The Naughty Picture Thread: Vegas Style! P2

Greg: What's that bird doing here?
Sara: That's Gris' favorite messenger parrot. Whenever the internet goes down in the rain forest, he sends Polly with a message.
Polly: Hi, Sara. Can't wait to be with you and to...
Sara: Pause it, Polly. Greg, get out of the room.

---=== OR ===---

Greg: Sara, have you tried that bowl of cereal yet?
Sara: I'm not going to try it. YOU try it.
Greg: I'm not going to try it either. HEY! Let's get Polly. She'll try anything.
Polly: That stuff has too much sugar and tastes like crap. Polly want a cracker.

---=== OR ===---

Jorja Fox: Hey, birdie. What are you doing here?
Polly: You know those CBS budget cuts? I'm the replacement for Fishburne.
Eric Szmanda: Jorja, you fire up the grill and I'll get the barbecue sauce.
Greg: What's that bird doing here?
Sara: That's Gris' favorite messenger parrot. Whenever the internet goes down in the rain forest, he sends Polly with a message.
Polly: Hi, Sara. Can't wait to be with you and to...
Sara: Pause it, Polly. Greg, get out of the room.

---=== OR ===---

Greg: Sara, have you tried that bowl of cereal yet?
Sara: I'm not going to try it. YOU try it.
Greg: I'm not going to try it either. HEY! Let's get Polly. She'll try anything.
Polly: That stuff has too much sugar and tastes like crap. Polly want a cracker.

---=== OR ===---

Jorja Fox: Hey, birdie. What are you doing here?
Polly: You know those CBS budget cuts? I'm the replacement for Fishburne.
Eric Szmanda: Jorja, you fire up the grill and I'll get the barbecue sauce.

OMG classic, the last one:lol::guffaw::guffaw: only you can think of these unique lines:bolian:


NICK:: "You got those vampire fangs at the the dollar store, for how much"?:eek:

RAY:: "$2 bucks, well actually $1.99. I got a 2nd pair for you if you want them";)

NICK:: "Cool, I can wear them to that Halloween party, and scare Ecklie":rommie:

RAY:: "There ya' go":cardie:

NICK:: "Thank's buddy":cool:

ECKLIE: "Good one Hodges, that was hilarious":rommie:

ARCHIE:: "It was got some more"?:confused:

HODGES:: [off camera] here's one "If the drinking don't kill me, the memory of you will"

ECKLIE:: "OMG, I love it, is that a country song"?:eek:

HODGES:: "Righto, and another one "I got ya' out of my heart, now if I could get you out of my apartment baby":lol:

ARCHIE:: "I love it, but I have to get back to work, thank's for sharing David":thumbsup:

ECKLIE:: For sure, we all need some laughter here, with all the gruesomness":(
Catherine: Three day shift CSIs walk into a bar...
Ecklie: Ha ha ha ha. That's a good one.
Archie: Yeah. Those kids aren't even old enough to drive.
Catherine: Okay, okay. Three day shift CSIs walk into a malt shop...

---=== OR ===---

Ecklie: So tell me, Greg. What danger did Nick get into tonight?
Archie: He gets injured more often than Tim "The Toolman" Taylor.
Ecklie: Even Geico won't let him save money.

---=== OR ===---

Sara: I was watching Law & Order last night, and they actually got the DNA results back after the commercial break.
Archie: I saw that. And the victim found the suspect's mug shot on the second page as usual.
Ecklie: Yes. And they always confess on the stand at the end. If only it was like that in real life.
The DNA after the commercial one:rommie:


ROBERT:: "Damn it's good to see you again, any plans on returning"?:wtf:

BILLY:: "Nah, I'm just here to check stuff out and for a meeting, & our plane flew this low:wtf: how are you"?:cool:

ROBERT:: "I'm good, your really missed guy, no chances of you returning at all":)

BILLY:: "You never know, nothing is ever is for certain in life "?:confused:

ROBERT:: "You still come out with the profound "quotes":vulcan:

BILLY:: "I try, you take care now, see ya' soon":thumbsup:
Grissom: The song keeps running through my head... Walk Like an Egyptian.

---=== OR ===---

Grissom: Give me five, Doc.
Doc: If I let go of my cane, I'll fall down.
Grissom: Oh yeah. I forgot. Been away too long.
Doc: I hear an opening is coming up.
Grissom: Not long enough.

---=== OR ===---

Grissom: And my dog Hank is now THIS tall.
Doc: What do you have? A dog or a rhino?
Grissom: The song keeps running through my head... Walk Like an Egyptian.

---=== OR ===---

Grissom: Give me five, Doc.
Doc: If I let go of my cane, I'll fall down.
Grissom: Oh yeah. I forgot. Been away too long.
Doc: I hear an opening is coming up.
Grissom: Not long enough.

---=== OR ===---

Grissom: And my dog Hank is now THIS tall.
Doc: What do you have? A dog or a rhino?



NICK:: "We need to walk in unison, so Ray, "walk this way":cardie:

RAY:: "I guess I'm not as coordinated as you are dude":(

REED:: "OK, guys I've got my gun ready, what are we talking about how we walk anyway"?:rolleyes:

NICK:: "Hey gal I'm just joshing, you try doing this for 11 years and see how you like having "no fun", keep it light I say":rommie:

RAY:: "Excatly":vulcan:

REED:: "Okie, dokie, whatever":shifty:
Ray: Reed, what's with the crossed leg walking?
Reed: I gotta pee.
Nick: You should've gone before we left the station house.
Ray: Nick, I told you not to buy her that Big Gulp.

---=== OR ===---

Nick: Reed, put away that gun.
Reed: NO. I want to catch that sneaky crook, one way or another.
Ray: This might be considered excessive use of force.
Reed: I don't care. He has done this before. He has got to be stopped.
Nick: Let Hodges go. I'll buy you another sandwich.
All so funny Dynamo1:bolian:


SARA:: Ah Ha, so I caught ya' red-handed, what's that your drinking in your locker"?:eek:

RAY:: "It's just a bottle of Kool-Aid, I swear Sara, want to taste it"?:p

SARA:: NO thank's I believe you, but you reek of boos, just a heads up, want a mint"?:alienblush:

RAY:: "Sure Sara, that's thoughtful, it's just that my wound is killing me and I, well I, oh never mind":rolleyes:

SARA:: "Hey been there done that, no explanations needed, I'll keep your secret Ray":)

RAY:: 'Your a real doll Sara, so what are you up to"?:cardie:

SARA:: Just locking up and going home, be safe Ray and I'll see ya' tomorrow":angel:
SARA: Wow Dr Langston, what do we have in here?

RAY: Nothing that you'd find interesting.

SARA: How about the largest collection of porn I've ever laid eyes on?

RAY: WHAT?! I'm gonna kill Greg!
Funny Crumbs:evil:


SARA:: "Who's that singing in the other room"?:confused:

BRASS:: Is that you Hodges"?:cool:

SARA:: NO, he's back at the lab, is that you Super Dave"?:vulcan:

BRASS:: "Dave doesn't sing at crime scenes":shifty:

SARA:: "OMG, I think it's that parrot":cardie:

BRASS:: "Really, he's pretty damn good, let me write that down, and lets go check for sure":eek:

SARA:: "OK, I think it is or it's the cat":rommie:

Brass: Pardon me, ma'am... My pen ran out of ink. Would you happen to have a pen I could borrow?
Woman (off camera): Yes, on the end table behind you.
Brass: Us, thank you, ma'am....... Oh just one more thing...
Woman: Yes, Captain?
Brass: Your shoes are very pretty. Would you know where I can find a pair for under $20 for my ex-wife?

R.I.P. Peter Falk