Recent content by ASbrag

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    "The Gone Dead Train" Discussion *SPOILERS*

    ˄˄ LOL!! I totally agree!! I hear it's absolutely amazing! I love that Doc is using bribery!! =)
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    "The Gone Dead Train" Discussion *SPOILERS*

    He said that he would give her his tickets to LOVE. It's a Cirque du Soleil show at the Mirage that is completely based on The Beatles' songs..
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    "The Gone Dead Train" Discussion *SPOILERS*

    This episode looks so good!! I'm kinda disappointed that there are only 3 episodes left since we are finally getting some good ones! Is it Thursday yet??
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    Marg/Catherine ~ Not JUST A Pretty Face #8

    Just out of curiosity, what Hughie videos?? I am intrigued!! =) Marg was in Vegas again?! I absolutely love that she goes out with the crew members.. I think some (not all) tv stars would consider themselves 'too good' to do something like that. She's just so humble. It's really amazing.
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    Marg/Catherine picture thread ~ Eye Candy 9.0

    Thanks for getting those together for us Erica. I agree kaylyne, Marg really does look happy in them, it's so great to see! And in all honesty, I think we have yet to see a color that doesn't look good on Marg... :)
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    Marg/Catherine picture thread ~ Eye Candy 9.0

    Thanks for getting those together for us Erica. I agree kaylyne, Marg really does look happy in them, it's so great to see! And in all honesty, I think we have yet to see a color that doesn't look good on Marg... :)
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    Gil <3 Cath #30: PureJoy – Sexy CSI Soul Mates

    Re: Gil <3 Cath #30: PureJoy – Sexy CSI Soul Mates Hi y'all! I hope it's okay that I post this link from youtube here. It contains all of Marg's speech and some of Billy's. I think most of you will enjoy what he has to say about Marg (it's around the 5 minute mark...) It's so sweet! Their...
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    Marg/Catherine ~ Not JUST A Pretty Face #8

    Hey y'all! I have alway just come in and "lurked," never really felt the need to post.. I was just wondering if any of you had heard if Marg would be attending the SAG awards tonight.. I know we would all really love to see her there even though she and Alan are separated and CSI didn't get any...
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    Marg/Catherine #7.0 ~ Totally Thud Worthy

    Hi all!! I'm new and I absolutely love Marg! She is freakin' awesome! I just wanted to say that I'm watching E! red carpet stuff and just waiting for her and Alan to get there!