George/Nick:Texan Charm #8

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If this ghastly relationship with the 12 year old continues for Nick, I hope at least Catherine gets a dig at it.

"Hey Nick, make sure you get your girlfriend home early, it's a school night!"

And if I see George, I'd say, "Haven't the cops charged you yet! It's felony to be dating your daughter!"

Can I just say

I'm really not sure about this at all, but I guess they feel they have to follow this painfully well-trodden cliched path to keep the viewing figures up. Although I can't see how it'll appeal to the general CSI demographic to be honest.
Ok in fairness to some of us that don't do the spoilers can we please stop talking about the upcoming episode. I know some of you are upset about this supposed upcoming relationship for Nick, but we can't do anything. I don't want to upset anyone anymore but this is TV people. It's a fantasy world where anything can happen. I know it may not be to our liking but if it is really upsetting you take it up with CBS.
Okay folks while Jacquie, has voiced her opinion/request in thread there have been some who have decided to voice theirs via pm, regarding the talking of spoilers in a NON spoiler thread. If you wish to discuss the Episode you may do so in its thread, if it is in regards to next season and what you hear you may do so in the current lab or wait until the Season 9 lab is up (which is explained in the current lab).

We ask that you all respect those who are trying to remain spoiler free, its not easy for some. Thank you. :)
Well, according to my on screen guide thingy Just A Walk In The Park is not on at all today.......those liars getting my hopes up. :klingon:

I was really excited too....I had never seen it before. :(
Princess well I hope you do get to see Just a Walk in The Park. I will be throughly jealous though but we all need a bit of George to brighten our day :)
Princess don't lose all hope yet! My tvguide and television listings say its not on either, but soapnet website still does and I saw the preview too (just the preview was :drool:!). I'm crossing my fingers, thinking good thoughts, and sending out fervent prayers that they don't let us down.

Look at me getting all worked up over a movie! :)
Okay so my guide was wrong. I just turned the tv on and it's I have no idea how much I've missed.....oh well. Just enjoy the George.
Okay so my guide was wrong. I just turned the tv on and it's I have no idea how much I've missed.....oh well. Just enjoy the George.

Same here....even the TV Guide channel listing didn't show it as coming up, but it was on. Princess, I think it's supposed to be on again at 10:00 tonight, so maybe you can catch the whole thing then.

And thanks again for alerting us to it! There's no way we would have know it was on if you hadn't told us.
Well, I don't know if I'll be able to catch it again cause the tv in the living room is the only tv that gets SOAPnet and currently my dad is the one with the remote and he already watched it once. I don't think he's gonna want to see it again....romantic movies are not his thing.

I say we all need to find out who produced it and just flood their mailboxes with requests for it on dvd.
I set my DVR for 10pm on that channel though there's something else on. I'm going to go see if the movie comes on, never seen it. Got a few minutes till 10.
Well, I don't know if I'll be able to catch it again cause the tv in the living room is the only tv that gets SOAPnet and currently my dad is the one with the remote and he already watched it once. I don't think he's gonna want to see it again....romantic movies are not his thing.

I say we all need to find out who produced it and just flood their mailboxes with requests for it on dvd.

Princess your dad is good at going the distance for George :) As to who produced Just a Walk in the Park. It was done by The Family Channel which I believe is a division of Disney. Now all we need to do is George with his mouse ears :lol:
It's on, cool! It looks kind of cheesy but I'm not one for romantic movies. I'm DVRing it and will check it out later.

Same here. It's kind of cheesy. :) But it was fun to watch. And at least we got to see his legs a lot. New fetish, anyone?? :devil:

My favorite part was the paint on the jacket where he whines, "Well there oughtta be a siiiign!" :lol:
I check the soapnet on my dish statelite, it didn't show A Walk In The Park. I wondering it show on direct tv, dish and direct tv are two different statelite. I want to see it so bad, that the episode I haven't seen. I wondering if we could ask the producers to release on DVD, so we can order.
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