Oh. My. Gosh. I just got done wrestling a 16 pound wiggle worm of a very unhappy cat in the sink! Miss Ellie is a long haired dilute calico and she's the prettiest thing ever, but she does have a problem with the litter box! :wtf:
Without going into too many gory details, I was trying to wash her back end, or po po as we like to call it. Good lord! I feel like I've just had a workout at the gym! And I'm not entirely sure that I was successful in my endeavor. :shifty:[/quote
Yes Troy George let me know in his own way how unhappy he was with the state of the litterbox by going on the towels.:scream: Such a diva!
My sister's cat was spoiled in regards to the litter box too.
If it was even slightly dirty, and to him it was dirty if it hadn't been cleaned out in the last ten minutes, then he would refuse to use it. He would just sit himself down on the floor in front of it and meow loudly until you came and cleaned it out. If you did that, then he'd be as content with it as possible.
And they call
my cat the princess