Question time!:hugegrin: (Dont sue me if it's been asked already)
Do you think the writers'll pull Jake out again in season 8? Or is he one of those old characters that just fade away? BUT if they do, how'd you want him to appear?
Yes, I do think they'll bring him back, for at least one episode. I say this because I think there is likely at least one writer that will not be able to resist the temptation to bring him back, and stir up that annoying triangle thing for one episode. IF they do bring him back, I just do not see Jake doing the dishonorable thing of trying to win Calleigh back if he knows she's with Eric. There won't be any fight between him and Eric for Calleigh's affections. I never much cared for him, he did some things I didn't care for (like when he lied to her about the alcohol consumption in SYG), but I don't think he was a complete jacka**. If he knows Calleigh is with Eric, he'll leave her alone - or at least ask her if she's happy. She'd tell him "yes", and that will be that.
I do see him coming back from his undercover gig and hoping that Calleigh hasn't found anyone else in his absence (they broke up when Calleigh said she wouldn't wait, so its not like he can assume he can come back and pick things up where they left off). If Eric and Calleigh are still together at that point (and they better!), of course I'd expect Eric to be somewhat jealous and afraid - depending on where he and Calleigh are in their relationship. If their relationship is more cemented, if they've uttered the "I love you" to each other, I would hope the deep bond and trust they have would shine through and Eric would NOT be afraid or jealous.
Now, my little shipper heart would love it if Calleigh were pregnant (I know, it's not going to happen), sitting at an evidence table poring over some work when Jake comes in. He says "Hi" to her in that charming manner he has, she stands up and moves out from behind the table and he sees she's pregnant. His jaw drops to the floor and after he picks it back up he looks at her, head tilted to the side, and murmurs one word... "Eric?".

Of course she'd confirm "yes, Eric", he would see she's very happy, tell her he wishes only the best for her, and leaves.
Just a quick question : Do you think we'll see one more kiss between them 'til the end of this season ?
Unfortunately no, but I sure would like it if we did get one. I maintain that if they are going to break up Eric & Calleigh at any time this season or next, they at least owe us an "Eric and Calleigh in bed" scene. After 7 years of loyal shipping, they (TPTB) would owe it to us.
But, I will say that I don't think they will break Eric & Calleigh up any time soon - they don't build this up for as long as they have and then bust it up a short time later. They'll have their bumps in the road, but I would not expect a real break up until some time much later. I hope.