmm.. Why are they the only ones saying this? Perhaps hiding their own relationship? To throw them off off of them? Hmm?

C) They started season 7 off dancing together? Why? They can't tell us its just that plot for Catherine. Nope. Theres something hidden there
CSIWillows said:
Aww thanx Lynn *snuggles you back*

Of course, us catnippers love you! and of course catnip loves you :D Nick does want to pick on you about it though. you know how he is :D
CathStokes said:
I SO wanted Sara to turn around and be like "Really, so do you tell Nick that when you guys are doin' it??"

LMAO!! Good one Mo!


CSIWillows We miss you babes, we know you'll figure out ways to see us. ;) and we hope you get internet access again so you can hang with us. *snuggles you tight*


Okay so I sat down and figured this all out:

A) They've been pretty good at matchy clothes or in something similar or a touch of matching lately.

B) Both of them said, "no coworking relationship" within an ep apart, hmm.. Why are they the only ones saying this? Perhaps hiding their own relationship? To throw them off off of them? Hmm?

C) They started season 7 off dancing together? Why? They can't tell us its just that plot for Catherine. Nope. Theres something hidden there

I totally agree with this statement!! I love the hidden meaning behind it all...

Lol, I thought you'd like that one Lynny wub! ;) Seriously I was SO waiting for Sara to say something to Cath...I would have laughed so hard!

And yeah hon they are TOTALLY trying to hide their relationship...silly them, don't they know that it's so much easier and more fun when they're out in the open about it, plus the way both of them are, you'd think they'd enjoy being open about it just to shock their fellow co-workers...I'd love to see Cath walk up to Nick in front of Griss and Warrick (especially Warrick ;) ) and kiss Nick and then turn and smirk at Griss and Rick before sauntering off...leaving Nick with a silly grin on his face before he shrugs and walks off after her! Wouldn't that be the most awesome scene! :D :D

I want it, I want it...give us our CatNip dang it PTB...NOW!!! :lol:
I know right, it so would! I can just see it...Cath with a sexy as hell, "that's right, that's my man!" smirk on her face, Nick with a "oh yeah baby, my woman is SO hot!" look on his and Griss and Rick with their mouths open and eyes bugged out like "did we just really see that happen?"...lol, I would love it! Now if only we could get Cath to do that!
Lynny you should suggest to Cath that she do that! ;) I would, but she's still mad at me for distracting them so you could steal their gas...(even though she got some cuz of it, so I dunno know why she's mad! :devil: :lol: )
I am laughing so hard here that my husband is giving me strange looks and keeps asking me "What are you laughing at?" When I tell him that it is nothing he would understand he rolls his eyes and looks at me funny and says nothing until I start laughing again! LOL!!

Seriously though, GSR is okay, but CatNip would totally rock and blow GSR out of the water. Both, in passion and intensity!! We all know this! When will TPTB wake up and realize this?

The PTB are dumb when it comes to handling our ships well...well sometimes anyway, I do like what they've done with GSR and the other CSI ships I have are doing well...now we just need to get them to realize how freakin' hot CatNip would be/IS and then my ship life would be complete! :D

And yeah lol...CatNip is not lacking in passion that's for dang sure! They are so freakin' hot, we routinely have to douse them with cold water just to keep them from spontaneously combusting! :devil: Pluse they both look amazing in wet t-shirts! :lol: Ain't that right Lynny! ;) Hey, by the way Lynny where are you hon...we're talking about the passion that IS CatNip...this is one of your fav topics! ;)
Did someone say Passion - CatNip in the same sentence? Well I do have to say that this ship definately isn't lacking passion. Passion towards each other. meow.

Bitch and Bastard.

Mo, I say we let Kels suggest that to Cath.. mostly because, Cath heard from Nick who heard from Danny who heard from Tony who a little ass traitor. That I removed their gas. So. I vote for Kels!

Now Cath walking up to NIck and making out would be a GREAT thing for me!
CatNip Passion...yup, that was most definitely said...lots of times...and yeah there is NO lack of passion in this ship, in fact the very definition of CatNip IS Passion! :devil: The two are synonimous...one and the same! ;) To have CatNip is to have Passion...wouldn't you agree Lynny dear? :D

Lol, I think you have that be the new thread title when we need one hon! ;) :lol:

Mmmmm, okay I agree...Kels is nominated...so Kels dearie, let Cath know we think she should walk up to Nick and make out with him in the lab! ;) Or better yet tell her if she doesn't, then one of us will! (although that might get you whacked and that would not be so nice! :p ) And Lynny stop telling Tony your secrets already hon...that way they won't spread...(although Danny should have known better, I told him last night he wasn't supposed to share anymore of our secrets, dang it! :lol: )
*prances about* HI all! Just wanted to say hello to all you CatNip shippers! Catnippers! (that...sounds...rather interesting actually) :D

Is this the land where Lynny becomes fluffy? *grins*

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