Spoilers in the Big Apple - Season 3 Spoilers Continued

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What you've described is affection and/or attraction, not love, dutch_treat. Now, I've never been in love myself, but I'm pretty sure that's not it. Does somebody with a clue want to educate me in case I'm wrong?

And as for that 'losing his mind' line--there is absolutely no context for that line. We don't know if he's talking about the case or something personal. All we got was the line. That's why I didn't think it was worth mentioning. It could be meant to relate to Lindsay, but I'm not going to make that assumption.

Danny being abused would be a very interesting storyline, but I doubt the writers would go there. Too bad, because that could provide great character moments for everybody, not just Danny...
What you've described is affection and/or attraction, not love, dutch_treat. Now, I've never been in love myself, but I'm pretty sure that's not it. Does somebody with a clue want to educate me in case I'm wrong?
It's definately not love. Rejection is not the way to start a relationship unless you're not expecting much of a relationship to begin with. I may not like DL but I'd have to go with the affection/attraction thing. Yes he likes her but like isn't love and I don't recall Lindsay telling him that she "loves him a lot". :rolleyes:

Danny being abused would be a very interesting storyline, but I doubt the writers would go there. Too bad, because that could provide great character moments for everybody, not just Danny...
They've done everything else possible to/with Danny (except pair him up with Flack). :p It wouldn't surprise me if prior abuse was the next step.
Danny being abused would be a very interesting storyline, but I doubt the writers would go there. Too bad, because that could provide great character moments for everybody, not just Danny...

I sure hope they don't go this route but it wouldn't surprise me if they did--they've done plenty with Danny already (shooting another cop, Tanglewood, Louie, et) and he was their favorite character (although I think they've stuck him in the background while they work on Lindsay's development). It seems to be feast or famine on this show--get lots of development/story lines or get none at all!
^ Exactly, and that's frustrating if you ask me.

As for Danny, as much as I like my character when he's all angsty I hope they won't explore this storyline. It would just be too much.
Well, I see what you guys mean, definitely, but I still think it wouldn't necessarily be bad if they did it right. ;) Yes, it would be development for Danny, but we'd also get to see his relationships with other team members if it was brought to light during a case. That's what I had in mind, anyway. ;)

Ok, all of the upcoming episodes are starting to run together for me. :lol: Let's see if I can get things straight:

Ep 15: "Some Buried Bones"
Mac/Flack/Hawkes work the case of the kid in the maze
Stella/Danny/Angell work the shoplifting case, with Nelly Furtado as a guest star

Ep 16: "Heart of Glass"
Mac/Stella/Hawkes/Flack work the case of the man killed when his house was broken into, where the sister saw who did it
Danny/Angell work the case of the dead woman in a tub

Ep 17: "The Ride In"
Mac/Danny/Flack work the case of the dead man found with the counterfeit money
Stella/Hawkes/(Angell?) work the case with the mascots

Ep 18: "Sleight Out of Hand"
Mac/Stella/Danny/Hawkes/Flack work the one case with the illusionist
Lindsay testifies at the trial in Bozeman
As for Lindsay, she's little more than a love interest character, which isn't a good thing for a regular, but I don't care for her character so I'm less bothered by that.

So far, that's all she's been.

2nd season she was more than a love intrest. I think she was a strong character in season 2 whether she worked away from or with Danny. This season because of the pregnancy, there wasn't really that much the writers could do. They apparently want to shove the DL relationship at us, so if Anna can't do certain scenes "out in the field", they might as well make her a love intrest while she's working since the TPTB seem to want the relationship so badly. Not saying that's the right course, just saying that's what they did.
It's definately not love. Rejection is not the way to start a relationship unless you're not expecting much of a relationship to begin with. I may not like DL but I'd have to go with the affection/attraction thing. Yes he likes her but like isn't love and I don't recall Lindsay telling him that she "loves him a lot"
Well I think you can be in love with someone even if that person is rejecting you or just likes you. Your feelings can be quite different than those of the subject of your affection, but still hard to deny.

And what confuses me the most is that everyone is referring to Lindsay as a 'love intrest'; how can you be the love intrest of someone who isn't in love? ;)

And perhaps the story of Danny being the victim of abuse could be interesting (don't quite like that word for something that shocking, :( but can't think of a better one) for the development of the whole group and their interaction, but I still have my doubts that the writers will go there.

Thanks for that list Fay. All those spoilers were getting mixed up in my head too. We have some great ep's to look forward to...can't wait :)

BTW wasn't Christina Aguilera supposed to be in one of the February ep's?
^^Why does Anna's pregnancy always come up? :confused: That should have nothing to do with her storylines. She's not the first actress to get pregnant. I think this season is being done this way to set up her past and (much to my dismay) a DL thing.

Now, back to the spoilers which start with the first of three Lindsay free episodes. I can't wait to see what happens with Danny/Angell (if anything) in eps 15 & 16 :p.

Episode 15 - I can't wait to see that hedge maze. I've been to cornfield mazes. The hedge maze gets me thinking of The Shining. I love when Stella and Danny work together and it's even better when you thrown in Angell too.

Episode 16 - I can't believe Danny and Angell are working a case alone together. This case looks to be interesting. Why doesn't anybody know this woman and how did she end up in somebody else's tub?

Episode 17 - Finally, Flack and Danny get to work together again in ep 17. That right there is enough to get me to watch. :devil:

Episode 18 - I think I've commented enough about it for today. :rolleyes:

And what confuses me the most is that everyone is referring to Lindsay as a 'love intrest'; how can you be the love intrest of someone who isn't in love?
Because it just seems like they only brought Lindsay in to be a love interest for Danny instead of developing her on her own. :p There's a big difference between "love" and a "love interest". Peyton was brought in specifically to be a love interest for Mac but I don't assume he's in love with her until he says so.
I don't think we can pin everything on Anna being pregnant. Countless shows have dealt with main actors having children. NY just dropped the ball on this. Anna being pregnant doesn't excuse the overall writing for the season.

"Love interest" is just one of those terms you use without considering what else it could mean. Even if two people are in an actual relationship, I'd call one the other's 'love interest,' but I don't automatically think they actually love each other. *shrug* There's a difference if you ask me.

As for the 'interesting' comment referring to the abuse storyline, I can see what you mean dutch_treat, but hell, we're watching a show where people are murdered every week, and we certainly think that is interesting. :lol: I think we might be a bit desensitized. :p Anyway, would 'intriguing' be a better word? I think the abuse storyline could be intriguing if done correctly. ;)

Maybe they were originally going to have Christina and ended up using Nelly Furtado instead. I had been wondering why they'd have two young, female singers on the show in one season…
I think Lindsay is a love interest character because she's poorly written and weakly acted. It doesn't have anything to do with Anna's pregancy, though if she hadn't been pregnant this year I have no doubt we'd have been subjected to more of Lindsay than we already have.

As for Danny being in love, who knows? Maybe, maybe not. He'd look like a 12-year-old girl if he was, but hey, they've undercut his character pretty seriously this season, so it's possible. I am convinced he's drawn to people who treat him badly, though. That pretty much explains why he's clung to Lindsay despite the way she's been to him this season. It's not healthy, but I guess it's possible it's love.
Once again, great spoilers, I'm looking forward to the upcoming shows!

As for Danny going to Montana.... Huh???? Why on earth would he *realistically* do a thing like that? As for him being "in love", good grief, half the time he doesn't even seem like he's "in like" :lol: The two characters have barely interacted after she blew him off, and he certainly hasn't seemed to be bothered by it. He chuckled at her "Moo" note telling him she's leaving, but beyond that, he was totally dismissive, it was completely out of his mind the instant someone else walked into the room.

I won't throw things in disgust at my TV if we indeed see a D/L relationship; I find it light years more palatable than another "relationship" on one of the other CSIs. But for goodness sakes, I do want the writers to actually make me feel it, make me believe it. Right now, all I see from these characters are two people who have the average friendly feelings for eachother that typical co-workers and casual buddies would have, I've certainly never seen anything discernible or believable beyond that, as far as being in love. Then again, maybe it's just me...we'll just have to wait and see, perhaps the writers will surprise me with this one, do something to *show me the light* and make me a believer. :lol:

At any rate, the other spoilers sound great!
Anyway, would 'intriguing' be a better word? I think the abuse storyline could be intriguing if done correctly.

I like the use of "intriguing" better than "interesting" to describe a possible abuse story line for Danny. What bugs me about the idea is that all the character development stories center on Mac or Danny, and now to Lindsay. We've had a little bit for Stella and lately for Hawkes. Yet we have nothing for Flack except for a few throwaway lines dropped here and there across 3 seasons. I'm not suggesting an abuse story line for Flack (it probably would fit Danny better than Flack anyway), but it'd be nice to have a Flack development story before giving more development stories to the other characters. Unfortunately, I have little faith in that happening before the Danny/Lindsay "twu wuv", the Lindsay backstory, the Danny-Tanglewood-Louie AND the Danny abuse, the Mac and sorta-stepson, the Mac/Payton, the Hawkes-stalker, and whatever's coming next for Stella are squared away.
Due to a slightly revised info for episode #18 that just came out, we now know that Lindsay was 18 at the time her friends were murdered, which makes her 28. :)
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