The Last Film You Saw? Thread 2.

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Snakes On A Plane.

Man, I thought this film was really good. I was so surprised at how much I liked it. There are some really silly moments in it, which are just so funny. The scene with the dude taking a pee was excellent. :lol:

I thought it was really entertaining and hit all the right buttons! Thumbs up! :)
DOA:Dead or Alive


The Skulls

DOA was quite good. I never really played the games, cause we never owned a playstation and stuff like that. But I often like movies with good action sequences. :D

And what shall I say about 'The Skulls'?
Such an awesome movie! Paul Walker, Hill Harper and William Petersen included... :D
Hill Harper was in The Skulls? Hmmm, I don't remember seeing him there, I gotta go watch it again. :) But yeah, it's an awesome movie. :D

Last movies I saw were:

1. DOA: Dead of Alive - I used to play this a lot on my PS. I love the action sequences. :)

2. Saw 3 - I watched this over at my bestfriend's house last night. I wasn't able to watch Saw and Saw 2, but from what my friends told me, the first two movies were much more disgusting. I am so not going to watch the first two, then. But if I want to understand some of the things in Saw 3, looks like I have to get my barf bag ready.
I watched Perfume, Story of a Murderer. It was okay, it was a little too well.. overdone sometimes. The beginning was realistic, the end was well.. excentric. It was weird.
OK, I basically spent yesterday crying in Africa. I watched Hotel Rwanda and The Constant Gardener. Man oh man; all I had to do was add Blood Diamond in there and I probably would have crawled under my covers at the end of the day and just sobbed for hours! Seriously, there's just so much horror that happens in Africa. I felt so useless at the end of it all. I'm going to advise everyone to pay attention to what's happening in Darfur right now and do what you can to help. It's tragic.

As for the movies, I loved Hotel Rwanda and Don Cheadle was amazing as always. Again, it was just an awful story and I was moved to tears for probably half the movie.

The Constant Gardener was not as good as I'd hoped, but it was still decent. Good performances and beautiful filming, again, with a backsetting of an African country in turmoil. Unfortunately, I found myself not really that into the main storyline. I don't know why, but I just didn't feel overly sympathetic to the main characters, despite good acting performances.

Anyway, Hotel Rwanda is a definite must see. :)
I just watched American Psycho 2, didn't even know that it existed, just ran across it in Blockbuster Friday. Usually sequels to movies, just, let's face it, suck, but this one was actually pretty good. It had a really good ending, I highly recommend this movie if your a fan of thrillers, it's a pity that Christian Bale isn't in it though :(
BabaOReilly said:
Anyway, Hotel Rwanda is a definite must see. :)
Oh yay. I've heard such great things about that movie and about Don's performance in it. I really, really want to see it. Thanks for your review baba, I'm now even more excited. :)
Hotel Rwanda was a very deep and powerful movie. It's one you don't soon forget.

I just saw Departed and & Scoop. You can totally skip Scoop but I was suprised at how much I liked Departed. With that many big names of course the acting was great. I was on edge to find out what would happen next which doesn't happen a lot.
I finally broke down and watched The DaVinci Code. It wasn't nearly as bad as I was expecting to be. It was actually pretty good. I plan on watching Black Dahlia tonight.
Kingdom Of Heaven.

I was not all that impressed with it to be honest. Some parts were okay, and Jeremy Irons along with Liam Neeson made it a little more bearable. Unfortunately *dodges Orlando Bloom fans* I found him a little unconvincing in this role and he could well have been William Turner, just in a different situation. The best thing about this film, for me, was King Baldwin, I had no idea at the time of watching who the actor was (he was in a mask), but I was well impressed with the character and I thought whoever that actor is, he is awesome, I was totally captivated. The only time I enjoyed this film was when he had a scene. I later found out that it was Edward Norton who played him! :eek:
Ju-On The Grudge

But the japanese version. I've watched it on Monday and yesterday I couldn't sleep cause I always had to think about that girl with the long black hair.
Since I've watched 'The Ring' (american production) I really hate movies with kids/females in it that has long black hair. I never can sleep well after I watched such a movie. ^^ It's always the same. But I still watch those movies sometimes. :D
I saw Music & Lyrics about 2 weeks ago...I thought it was a cutsie feel good flick. I liked it. :)
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