A lot of times with this show (and a lot of other shows, for that matter), when a character is central to a story, it revolves around them more than it actually features them. When Hawkes was framed by Shane Casey, we barely saw him - and it ended up being about Danny in the end. When Flack got blown up in "Charge of This Post", he was unconscious for most of the episode and it ended up being about Mac. "Green Piece" started out with Adam and showed him playing the hero, but then he disappeared for half of the episode. Etc.
So it's not so much that I want a Flack-centric finale/cliffhanger - I want a finale/cliffhanger that
features him prominently and gives him some meaty stuff to work with.

I'm confident that we'll get some good stuff (because we all know Eddie can work with whatever they give him), but I just hope Mac's drama with Dunbrook doesn't completely overshadow Flack in this one. I think there's room for both - but I anticipate having to look for the small stuff when it comes to Flack because I expect it to be more about the little moments than the big scenes. I mean, this is Flack - he's probably going to throw himself into the investigation and try to keep himself together. I'm looking forward to the subtle stuff with this one.