Not sure if this has been posted anywhere, but Eric had a semi-interview thing in this weeks TV Week here in Australia, and it had the following:
Greg will be promoted to CSI Level 3 this
Well it does not surprise me, remember way back in season 1 when Nick was promoted to lv3, he only needed 100 caes to do it. Greg has been on way more than that so he could bypass lv 2
Yeayyyy Greg!
Yeah, and he did help on some cases before passing his profienciency, so maybe that counts toward that number too. Maybe Grissom felt bad for infecting him with mildew and is giving him extra credit. :lol: Or Greg could be (since he's a genius) able to skip a Level like he most likely skipped a grade in school. 
I read somewhere that Eric does not like the sound of his own voice. Well that's just as normal as you can get, because most people feel that way about their own voice.
I am the same way. I can't stand the way my voice sounds on any kind of recording (speaking voice anyway). I sound like a kid.
I love the sound of his voice, I think its very sexy and sweet sounding.
Oh, I love his voice too.
I always get mistaken for my mom lol.
Haha. I get that too. Even from family members who should know the difference by now. :lol:
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