Spoilers in the Big Apple - Season 3 Spoilers Continued

Discussion in 'CSI: New York' started by dutch_treat, Jan 1, 2002.

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  1. Top41

    Top41 Administrator Administrator Moderator Premium Member

    Mar 5, 2003
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    I can see it now...for some reason Danny and Lindsay don't get together and he starts dating Angell and then yeah, of course she turns out to be a psycho. :lol: And then Lindsay will have to rescue Danny from the bat-wielding fiend, but he'll be too traumatized to be in a relationship...or he'll have amnesia. There's always amnesia to fall back on. :lol:

    I don't know what the point of getting Danny and Lindsay together in season three would be, so I imagine there will be some other obstacle in their way. What it is, I don't know. :confused:

    The worst thing about the focus on the stupid romantic stuff has been the dropping of all other development for Danny. He used to be interesting, compelling, dynamic. Now he's pretty much a doormat for the shrill country girl who treats him like shit. I just wish the romantic stuff would get resolved one way or another so we could actually get back to what's interesting about Danny...his backstory, his relationship with his brother, his passion for what he does, etc.
  2. CathStokes

    CathStokes Head of the Day Shift

    Feb 19, 2006
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    yay to finding out Sid time! :D

    *points at you* You know the game chica, you'll be in C/N with me dangit!.. You can drag Fay if you'd like..

    *hides behind Top and Kimmy* Protect me?
  3. Kimmychu

    Kimmychu Coroner

    Aug 9, 2005
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    :lol: Hurrah, corny amnesia storyline! (Of course it's only corny unless Flack, a bed and lots of lube is involved. :devil:) I must admit the thought of Lindsay rescuing Danny ala Superman in a blue-and-red costume and cape is rather hilarious.

    Look up in the sky! It's a bird! No, it's a plane! No, wait! It's SuuuuperLiiiiiiindsaaaaaay!

    Okay, I'll stop being mean. :p

    Uhm, dude, we ... aren't the best people to defend ya against D/F madness, seeing as we are D/F madness. :lol: But hey, I kinda think Cath/Nick is adorable. :)
  4. MacsGirlMel

    MacsGirlMel Mac's Personal Assistant

    Feb 5, 2006
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    LOL Lynn I'll protect you. But you can't have Mac :devil:
  5. Carrieattheprom

    Carrieattheprom Lab Technician

    Oct 22, 2005
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    Thanks for the links, owliki. I've copied the adressed down in my notebook to save for later.

    So, Danny's going to Montana? You've got to be kidding me. :eek: I'm starting to get scared... That hug was bad enough, God forbid, if they actually KISS, I'm giving up on this show.

    Glad I have season one on dvd...
  6. detectdevotion

    detectdevotion Police Officer

    Sep 10, 2006
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    I'm going to beat this dead horse with a bigger stick, because I've been thinking a lot about the arguments that support Danny going to Montana.

    I agree that Danny is the type to support his friends 100%, but going to Montana is completely unlike his character. Yes, he's shown amazing passion in defending his friends, just as he did for Hawkes in "Raising Shane." But the difference here is that though Danny seemed to know a lot about Hawkes' everyday routine, and though he was frustrated to the point of anger at Hawkes' situation, he didn't do anything wildly unorthodox to help his coworker, either. He showed momentary defiance, but nothing like the grand production of flying across country to be with a "friend in need."

    And as some people have already pointed out, the writers didn't go out of their way to show him in any great amount of emotional turmoil when his friend and long-time defender was lying in a hospital bed. Instead, they just let us assume that Danny was there for Flack. Well, I'd much rather ( and be far happier, in fact ) assume that Danny was supporting Lindsay -- from New York.

    And though he showed amazing emotional depth and intensity at finding out Aiden had been murdered, I didn't see him taking any...shall we say, less-than-professional steps to find and bring her killer to justice. Far tamer than his early days in the first season, Danny was content to follow Mac's lead on that one -- and if rationality was the better part of discretion following the brutal murder of his close friend ( evidenced by the fact that they were still having dinner together from time to time ), why isn't it a factor in this decision to desperately follow Lindsay ( who he's known for far less time and obviously far less intimately, as she isn't too keen on dining with him as Aiden had done ) across the country?

    Further, he didn't show anything like the cross-country flying gusto when it was Stella in the hospital, shakily explaining to Flack what her experiences in the apartment with the murderous Frankie were. The Danny that would fly to Montana seems to me like a Danny that wouldn't sit back and let Mac periodically give him updates on Stella's condition. From the pilot episode, it was clear that Danny and Stella had a special dynamic -- she coaxed and coached Danny through season one, and was a genuine friend and confessor to him in season two. And yet there were few indications that his concern was anywhere near as deep as the concern it would take someone to actually hop on a plane to Montana. Particularly when Danny still doesn't know why Lindsay's left. Remember: no one has clued him in -- all he knows is that she's left.

    So I don't believe it's within his character to jump on a plane. In fact, I think for anyone's character, the move is extreme ( and taken, furthermore, right from an episode of All My Children ). I think the last time we saw that kind of intensity out of Danny was long before the days of Lindsay -- we're talking season one Danny. And even then, though the guy was a bit of a hot-head ( God, I miss those days ), I don't think we would have seen him do anything like this.

    Those are simply my honest thoughts. I, for one, didn't ship Danny/Aiden, and I don't ship Danny/Lindsay. I think it's time for the writers to take a fresh approach with Danny AND Lindsay -- for one, they're killing Carmine's delicately cultivated Messer, and for two, they've done nothing for Lindsay independent of Danny. In a show that already revolves around the ( formerly ) hot-headed CSI, I hardly feel compelled to encourage more drama when so many other storylines for him have yet to be wrapped ( like his brother ). And isn't it about time something good happened to him? Why isn't he back on the promotion grid almost two seasons later?

    So, bring on the Danny/Angell, or let the guy fly solo for a while -- in fact, why not have him being the player mastering the game? God knows it would be far more interesting than watching him flounder over the rest of this season, forcing with no small amount of lackluster a lust that isn't there.
  7. Top41

    Top41 Administrator Administrator Moderator Premium Member

    Mar 5, 2003
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    detectdevotion, you make really good points, but I think Danny was out of character in "All Access" and "Charge of This Post." It really bothered me that it was Lindsay, not Danny, losing it over Stella in "All Access," and as many others have said, Danny came off as a shitty friend in CotP. I think in "Heroes" he would have done much more than he did, but both Mac and Flack reigned him in. In "Raising Shane" he could have been accused of witness tampering by talking to the bouncer, so I think he went pretty far in that episode. So I don't think it's out of character for Danny to go to Montana--if he thinks he can do something, he tends to act. When it comes to sitting beside hospital beds, it doesn't seem he's so good at that.

    That said, I do think it's unnecessary and is basically being written for this ill advised pairing and not to enhance Danny's character.

    Amen! I agree 110%. There are more interesting things about Danny, and we've seen his character being toned down to his detriment over the last two seasons. I miss the fiery, passionate, edgy New Yorker of season one.

    As for Lindsay, she's little more than a love interest character, which isn't a good thing for a regular, but I don't care for her character so I'm less bothered by that.

    :lol: Maybe Flack could bring his memory back the fun way. :devil: Or Lindsay in a Superman costume in a scary way. :lol:
  8. dutch_treat

    dutch_treat CSI Level Two

    May 31, 2006
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    Please no! :mad: I've wanted to know for ages what ever happened to Louie and I love D/L and angsty stories, but not everything that happens has to be connected to their relationship.

    Why not have a great story where some of the much discussed wishes here are combined: (pure speculation - not based on anything) A possible connection between Danny's brother and Flack's dad threatens their friendship :eek:

    You have certainly put a lot of thought into that post and even though there were some good points I think the explanation for him going to Montana is much simpler; he's a guy in love and that's all the reason he needs.

    As for the development of Lindsay's and Danny's character; that will most likely happen after they come back from Montana. I think it's realistic :( that their relation will be more on the background (like GSR) to turn the focus on other aspects of their individual personalities and on the other characters on the show.
  9. kkennedytx

    kkennedytx Rookie

    Jul 15, 2005
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    I don't think that will ever happen simply because there's so little emphasis on Flack beyond the snarky one-liners and occasionally being a friend providing caring concern and emotional support. Even Adam the labrat and Sid the Medical Examiner are getting more character development than Flack! Since Flack's father hasn't been mentioned since "The Fall" back in S1, I see no reason to bring him up now--too much time has passed to make a believable connection between then and now, especially for new viewers who've never seen S1.

    But Danny, on the other hand, has had a running story line since S1 which was continued in S2--his story needs to be continued as it's a vital part of who he is and what makes him tick.
  10. Faylinn

    Faylinn Adam Fangirl Super Moderator

    Nov 30, 2005
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    *snicker* Sorry, but a 'guy in love'? Um, how is that, exactly? In fanon, maybe, but nothing on the show would indicate love. Affection or attraction maybe, but love is a whole different ballgame. If the writers expect us to tilt our heads and sigh because 'aww, he's going to be with the woman he loves,' then they have clearly fallen off their rockers.

    detectdevotion, you make excellent points. I agree with you, but I also agree with Top. Maybe it has to do with the shoddy character changes from seasons 1-3, but I'm not so sure I have a definite bead on Danny's character anymore...

    As for the idea of there being a connection between Louie and Flack Sr, I agree that it could be a really interesting story, but I also agree that we'd be unlikely to see it. If, however, the writers explore Flack's relationship with his father a bit more, then perhaps after that...but the Louie storyline doesn't need to be dropped for that long...Maybe an eventual connection between some other aspect of Danny's past and Flack's family? That could be interesting. :)
  11. kinkapoodles

    kinkapoodles Judge

    May 30, 2005
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    I think a connection between Danny's brother and Flack's dad would only bring Danny and Flack closer together. I'm all for that. :p

    I want to know what happened to Louie too and I hope they get around to telling us this season but Season 3 seems to be all about D/L and that I don't really care for.

    I won't be giving up on the show but I do hope there's a trash can nearby because if that happens, I will definately need it. :rolleyes:

    I don't think he's a guy in love or if he is, he must like torture. For some reason, he seems to enjoy Lindsay treating him like shit.

    This reminds me of discussions a while back. Maybe whatever it is in his past thate he can't shake and is a deeper, darker problem is that maybe he was abused when he was younger. That could explain his doormat behavior. :(

    :lol: :lol: :lol: So far, that's all she's been.
  12. CathStokes

    CathStokes Head of the Day Shift

    Feb 19, 2006
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    Did I mention I like you? :D

    No way you're getting Mac!


    Okay you know I love ya, but I really don't think he's said "love" anywhere. attraction, yes.. even pick up lines possibly, but.. crap, I'm agreeing with Fay again.. at least she can't pull the avvie out on me here. :D
  13. dutch_treat

    dutch_treat CSI Level Two

    May 31, 2006
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    I think a lot of his recent actions have surely indicated that. He puts up with the way she treats him, he's rejecting other women who are clearly hitting on him, he (if things don't change) goes after her to Montana because "he's losing his mind" in NY not knowing what's going on with her.

    And I like that idea to explain his behaviour much better than the idea of him being abused
    Well I think that's exactly the reaction they're going for and it was my reaction when I first found out (and I'm sure I was not the only one who had that reaction).

    edit Re: CathStokes
    He hasn't said love ever, but I think were certainly suppose to think that. And if it's not love at least it's a big crush...big enough to make him fly across the country...
  14. MacsGirlMel

    MacsGirlMel Mac's Personal Assistant

    Feb 5, 2006
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    This is getting interesting. I enjoy hearing both sides of things :) I guess even though I love my ships, it might be better not to get hit in the face with them constantly...subtle's probably better for the show.

    Did we get any details about Sid's story? I forgot.

    And no way YOU'RE getting Mac, Lynnie hun. He's all MINE.
  15. kinkapoodles

    kinkapoodles Judge

    May 30, 2005
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    ^^Well, we don't actually know what he's talking about (if it stays in the scene) when he says he's losing his mind. It might not (if we're lucky), have anything to do with Lindsay. There's no indication that's the reason he goes to Montana. Right now he doesn't have a clue why Lindsay left. I'm sure when he finds out, he wants to be there for her (as a friend since she's indicated she doesn't want more).

    So, if someone stood me up, wouldn't give me an explanation, avoided me, told me it wasn't me but them, said they liked me but only wanted to work together, and then walks off and ignores my offers of being there for them, I'd come to the conclusion that they didn't really want anything more and I'd move on.

    Well, we don't know what's happened in his past and the possibility of him being abused has been talked about on this board in the past, so it could be a possibility. Also, I never said I liked that idea just that it might be a reason he's a doormat. Thank God he has Flack to be there for him and actually support him.

    It was mentioned that he has a wife and daughters. I'm just wondering how many times he's been married since he once mentioned "his first divorce". I'm guessing at least three.
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