Mac <3 Stella #15 - 'Cause She's The Yin To His Yang.

Mac <3 Stella #15 -

  • 'Cause No-one Can Stand In Their Way.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 'Cause It's Time.

    Votes: 1 4.3%
  • 'Cause She's The Yin To His Yang.

    Votes: 16 69.6%
  • 'Cause New York Wouldn't Be The Same Without Them.

    Votes: 1 4.3%
  • 'Cause You Can't Ignore The Signs.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The Universal Ship.

    Votes: 1 4.3%
  • 'Cause It's Her Destiny To Meet Someone Good.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • This Is How The Show Ends.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 'Cause No Fireman Can Extinguish Their Burning Love!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 'Cause You Can't Fake Chemistry Like That!

    Votes: 4 17.4%

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Thank you for the pics! :)

Remember the last few minutes of S1.02 'Creature of the Night'? Stella was observing some evidence under the microscope when Mac entered the lab. She turned to see him, their gazes locked and they smiled to each other. There was no words. Stella knew right away Mac's there for her. :adore: I can imagine those scenes will repeat in Greece. I'll be fainted if they actually say the words like you've designed in the pics.:lol:
Ok, instead of Mac and Stella consoling each other, I thought of other possibilities (and it's smacked probability):
1 - Stella consoling Flack: very likely to happen since she's befriended with both of them and she's already been there for Flack before, and Flack for her. Might have subliminar smacked moments, as if Flack says something like "Do you know how it feels to lose someone you love? You ever felt that of thought of that?
2- Mac consoling Flack: the same situation as above, exept Mac alreadu lost Claire in a traggic manner, so he would have a lot to say to Flack. I guess this is the most likely scene to happen. Low potential of smacked, unless Mac says something like "You learn how to live with it, in time, and you leran how to fall in love again (Stella, cough cough "P."), but you never forget. The wound is always there."
3- Mac and Stella Consoling Flack: not sure. way too much people crying togheter.
4- Stella and Mac: my favorite scenario as I'd like to use any excuse to make up a smacked moment. But being realistic, I guess it's more of a Flack moment than a smacked moment.
5- The team hanging out togheter in a pub having a toast in the memory of Angell: ok, this has been done before, and the team doesen't really hang out togheter that much. So, besides the total lack of scmackedness of this alternative, it would be pretty cliche and OOC.
Hey SMACked family!~ Cool to know we are the largest Mac/Stella community :adore:

Debbie! I love the pics! They ROCK!!! And I love your avvy :adore:

Well, I am extremely sad that Angell will be the one dying :(:( I really liked her character and the actress. I hope for some SMACkedness but I'm sure there will be more FLANnEL than anything. But hopefully the episode before will bring some SMACk. Still hoping for a kiss. :thumbsup:

I am extremely happy with the way things have been going this season. Well at least the past little bit.

Bye for now,

I feel Smacked Family is very happy lately as never until now :D

How do you explain to anyone that you went halfway across the world for them? It's love, its gotta be.
yes, it is :D And certainly i don't know how he will explain her why he is there beyond the classic "You ran away, and i was worried sick because you are my best friend.." yadda,yadda,yadda or perhaps words are not longer necessary. For that reason i am dying to know what "bonding moments" mean at the end:drool:
I really want to see Mac comfort Stella after Angell's death. I can see him letting her cry on his shoulder. He looks at her lovingly and tells her that there was nothing that they could have done and to not blame herself. I don't know why I keep thinking that Stella is gonna blame herself for what happens to Angell.
as Stella's fan i expect a very heartbreaking scene where Stella could cry all she didn't so far. Melina is great in that type of scenes. Also It makes me wonder if they start a relationship in Greece and finally they become canon Angell's death could affect Stella until the point of breaking her newly relationship with Mac. We need to remember there is a lot of action in the episode and it will be as intense as the second part of the cliffhanger in Season 6. She would decide not going further because she would scare to death of losing Mac. Or it could happen all the contrary and she decides to start their relationship because of that same reason: she doesn't want to deny herself her own love for him anymore:drool:

Remember the last few minutes of S1.02 'Creature of the Night'? Stella was observing some evidence under the microscope when Mac entered the lab. She turned to see him, their gazes locked and they smiled to each other. There was no words. Stella knew right away Mac's there for her. I can imagine those scenes will repeat in Greece. I'll be fainted if they actually say the words like you've designed in the pics.
AHHHHHHHHHHHHH so perfect Season 1 and that episode in particular!!!!!!!!:drool: It would have been better if they would have kept the original idea for that episode: the girl dies and that's why Stella was taking the shower.
And yes, in those times, there wasn't any doubt her feelings or even his feelings. He was locked for 3 years inside his pain and Stella was the only human being in this world capable of communicating with him. I think if she fell in love with him before Claire died, then taking care of him would make her love deeper. They were so close then as they are now, which is anothe reason to be please on this last part of the season. Also i think it created some type of dependence between them because she could't help but protecting him (even from himself) and he couldn't but bend over her and gain strengh from her when he needed:adore:

2- Mac consoling Flack: the same situation as above, exept Mac alreadu lost Claire in a traggic manner, so he would have a lot to say to Flack. I guess this is the most likely scene to happen. Low potential of smacked, unless Mac says something like "You learn how to live with it, in time, and you leran how to fall in love again (Stella, cough cough "P."), but you never forget. The wound is always there."
i do feel it's very plausible this scene. Mac is the most indicated to talk about the traggic experience of losing someone he loves and Flack is his closest friend as far we know. Also it could happen #3: Flack talking to both of them and they exchange looks if Flack says that. I don't think it could happen #1 because Flannel shippers would be very upset to have Flack even talking to Stella (despite of they know they are like brother and sister)
4- Stella and Mac: my favorite scenario as I'd like to use any excuse to make up a smacked moment. But being realistic, I guess it's more of a Flack moment than a smacked moment.
Stella will need comfort. That would be our Smacked moment but you are right: it's more a Flack moment than a Smacked moment. regarding #5 instead of a toast offered to her memory, why not showing a ceremony with all of them in blue uniforms? it would be perfect to watch something like that exactly as in Officer Blue. I mean, if a member of our team is being sacrifaced so let's make a big hommage

Debbie! I love the pics! They ROCK!!! And I love your avvy
Thank you. It's my turn to say i love yours and it would be an honor if someday you make one for me:thumbsup:. Mine it's too fluffly but i need my dose of melodramma too:lol:

I am extremely happy with the way things have been going this season. Well at least the past little bit.

Me too. I didn't watch 5.10 yet (tonight has been aired 5.09) but i think there was a substancial change since 5.10. We recovered the old closeness , the sparks, they are not written OOC anymore. They are togteher all the time. They have catfights, they have nice scenes togetehr. We again have the " They are living together" feeling. They have dates:drool:. JUST PERFECT! and SEASON SIX will be better:drool:but wait!
we still have 6 episodes left from Season 6. And four of them will be heavy focus on Mac and Stella
so we need to be patient and tie everyone we know in front of the tv forcing them to watch these last episode. In special 5.24. That episode need to ROCK THE UNIVERSE:drool::drool::drool::drool::drool::drool::drool::drool::drool:

I mentioned 5.09 has been aired tonight by AXN. I better give my opinion on "generalities":wtf: because for several weeks i have said i wasn't going to watch this eppy. However i did.
Love Sheldon and Sid working outside the lab. Actually i do love Sheldon with Stella but with Sid he works too
Love those tiny Smacked scenes, when Stella almost was crying in front of that poorl girl's parents. She couldn't stand it and she got up and inmediately Mac got up and followed her:thumbsup:
Love "informal Flack" (he might be hot even in pyjamas:lol:)
Love Stella's white blouse:lol:. regarding this: several of us think they are living together, aren't we? well, we think thanks to Stella he is showing much more his sweeter side as we are watching nowadays:drool: but also i think Stella living together with him is affecting her wardrobe. She 's been too conservative with her clothes this year. Actually now she seems reverend Mother Stella:guffaw: (but she is gorgeous anyway)

Love Stella and the baby. I could have died of love especially when Mac inmediately went to her side and i saw "blur Mac". Pity they didn't show the whole pic of Stella, Mac and the bay together:wtf:

But the best scene so far (besides that one inside the interrogation room with Mac and Stella) was Mac explaining to that perp the First Law of Thermodynamia:guffaw::guffaw::guffaw: :guffaw::guffaw::guffaw: :guffaw::guffaw:. Mac made my whole week with that scene:guffaw: And it made me to remember i need to study Physics for tomorrow. First Law of Thermodynamia included:eek:

A pic dedicated to all of you suggested by one of our Asian Suns

Thanks for the pic! You're quick. :lol: Back then, we got this little smile and gaze exchanged. There's something more in the smiles in S5. Especially with Stella's 'so in love' one in 5.16. You're right. They do love deeper as time goes by. :adore:
I've posted less than 3 lines again. :lol: 5.09, Stella 's always sympathetic over innocent victims. She was really sad when they found the victim's baby was removed after her death. Love the scene with Mac and Stella in the interrogation room. Mac knew she was upset. It's too bad we didn't know how he comforted her. Hope he did more than put a hand on her back like in 'And Here to you Mrs. Azrael'.
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S1 had some really cute moments. I still squeal everytime I see that impromptu kiss of theirs in ... that episode I can't remember the name of lol. Where she starts ranting about the orphan boy and how he didn't do it and Flack being an idiot :lol: You know the one I mean?

I also LOVE summer in the city, at the start of s2. Mac and Stella have this absolutely adorable flirting scene where you can see how close they are. They're walking along the corridor and he's talking about the mosquito-topsy he did. And he said something like "she had the victim's blood in her" and Stella's like "she?" and he goes "only the female of the species bites" and Stell had this big grin and she goes "good for her" and then they walk into Stell's new office and then she gets really close to him and is grinning and asking about Hawkes and stuff.
And also, at the start there's a funny moment between Stella, Hawkes, Mac and Flack. It's just ... funny lol.

Vanessa! *hug* welcome to the family! I'm Jenn :)

Vave - those pictures are amazing! I know what you mean about being your own worst critic (I'm the same with my performances) but I'm sure you were great :)

Everybody, tomorrow I am leaving to go on holiday to Europe for a month. Well, just under. I'll be back on the 28th of April so I won't be able to post between now and then. Is there anybody who's able to email me and let me know what happens smacked-wise in the next couple of eps? I MIGHT get a chance to check emails while I'm over there but I won't be able to come and post here. Please PM me if you're happy to do that. I'm gonna miss you all! Take care of yourselves okay? xxx
kikii, I second that! The Maldives or any paradise island, Stella in bikini, Mac massively drooling over her... *is having dirty thoughts* Or also, a cabin in the mountains with no houses nearby, just trees, a lake... They souldn't worry about temperatures dropping *dirty thoughts again*

Steph, they love it, indeed! And I like getting teased, but only for so long. After that, I get mad and start planning my counterattack. It is a shame that TPTB don't give us some Smacked at once. Geez, maybe they fear they'll ruin this one too.

karu, don't you say that! Stella torturing Mac... now I am in dirty mind full mode!

Deb, I know you keep telling me to be optimistic, but for now I have nothing to hold on to. If nothing happened, it wouldn't be the first time I see something like this. It's not like we've been promised anything, you know.
I get your point when you and the rest of optimistic girls say you don't go to hell and back unless you do love someone more than your own life. However, providing an extremely lame explanation to avoid Smacked is just so easy.
Anyhow, I'd love to see Mac stutter while trying to explain Stella his reasons, not finding the words and when he finally seems to have found them, Stella won't let him talk... because she'll make his mouth busy doing something else ;)
Mac will loosen up in S7? Maybe because he's got some toddlers to play with?

By the way, you reminded me of a couple of Revólver songs... I'll go translate them after this post. And I love your pics! I wish they said those bubbles aloud. Everyone knows they are in love, why are the both of them and TPTB the only ones who can't see it? For goodness' sake, take the damned blindfold off!

tex & Rach, I wanna see that too.
I'll go for Mac & Stella consoling each other and then, when they feel strong enough, they can reach out for Flack, although I don't know if Flack will let them. He may push them away. Some people prefer to be left alone with their sorrow. In any case, this is gonna hurt Mac and Stella, especially Stella. However, I don't see Stella breaking up the incipient Smacked relationship out of fear of losing Mac. Quite on the contrary, she'd hold on to him and never let him go. Actually, I was quite surprised (and disappointed, meh!) when they didn't learn their lesson in "Veritas"... Time is precious, people!

Axel, I think things are heading on a good direction. Everything looks so good I hope it doesn't get ruined or stalled again. Hot, passionate sex can wait, at least on screen, irrefutable evidence that they are together can't.

Deb (part 2). I was thinking reverend mother Stella may have something to do with Mac, but I don't see him that jealous. It's more of a TPTB thing...

Jenn, I remember that episode. It's "Til Death Do We Part" and it was great. Even if it took place back in S1, you could definitely see a change in Mac. He was so different from the Mac of the first episodes. All thanks to Stella.

Have fun in Europe!
Hey ya'll:) sorry for not beeing in here for a little while, school have been keeping me busy enough:rolleyes:
originally posted by Shell_kikii
Shall we spare the spoiler tags if we just wish a holiday for Mac and Stella? :) How about Maldives? They could have such a relax and intimate time enjoying sunshine and beach, and the company of each other. :adore: All Stella would need is some colorful, sexy bikini. :devil:
why do i have the feeling that Mac wouldn't be able to keep his eyes of her?:devil::lol: and Stella couldn't keep her's of him:devil: and water and :devil: *goes down in the gutter*
I also LOVE summer in the city, at the start of s2. Mac and Stella have this absolutely adorable flirting scene where you can see how close they are. They're walking along the corridor and he's talking about the mosquito-topsy he did. And he said something like "she had the victim's blood in her" and Stella's like "she?" and he goes "only the female of the species bites" and Stell had this big grin and she goes "good for her" and then they walk into Stell's new office and then she gets really close to him and is grinning and asking about Hawkes and stuff.
And also, at the start there's a funny moment between Stella, Hawkes, Mac and Flack. It's just ... funny lol.
I also love Summer in the city:D it was a fun scene when they were walking in the hallway:lol: when Stella said ''good for her'', was she flirting?:D i just loved that scene:D and eppy:)
Mac will loosen up in S7? Maybe because he's got some toddlers to play with?
Pleni, if i remember right Gary said that Mac would loosen up in season 8 sometime:) im looking forward to se the reason why:D
I have finally found myself in this thread and I can't quite believe it. I have spent an awful lot of time avoiding this thread and yet here I am. I haven't read all of it I will be honest with you, so please forgive me.

:) Yet here you are on Mac & Stella #15, and surely that is a big sign! I totally agree that Mac and Stella have a serious and wonderful 'connection' and yet there has been a huge part of me that has said let's keep it friendship based. It's so true that they both know each other so well and let's face it over the last 4 seasons, both have been through some very heavy and emotional moments, so it's not surprising.

That said, and here is my point, (at last!), it seems to me that whoever TPTB try to romantically link with Mac or Stella, seems to pale into insignificance, and indeed seems to have been brought in purely for a good or not so good storyline. Nothing ever seems to come of their individual encounters, and yet seems to bring these two closer together all the time. Am I making sense?

Am I a part of the smacked family? I still am not 100% sure, but this smacked thread has certainly given me food for thought. Thank you for letting me indulge. :)

No offence meant to anyone! Just my point of view, hope this is ok ;)

Should say that the pics are wonderful thank you all :)
Welcome Vanessa, it's always really nice to have new members, thanks for all your sweet words about us, you seem like a total sweetie. *Hugs you.* :D Well, just a little advanced warning, we're all a little crazy in here. ;) Especially when it comes to Mac and Stella, we can get very passionate about our couple. :lol: Sorry, I seem to have forgotten my manners, and not introduced myself. I'm Steph. :D When you get a chance could you check out the shipper central rules please? You can find them here.

Many thanks,

Thanks you so much Steph and thanks to all of you!! :D (woooh, it's hard to keep up with you guys!! :lol: ) I already like it here and don't worry, I'm a little crazy myself when it comes to Mac and Stella :lol: unfortunately I can hardly talk to anyone about my obsession, so I think I found the right place here with you girls :D
Btw, I was just checking out the rules, thanks for reminding me to do so :)

Omg, those pics you posted Debbie, I seriously thought that was Stella with Mac when I was first looking at it!!!:eek: then I was like wait, WHEN did this happen, how could've MISSED that??? :wtf: :lol:

I agree on "Summer in the city" and I love those scenes, too :D
Do you guys know this pic? I just love it :adore:


I'd love to see Mac losen up a bit ;) Though I hope it won't take him till season 8 :lol: I'd say it's about time for Stella to do something about that... if you know what I'm talking about :hugegrin: :drool:
I gotta go but I'll be back! :D
Hi guys!

Ghawazee, thanks for the Due South pics (they do look like Mac and Stella) and the 'thought bubble' pics.

Mac and Stella on holiday anywhere would be great, but I agree they need somewhere beautiful and private with no dead bodies. Hot or cold weather would be great - if it was hot, Stella would be wearing a bikini, and Mac just shorts with no t-shirt, and they would put suntan lotion on each other....:devil: If it was cold weather, they could snuggle up together in front of a big fire, keep each other warm....:devil:

I would like to see Mac comfort Flack, because I like Mac and Flack's friendship, but I also want to see Danny reaching out to Flack, while he's doing that, Mac would be comforting Stella. I think Flack and Stella will be hurt the most by Angell's death, and I'd love to see Mac talk to Flack about what it's like to lose someone you love. Maybe take him for a beer or something.
Stella will be devastated, and I think Mac will be the one she shows her emotions too, because she would want to be 'strong' for Don. Also, I think she will let her guard down in front of Mac because of the renewed closeness that happens in 5.24 (even if we don't get anything romantic, I hoping to see even more of their s1 type relationship, that old closeness). I also think Stella and Mac will be totally united in their determination to get the creeps who shoot Angell.
Hi guys:)
New here... All I gotta say is...
Love this thread
Oh dear I have found my home..TeeHee:devil:
Welcome, jwells2472 its great here! :)

Omg, those pics you posted Debbie, I seriously thought that was Stella with Mac when I was first looking at it!!!:eek: then I was like wait, WHEN did this happen, how could've MISSED that??? :wtf: :lol:

I thought the same, i was thinking "oh my god when did that happen, and why didn't i know about this?" :lol: but then i realised it wasn't them...if they ever had a scene like that together i would be very happy indeed :)

Vanessa, thanks so much for posting that picture, i love it :adore:
Debbie, thanks for those thought bubble pictures, sooo cute :)

Im rather looking forward to Mac loosing up a little, and whats going to happen in Greece, ahhh theres so much to look forward to :)

Hope you all have a good weekend :thumbsup:
:drool:A girl can dream.

Stella yells at Mac ("I'm a big girl, I can take care of myself")
Mac says sorry ("I was just worried about you")
Stella forgives him ("It's okay, I know")
Mac grins his "Mac" grin...Yada Yada Yada

They solve case right off the bat.
Mac :"Oh wait...Stella, I still have 3 days vacation left...hmmm what should we do?"
Stella :"Well we could shop, hug, sight-see, smooch, eat some great food"....mind drifts into gutter...:devil:
Awww Vanessa sweetie, you're a doll, thanks for checking out the rules. :D I hope you feel at home with us here. :adore: I love the pic you posted, it's so cute. :adore: I just love the way she's standing looking at him, they look to be in deep conversation, I love little scenes like that one between them, they always have an amazing connection. :D

Sophia's_Folly, first off welcome to the Smacked thread. :D I'm Steph, it's always nice to have some new members to the family. :D I totally agree with what you said, it seems that any love intrests that Mac and Stella have fade away quite quickly, and also like you said, it always seem to bring the 2 of them closer, I doubt that it's something that TPTB do intentionally, but it does seem to happen quite often, we've seen it happen for both of them this season... Mac had potential love intrests in both Gillian and Ella, and Stella with Brandon, but they've all faded away, and as the season draws towards a close, Mac and Stella seem to be getting closer and closer, their friendship is returning to how it was before...

Jwells, welcome to the Smacked thread also, I hope you'll have fun in here, just to warn all our newbies, we can be a little bit crazy in here, but I hope you'll join in with the craziness of it all. ;) Oh, and when you get a chance, you wouldn't mind checking out the shipper central rules would you? You can find them here.

Many thanks,
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