CSI Level One
I rather don't like the possibilities of how this season can end up. I hoped that considering what Eric and Calleigh went through maybe the writers leave them alone and just let them be happy for a while. And instead of bothering them again in the season finale they will give more screen time for the other team memebers which in turn cause that people stop to grumble all the time how their relationship occupies every episode
I don't want to watch their break up in the last episode, because it would gratify those who don't like E/C. Maybe I'm mean, but it's the last thing I'd like to give them, the satisfaction that they were right it won't last long:scream:.
So I truley hope that no matter what is going to happen in the finale in the end they'll be ok and even stronger then before.
Unfortunatelly it looks that we will have to wait all summer to explanation of this situation.
I don't want to watch their break up in the last episode, because it would gratify those who don't like E/C. Maybe I'm mean, but it's the last thing I'd like to give them, the satisfaction that they were right it won't last long:scream:.
So I truley hope that no matter what is going to happen in the finale in the end they'll be ok and even stronger then before.
Unfortunatelly it looks that we will have to wait all summer to explanation of this situation.