Grissom & Sara #24: Since Norman Fell

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Yeah, I think that was the whole point of the "I'll download it" line (which made me laugh more that I think it should have...) It's obvious that it isn't an issue on it's own, but when you combine the whole teacher/mentor thing with it I guess that's when it becomes a bit "taboo" or whatever. Like some people think Grissom is more of a father figure to her. Obviously I don't agree with that theory (um, ew). A mentor, yes, but there is a difference between a mentor and father figure.

I also like that he chided her first about it - with the "before your time" thing.

I dunno... I guess that I figured that they were always going to address the age thing, but never - the first time - as a joke. Grissom used the phrase "young and beautiful", but that was on his own. I meant together. It seems like every GSR fanfic has him going, "Sara, I'm old - why do you want me?"

But judging from that scene, I'd say that it's more likely that if he ever did say that (which I doubt) that it was beat down pretty quickly.

Thinking about that reminds me of the scene in Bite Me; the whole "suffocated and he couldn't breathe" comment Grissom made was pretty nonchalant, don't you think? I'm still not quite sure if he was talking about the case or "this". I really believe that if they were in a relationship at that point that Sara would be trying extra hard to give him the amount of space he needed, because she's the kind of perso who would be cautious as to what she did in order not to lose him.

Well, judging by the smile he gives her, and the cautious one she returns at the end, maybe Grissom was joking with her there, too. Like he could tell that that's what she thought, and with all of her romantic suppositions for why they didn't share the same bed, he wanted her to address the elephant in the room.

Again, I think they were together here, but either not sleeping together, or not staying over afterwards.

And the smile was maybe to say, "If that's what you think, stop it"

I feel a bit like the enemy being a teacher!


Oh, c'mon - look at the grades. You know we're all Teacher's Pet Nerds.

Ziggy skipped, like, three grades in school.

But once he realizes that Sara isn't just casually interested in him, but she wants to be with him, that the feelings are real, he becomes so much more comfortable with the whole thing. He hasn't stammered or clammed up around her at all recently. And yes, veggie burger. Clearly, he's feeling much more secure these days.

The part I like the best about his burn out (and obviously there isn't much) but what I like is that before, when they weren't together, if there was a problem between them, he'd pretty much avoid her, ignore her or be short with her.

In Happenstance, he starts out being short, but it's more because he's in the middle of a book. Then he stops to share a passage with her that he obviously thought was nice. She, unfortunately, takes it the wrong way, but what I like is that even when he's at a bad place, he still wants to share with her or take her advice - hence the Port Mortem scene where she smilingly thanks him for giving Greg some support.

Grissom's personal life is great at the moment - he and Sara have clearly been happy this past year or so that they've been together. Grissom certainly had been cherrier. Then work starts taking it's toll.

And it could be because Grissom now feels responsible for two people in his personal life, so while that's been rewarding, the real pressure might come from the fact that he can't work as late anymore, or doesn't want to. Sara coming in in Happenstance kind of reaffirmed that. He comes home early to be with her - or at least did, before he had to mill over Williams.

And maybe he begins to wonder if dating her isn't causing him to take away TOO much time from work...

Who knows?

Like I said - I'd rather Grissom leave their relationship a question mark so he can fully be a tabula rasa, and then return figuring out that he does, indeed, need to be with her.

Why? On many levels. The first is that it would be like a replica of a getting-together moment that we didn't get to see. The second is that I don't want to feel as though Grissom is trapped in the relationship and can't think that over as well.
It seems like every GSR fanfic has him going, "Sara, I'm old - why do you want me?"

Yeah, I think that's interesting. I mean, if I were going to write one I would never include that as an angsty reason why they shouldn't be together. Mainly because when he mentioned it in Butterflied, he made it sound like a plus. The age thing has seriously NEVER come up until its brief appearance in Built to Kill.

Ziggy skipped, like, three grades in school.

Is this attributed to canon as well? lol. If so, damn, that's power right there.

Sadly, its a well known claus of Sods Law (which is the name i have given to 'Murphy's Law') - When one part of your life is going well, another part of your life starts to go badly. Grissom's personal life is great at the moment - he and Sara have clearly been happy this past year or so that they've been together. Grissom certainly had been cherrier

Yeah, I think he was certainly cheerier in season six. And since I think they were together the whole of season six, I think it was because of Sara. I guess the whole burnout thing really is Murphy's Law.

It wouldn't make much since that he is going in this downward spiral when his relationship with Sara is new. Because you know, when you are in a new relationship with someone you know you really care about... nothing can miff you. Nothing can knock you off your "golden perch of bliss" (as Ed Stevens would say. Anyone? Ed Stevens?).

Like I said - I'd rather Grissom leave their relationship a question mark so he can fully be a tabula rasa, and then return figuring out that he does, indeed, need to be with her.

Totally agree. And I hope when he comes back he is the cheerier Grissom we saw in season six.

Wouldn't that be a great scene? Him telling her how much he needs her and he couldn't live without her and blah blah blah. Yeah, I read way too much fan fiction
greenplastic said:
Wouldn't that be a great scene? Him telling her how much he needs her and he couldn't live without her and blah blah blah. Yeah, I read way too much fan fiction

i like this ;) is really really sweet ,maybe i am a dreamer i know :rolleyes:
There's an interview somewhere floating on the net...

Remember when I had that whole idea about Grissom leaving a ladybug necklace in Sara's locker? Well, apparently David Rambo said that at the end of 7x11, Gil's going to send Sara a "special gift" that will especially be entertaining for "Butterflied" lovers.... Seriously? They stole my idea! ;) And, while this was posted at YTDAW, the info came from another site. I'll post the link below since I'm not sure the spoiler box can handle the pressure.... seriously, if the MCSK thing ends with Sara huddled in a corner in her hotel room with a gun to her head, I'm writing CBS and asking for royalties! :) Or, just beg for a job... Please? I write good dialogue! Honest! I have a CSI screenplay ready to go! :)

SPOILERED interview with David Rambo through this link. I repeat SPOILERED!!!!
That jus totally made my whole day! YAAAAYYYYY! Im so excited I cant stop smiling. So it is going to be a butterfly bracelet? Necklace? At this point he could give her a butterfly fruit snack and Id be happy. haha. This seriously made me forget about all the other horrible rumors going around. GSR fans all over are going to be going crazy over this.
omg, that is totally GREAT!!! I am SOOOO FREAKIN HAPPY!! for butterflied lovers??? I AM AN ABSOLUTE BIG FAN OF BUTTERFLIED!! wooww... i can't wait!! *hugs everyone around here and gives cookies*
I'm pretty excited to see what Grissom is going to send Sara. mystery did say we'd get 'Significant' scenes in both 7x10 and 7x11. I guess this is one of the scenes she meant. I can't wait to see what he sends her, but I'm even more excited to see the scenes that happen between them BEFORE he leaves. i'm looking for emotion! people. Emotion, angst, romance and longing - in other words, all the stuff this ship has in SPADES! :)

Sorry, spoiler-free people. I'll write something non-spoilery in my next post ;)
SPOILERED interview with David Rambo through this link. I repeat SPOILERED!!!!

*gasps* *squees*

WOAH! WOAH!! That is so cute! Should Sara feel freaked out that if Grissom does give her the butterfly necklace or whatnot, that it's freakishly like the girl who died? I'd be freaked out. 'Duude, couldn't you at least go with.. I don't know.. dragonflys or something?!' Sure, the butterflies mean something to us, but in context of being in Sara's shoes, that would be odd, because she knew that Debbie looked like her. I don't know if Sara knew about the girl's weird fascination with butterflies that I seem to have adapted, but it would still be... odd.

I feel sorry for those who are un-spoiled. Oh well. :devil: :p

I think it would be cute, if while Grissom was on his sabbatical, that he sent her things such as flowers, butterfly necklaces and so on. I can just imagine Sara being sad one day because her lover is gone, then she gets a bouquet of roses sent to her at the lab, everyone knows they are together because they've announced their engagement. (Okay, so I'm over-speculating just a little, but its my imagination and I can say what I want. :p) So Sara gets flowers that say 'Love; your secret admiror, G.' Awwwwwwww! That would be so cute. :)
Well, I'd never expect him to send her something Butterflied related. I think Rambo was speaking in code to us. Some think he was saying "fans of 'Butterflied'" as a code for GSR fans. It might also mean that he's sending her jewelry of some sort... which I would really like (as you all know... *grumbles*). ;) I think it would be cool to see her wearing a necklace each week to remind us that GSR is alive and well while he's gone, because for those who are hardcore GSR fans, it could be easy to lose interest without our fav ship to stimulate us, especially since I have very little interest from the spoilers in most of the upcoming episodes (with the exception of "Sweet Jane" and "Meet Market." Ok, I'm just not interested in "Redrum." ;)

And I like Grissom and Sara. Yup. Ok, we need to say something here for those who are not spoiled because they must be getting incredibly bored, right now! Umm... What is your fav term of endearment that Gris has for Sara (honey or dear) and what do you think she calls him? :)
I like both Honey and Dear, but my Mom calls my Dad dear, so I think it makes them sound OLD. But anyway, I don't know, I think if Grissom used Honey more often it would be cute because it would remind us of all the way back in the third season, and then we'd take a nice little walk down memory lane, and I like when they do stuff like that on shows. Like, saying the same line in one episode that really meant a lot in an episode that was years ago. I like that, I think it would be sweet. I can just imagine Sara pursing her lips after Grissom says it.

As for Sara, I think she calls him.. SEXY BEAST. No, I can never imagine Sara saying that. :lol:

I'm trying to think of something Sara would say, but its really hard because we don't know A LOT about Sara, as in what she would call a lover. Hmm.. I think maybe honey, I can't see her saying sweetie, I think she's too young to be saying dear. And I think they're too old to say babe. Yeah, I'm thinking honey, or maybe she has her own nickname for him that we'll never ever hear, because it's just that embarrassing. lol.
I'm not too sure what she'd call him, but I think it may be something that we don't hear - the too embarrassing thing...

I'd love to hear her say something like 'darl' or 'sweetheart', that'd be really nice.

Tan :cool:
gee, i'm finally able to come here. i moved out from my crappy dorm and i'm now at an APARTAMENT and i have my own ROOM and BATHROOM. and i'm totally accomodated. it took me whole yesterday and today. nevertheless, YAY.

i see a bunch of spoilers with a whole lot of smiley faces inside so it makes me think positive about future.

This is so totally right. Grissom had the fear. He's this extremely smart man, confident in the ways of science, but not so much in the ways of being social. He doesn't like being centre of attention - like when he told Warrick there wouldn't be a cake for him in the breakroom when he left. He'd just slip away, because he wouldn't want a fuss made over him.
Grissom is, like we said here a million times, extremely smart but he's not a people person. the thing about it is that he wouldn't know how to interact with people on a normal level but he's still smart. i think he LEARNS how to behave sociably when it is needed, but it doesn't go from his sense of what to do (like most of us). that's why he is such a great poker player, he learned how people react, he learned how to read them, not giving anything away himself.
Oh, c'mon - look at the grades. You know we're all Teacher's Pet Nerds.
had a perfect 4.0 last year, MWAHA. right now it's 3.8 dears. yup, i think GSR people are extremely ... GEEKY. wonder why, lol.

theatre your mailbox is FULL. therefore i'm gonna put what i wanted to say here:

this. was. so. predictable.


i just knew you would do everything for Grissom to start having a moustache.

lol, that was awesome ts, thanks. i laughed hard ;)
come on can we at least have grissom in his boxers or a pair of shorts while a semi nake sara sits in bed.
Y'all? David Rambo = LOVE

From the "watch closely" I think he's hinting that it'll be a small moment of Sara opening something or looking at something... and in the next scene she'll have a big amber bug around her neck or something. Actually - you know what would rock? If he gave her the Walden's Pond book as sort of a peace offering. Either way - Grissom IS in 7x11, a LOT of it, which is why that's a little strange. Maybe they'll leave on bad terms as he goes for the airport, and the episode ends with her in his apartment and something has her name on it... I don't know. I just LOVE the Rambo and don't want to wait a month to find out!
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