Lab Technician
I love that Calleigh is more emotional now. It's so great to watch her when something really gets to her. I feel like now I know her a little bit more. Man Down definitely counts. Not only beacuse she had worry and pain written all over her face when she sat next to him, but her expression when he woke up and said her name was priceless. I also loved the emotion she showed when she realized that he didn't remember Marisol was dead.
I don't think that this has to be on spoiler tags but just in case for anyone who hasn't watched last night's episode of CSI:LV...
Last night Vegas did an episode based on sci-fi in which Hodges realized or confirmed he has feelings for Wendy. Anyway, bear with me I have a point pertaining to EC. The thing is that during the episode Hodges had several moments (three or four) where he fantasized (yes daydreamed, sound familiar????) about him and Wendy. Not only did he fantasized while on the job, and several times, but these were pretty long sequences, and he set himself on fire in the lab. So I'm thinking, will everyone who freaked out when Eric had his 15 sec of daydream will also freak out with Hodges or will they find it entertaining and funny? Just a little rant I wanted to let out.
The difference between "she's-way-too-perky-and-wears-halter-tops" Calleigh and "she-wears-black-constantly-and-cracks-a-genuine-smile-rarely" Calleigh had me worried for a while, but Eric is bringing the former Calleigh back bit by bit. He apparently hasn't inspired her to branch out in the pastels department (she's still wearing black EVERY EPISODE!!) but he does make her smile. Eric makes her smile and she makes Eric smile. They're happy together. "It's a good thing." By the way, I despise Martha Stuart.
Oh, and I mentioned the fantasies in the episode thread on the CSI:LV board:
My question is - will anyone tear Hodges and Wendy apart for fantasizing on the job? On CSI Miami, Eric had a 15 second daydream in the beginning of a recent episode and people were furious. "He allowed himself to be distracted on the job, he's losing his focus, this relationship is making him a bad CSI, he could miss something", etc etc etc.
Hodges SET HIMSELF ON FIRE. So... is anyone outraged?
No one responded. *shrug*