I would LOVE to see Adam babysit! He would be awesome! More importantly, how would his nervous personality affect it?
(phone call to Mac) "Uh, Mac, I have a situation. She, uh, well, she has a, uh, um, smelly diaper. Man it stinks. Kinda like that time I went through the toilets on the airplane. Did you ever dig through sewage, Mac?"
(Mac) "Adam, get to the point."
(Adam) "Right, oh, yeah. Well, see, she pooped. Do you know what to do?"
(Mac) "Just change her diaper and clean her up. She'll be fine. Now, get back to babysitting."
(Adam) "Right. Yes. Thanks, Boss."
Sorry. I just had to do that.

I think he would be great, but I think he would be nervous about it, too. He's just adorkable!