Maybe I'm biased because Danny is my favorite character and because I love oh-so-dramatic Danny, but I can't hold Lindsay's involvement in Danny's storyline as a reason not to be excited about the story.
Yah, I know. Was mostly a flippant response based on re-viewing the promo

. But for some reason I'm just not so drawn in, even though I have every confidence in Carmine to shine. I'm not sure I can even really articulate why. Feeling a little like it's another big Danny storyline (yes of course I realize others have had big arcs on the show too; but he is among those who consistently get a lotta focus, and unfortunately a lot recently with DL, so there's still for me an associative lingering oversaturation and suspicion it could revert from Danny to DL in focus); feeling like it could possibly be a little predictably done, feeling like it could detract a little from the events in Pay Up I wanted to see followed up on with Flack (Angell's dead, sry Flac-hey lookit, uberpopularDanny is injured but will recover so don't you all fret). None of that's anything but an inner Meh voice and no, certainly not entirely fair. Especially with spoilers, interviews, and Hill tweets all indicating there will be increased character focus for
everyone this season.
I'm happy to hear that's finally the case after five years, and am hoping for the best in it's writing and realization; but I also can't deny there's an element of Pandora's Box mistrust, and an iota of the above in the mix for me, fair or not :lol:. Sigh. Mebbe I'm inexplicably sulking at the show. I don't f*cking know :lol:

. I'm having trouble gearing up for the
whole damned season. Not just this one storyline. What can I tell ya. This year I seem to be one of those audience members who in the past was a keen and happy participant but this year is sitting in the back row going, " ...what. Amuse me. Go ahead. Show me what you got. Any better than last time? Why do I keep letting myself show up anyways. Cos I'm a glass half full f*cking sucker. Damn you all. You bastards."
It also sardonically amuses me that the show's using DL (among other things, I know) to push the season. Big dramatic moment. Duly beautifully lit OMG!Red Dye # 40.
She'll be there, but the one big spoiler we've gotten about Danny struggling involves Hawkes, not Lindsay.
I am actually happy about this, and looking forward to it. I've quite liked what's been written for them in the past in how they interact.
To me this yet again suggests an awareness of Anna's failings when it comes to portraying convincing emotions, and an attempt to put someone in there--ie, Hill--who actually has some skills in that department. It's kind of like when Flack was the one who went after and confronted Danny in season four in the Ruben arc, or how the majority of the baby drama was seen through Danny's eyes and reaction, not Lindsay's. They've found a way to mostly neutralize the weak acting from Anna--now and then it rears its ugly head (that goofy overreaction in the promo, yuck!), but I have a feeling Danny will have plenty of emotional scenes with people who are not Lindsay.
Danny's kind of an emotional barometer for the show, and so I do actually think that a storyline throwing him into disarray, which gives the rest of the roster and not just him some good meaty opportunities, to react to him and the overall circumstances, is actually a good writing choice as for who was injured. In that respect I am interested, and seeing how he and the others interact is the thing that tips the teeter-totter back from mild meh tendencies. If it was just all about him I'd be less interested. If it was just another DL platter, I'd not be tuning in at all. So. Yah I'm f*ckin bitching about it alot :lol: but the teeter-totter's a fun ride. Least till the other side leaves off and unceremoniously dumps yer ass with a thud having finally lulled you into a false sense of security. I'm sorry. The past coupla seasons have had a big impact on me letting myself be even remotely excited, and my willingness to be lulled. Hence, "We'll See."
I admit, I'm torn on that, too. I'm taking the wait-and-see attitude, but yeah... I just don't see Flack as the fall apart totally type, or the self-destructive type.
I know. I'm trying to deny a gnawing in my stomach and that I give a damn. :shifty:

But I do. Really don't wanna see this storyline go south. Mostly cos I think it could be really moving, again not just for Flack but for everyone trying to help him too. Hope it will be.
That was me! And I like your twist on it a lot. The idea of Lindsay dipping into Danny's pain meds to escape the pressure is an interesting twist--and would definitely take away from that air of being untouchable she has. It would make her unsympathetic, but not in a way she couldn't come back from--provided she keeps the thieving to her own husband and not victims of crimes (a la Dr. Price on Miami). I kinda doubt we'd ever see that storyline, but one way the character could be redeemed for me (provided Anna didn't completely bungle it) would be for her to do something wrong and really get called out on it, and have to make amends.
It would be interesting. And it would give her a more independent focus. Would be all about her inna way that it was
supposed to be all about her. I'm not into Lindsay airtime, but if she could pull that off, it could be infinitely more interesting than a potential long-suffering martyr counterpoint to Danny's drama. In a season that's supposed to give a little more personal insight, I hope that that's not her Big vehicle. If she's gonna continue to be on the damned show, give her something better to do. And if there's no confidence she could pull it off, don't waste the screentime with middle-of-the-road.
Thanks @
perlnoir for the pics. service bravo huh? Wondered when we'd see Mac in uniform.
Would also like to see the CTV promo. They somehow kinda manage a different focus, more about the eps and less about hype than CBS does. With only a week or whatever less I'd hope to see more promos airing whereever. Been a very quiet preseason. But it's been crazy busy workwise, so it's entirely possible (and more than likely) I've just not been catching these things.