Police Officer
...I'm not sure if my thoughts on "Stakeout" are considered as spoilers but just in case...

Hmm, slightly disappointing all told. I’m not a fan of blatant recycling of storylines, such as Ziva David thinking Tony was going to pay her back for the joke with the binoculars. Some of it seemed like déjà vu, almost word for word. So that was irritating rather than entertaining for me.
Also, the tit-for-tat between Tony/McGee and Tony/David was bordering on irritating too for me, though for some unknown reason, McGee and Tony’s run-ins were more forgivable than Tony and Ziva’s, possibly because with McGee not standing for Tony’s pranks showed me just how far McGee has come along since we first saw him.
I did like the conversation between Gibbs and Abby during the stakeout where she was running through what she had got. The subtle way where Gibbs left the screen at the beginning of Abby’s diatribe to check out the van Ziva had spotted and then to return right at the moment when he needed to be there was great and made me chuckle.
...And then Abby and McGee’s chit-chat in the garage where McGee was explaining how he thought the feed to their cameras could have been interrupted was great too. Abby’s “Can I be Gibbs?” made me giggle. Also her spidey-sense when she thought Gibbs was right behind her didn’t let her down, only he stayed in the elevator. LOL! Nice and different.
As for the murder itself. It was completely uninteresting. It was nice that Tony got to show his worth as an investigator, but the bristly cop routine when they first meet is ooooooollllllllld to say the least. Ziva’s reaction to Tony getting on with the cop was irritating as well. Yes, us women can, at times, become jealous, but it’s not as though they are romantically involved. Someone really should give Ziva David the old spiel of “There’s plenty more fish in the sea” and get her to find her own beau... Sorry Tiva shippers – Hmm, thinking about it, I wonder if there are any shippers that I don’t feel the need to apologise to – chuckle.
In all honesty, I don’t mind Abby/McGee, Caitlyn/Tony, De Palmer/Lee or Gibbs/Mann, but the rest, I dunno maybe they’ll grow on me. Sorry...
The blood tests Ducky was doing was intriguing. I’m not entirely sure he was doing them for Jen Shephard though. I mean, why would Jen Shephard ask Ducky to run them for her anyway? Unless Ducky is under orders from the Agency to run them behind her back, but then how would he get a blood sample from her without her knowing? I have a feeling that maybe Ducky let Gibbs run with his suspicions, thereby he wouldn’t be lying to Gibbs. All in all though, what prompted Ducky to run the tests in the first place?
The most scariest thought I had was that the blood samples were Gibbs', because Ducky would stick his neck that far out for him, and he would also be that shook up about the results too. Eeeep!!!!!
But anyway, would Abby be able to determine if the samples were male or female? *shrug*
Aaaanyway, that aside, as for the episode as a whole, it was a little disappointing and a little irritating in places for me, but with a couple of bright sparks here and there.
Still, I’m not so disappointed that I’ll never watch it again, unlike how I feel about CSI Miami, s’just there were a couple of elements that were missing for me, almost like everyone was trying to get back into the groove of things again, and missed. Or maybe I was just projecting that?
Still, I can't wait for the remaining episodes of this season, if only to see just whose blood samples Ducky was checking, and hopefully be told why he was checking them out.
Also, the tit-for-tat between Tony/McGee and Tony/David was bordering on irritating too for me, though for some unknown reason, McGee and Tony’s run-ins were more forgivable than Tony and Ziva’s, possibly because with McGee not standing for Tony’s pranks showed me just how far McGee has come along since we first saw him.
I did like the conversation between Gibbs and Abby during the stakeout where she was running through what she had got. The subtle way where Gibbs left the screen at the beginning of Abby’s diatribe to check out the van Ziva had spotted and then to return right at the moment when he needed to be there was great and made me chuckle.
...And then Abby and McGee’s chit-chat in the garage where McGee was explaining how he thought the feed to their cameras could have been interrupted was great too. Abby’s “Can I be Gibbs?” made me giggle. Also her spidey-sense when she thought Gibbs was right behind her didn’t let her down, only he stayed in the elevator. LOL! Nice and different.
As for the murder itself. It was completely uninteresting. It was nice that Tony got to show his worth as an investigator, but the bristly cop routine when they first meet is ooooooollllllllld to say the least. Ziva’s reaction to Tony getting on with the cop was irritating as well. Yes, us women can, at times, become jealous, but it’s not as though they are romantically involved. Someone really should give Ziva David the old spiel of “There’s plenty more fish in the sea” and get her to find her own beau... Sorry Tiva shippers – Hmm, thinking about it, I wonder if there are any shippers that I don’t feel the need to apologise to – chuckle.
In all honesty, I don’t mind Abby/McGee, Caitlyn/Tony, De Palmer/Lee or Gibbs/Mann, but the rest, I dunno maybe they’ll grow on me. Sorry...
The blood tests Ducky was doing was intriguing. I’m not entirely sure he was doing them for Jen Shephard though. I mean, why would Jen Shephard ask Ducky to run them for her anyway? Unless Ducky is under orders from the Agency to run them behind her back, but then how would he get a blood sample from her without her knowing? I have a feeling that maybe Ducky let Gibbs run with his suspicions, thereby he wouldn’t be lying to Gibbs. All in all though, what prompted Ducky to run the tests in the first place?
The most scariest thought I had was that the blood samples were Gibbs', because Ducky would stick his neck that far out for him, and he would also be that shook up about the results too. Eeeep!!!!!
But anyway, would Abby be able to determine if the samples were male or female? *shrug*
Aaaanyway, that aside, as for the episode as a whole, it was a little disappointing and a little irritating in places for me, but with a couple of bright sparks here and there.
Still, I’m not so disappointed that I’ll never watch it again, unlike how I feel about CSI Miami, s’just there were a couple of elements that were missing for me, almost like everyone was trying to get back into the groove of things again, and missed. Or maybe I was just projecting that?
Still, I can't wait for the remaining episodes of this season, if only to see just whose blood samples Ducky was checking, and hopefully be told why he was checking them out.
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