CSI Level Three
Yeah unfortunately I had to watch it. But I had to laugh just at the way they wrote Calleigh's surname :guffaw: which was completely wrong.The show as a whole seems to share that same myopic vision this season. Anyone catch the video @ ET online? Presumably it's about tonight's episode, yet it comes off more as just another chance to promote the EC romance. Tonight is not supposedly an EC themed episode, but surely we can't have the viewers forgetting the season's biggest story, can we? Once again, AR & EP are the only cast members interviewed, and naturally the romance gets talked about again. And people wonder why some of us are sick of it? How about a little focus on something (or someone) else for a change? I don't think this romance is ever going to fade into the background.
Anway I'm just glad they're not interviewing anyone else about this thing. I think I couldn't have coped with another disgusted face of Eva as the one she made when they asked her about E/C :lol:
Please, let's not put all the blame on Emily Procter & let's not defend Adam Rodriguez. He's the first one who wanted this ship with every fiber of his being, he's the one who bagan promoting even before s6 & he's the one who has always been talking about how beautiful this couple is.I did notice, however, that Rodriguez has a much more realistic approach to the E/C ship in that he knows they'll have fun and then it will all go to hell and hopefully they'll at least salvage the friendship and they'll have fun along the way.
Procter is still trying to recruit people support this relationship angle by telling people to write in requesting what she wants to happen in the relationship. Yes, I know she's kidding and trying to be cute, but she does this a lot which leads me to believe she is trying to "keep those cards and letters coming!" so that this storyline that she's campaigned for so long to happen, doesn't get dropped.
Surely Emily Procter, as an actress is enjoying, this moment. She has always wanted a fictional guy for her character & it would be pretty stupid from her not enjoying it right when TPTB gave you what you have alwas wanted.
Adam Rodriguez has never asked a fictional girl for his character, but ha always wanted his character a little bit closer to Calleigh's one. Since s5 every interview with Adam about the show...actually was about the E/C romance & he has always spoken so higlhly of it.
I'll give you just an example. Do you remembr the ET interview about the love triangle at the beginning of s6? i mean this
Watch it & you may understand what I'm trying to say. He's always so serious when it's time to talk about Calleigh & Delko. On the other hand, Emily Procter is always trying to be funny & cute also talking about other people like in this case Johnny Whitworth & his character Jake.
Emily Procter is always kidding about it while Adam is always so serious about it as if it were the story of his life.
I'm not trying to defend Ms. Prtocer. All I'm trying to say is that we shouldn't put all the blame on Emily Procter b/c she's not the only one promoting it. She's just part of the promotion project as she's an actress involved in this storyline. They're doing the same exact thing with Adam Rodriguez, so as we blame her we should blame him as well
But, at the same time, I think we shouldn't blame them b/c they're just actors & they're part of this business. The ones to blame for these are just TPTB & not them
But we all know they're not that interesting for TPTB. They just wrote this storyilne, but their main focus is another oneTonight, besides the plastic surgery story, is partially focused on Horatio, Julia and Ron. Wouldn't Caruso, Coates and Berkley have been the better choice?
Trust me, she's kidding!Unfortunately,I don't think she's kidding.