So, now you think that we don't have enough E/C scenes?
And as you say about E/C fans, I can say that I also consider that not enough of them, so I would like to see more detailed scenes about they have together.
I'm saying that for E/C fans there are lots of moments but they're not good enough for a canon couple.
So you can't even imagine how it is difficult for us non E/C shipper to get through them. I mean they're too many but without a precise scope, they absolutely don't reach their goal & yeah for non E/C fans this is " a little bit" painful
Speaking as a representative of the E/C clan, for some of us, the romantic scenes they've shown are enough, and sometimes even too much. As much as I adore the couple, I definitely thought the daydream scene in "Flight Risk" belonged in the deleted scenes section of the eventual Season 7 DVD. I'd also like to see Calleigh and Eric pair up with other people at work more often. I love seeing them work together, but I don't watch the show just for them. I liked Calleigh and Ryan's friendship (which may or may not still be there), and would've loved to see Calleigh and Natalia get closer as well. It's really not helping the show or the team dynamic to have the same two people working together constantly and sharing the most amount of scenes, second only to Horatio.
That's exactly my biggest qualm against this couple. They're too much concentrated on it (IMHO, they're also writing it in pretty bad way

) that they sometimes lose the original concept of the show, not to mention that the famous team spirit, which featured CSI:Miami, got completely lost throughout these last 2 years.
As you said, Ryan & Calleigh have a nice friendship & it is painful to watch these 2 sharing few scenes some of which are quite bad & can ruin their friendship as they did in "Wolfe in Sheep's Clothing".
Also Calleigh & Natalia are good friends. I mean let's remember that Calleigh was the only one to help Natalia against Ryan in "Rio". By that time Ryan almost wanted Natalia dead b/c he didn't accept she was working as CSI after the whole mole stuff. She was the only one to have faith in this girl & try to help her when she made a mistake. While Ryan wanted to kill her b/c it, Calleigh remained as calm as possible & she told her how to behave in the future in such a sweet way that I think she cared of Natalia.
They also had some great scenes in s6 (eg. the bow & arrow scene when Calleigh blathered like a mad some explanations on how to measure an arm extention or something like this & Natalia almost having a heart attack when she tried the bow & Calleigh stopped her as if it were a bomb :lol

, that yeah when I see an episode like "Smoke gets in Your CSIs" with Calleigh in a coma & nobody being there or just asking whether she's ok or not, I feel lost :wtf:
I mean Calleigh helped Natalia & it's pretty evident that Natalia is a good friend of her & they share some women moments, how is it possible that Natalia didn't ask anything????
IDK they could have done somthing like this when she was interrogating the suspect (the same one Calleigh had her crisis with):
S(suspect): oh look at you. Are you that crazy cop's substitute? :lol:
N(ready to kill him off): the crazy cop is now in a coma!!!! Idiot! :scream:
It's not that much & I know most of us would have imagined Natalia & Ryan being concerned about her!!! Gosh they're her co-workers.
How would you react, if you best co-worker & yeah your friend ended up in a coma?
The bad thing, IMHO, is that they were too concentrated on showing Eric & his feelings for her, to think about this elementary thing :shifty:
I do understand where you're coming from, though. For a while, I debated whether or not I wanted to stop watching Grey's Anatomy because in EVERY EPISODE they had a dead fiance come back as a ghost to share scenes with the character I dislike the most on the show. It was so immature and painful to watch. For the sake of everyone, I do hope that E/C does not become a big setback for the Miami.
See? That's what I think is happening also on CSI:Miami. They don't see ghostes (well Delko once did :lol

, but they are always concentrated on their feelings or on them working together kinda ingoring the others.
I also know what youre talking about b/c I'm just in the middle of that storyline on Grey's Anatomy (unfortunately, here in Italy it hasn't ended yet

) & trust me I'm already tired of it just b/c it's completely against any possible realistic storyline. Not to mention that the only interesting storyline that character had on the show was....yeah this one :brickwall:
As for E/C, they do look like a team against the rest of the lab & they also look like a separate storyline from the others on CSI:Miami.
On one hand, you have the sunny Miami with murders, dramas & a lab lead by H investigating on murders. On the other hand, we have Delko daydreaming on they possible honey moon while working on a crime scene ( I think there's no need to express how I felt disgusted watching it

) or Calleigh preparing Delko's shower or them enjoyin their morning while one of their collegues is literally spitting blood from his mouth.
And that's the only interesting storyline they have had in these last 2 season (I don't want to consider Delko's father b/c otherwise I should start writing the "Divine Comedy" on it :lol

Florry, I really like what you have to say. While we may disagree on some issues, you always present your case in a calm, respectful manner, which is something I try to do but am not sure I always succeed in.
All I can do is :alienblush:. Thank you so much for the nice words

And I really apppreciate your effort to have a good & healthy debate on a really interesting topic

. As much we respect eachother it is always good to talk about our fav. show & something we may don't like of it even if we don't agree on some things

Please, let's go on like this :thumbsup: