^^ they could have written D & L fewer scenes together, or more scenes with other team members, without the pretense of switching shifts, long before this possibility, btw. Apparently not the tactic they wanted to pursue in including an internal relationship in NY's formula over the past few years.
Was a pissy day. Perpetual state of irkdom. Was hoping to be vaguely cheered by popping in to see what's new. I'm not a fan of DL. Just not my cuppa. Stir that, and plz to take the following with that in mind

From the E! Spoiler Chat (once again answering the truly important questions

Cposoares: Please, something about Danny and Lindsay on CSI: New York?
While Friday's episode is jammed packed with action, Danny (
Carmine Giovinazzo) and Lindsay (
Anna Belknap) do take a brief moment to connect. And if you are a long-time fan it may remind you of another Danny-Lindsay hug from way back when. But the action! Oh the action is the real star of this episode. A spray of bullets, gunfights, a car crash and creepy Clifton Collins Jr. being creepy, don't miss this one! P.S. Hang tight for our exclusive interview with
Gary Sinise about the finale!
Please, something about anything else? Anything at all other than DL? No?
Why is it that the only questions that seem to be given any response are DL related. Seriously unimpressed :lol:.
Bemused disgruntlement mildly mollified in that while the query answered, it was both prefaced and followed by proffering the description of the action oh the action as the true draw of the ep

. Still. DL accommodated, certain page hits assured, question answered, madate achieved, relevant upcoming ep still addressed. Nothing at all spoiled. Sentimental flashback alluded to instead. Real interview teased. Nothing new truly disclosed. Well played. Jeezus. :lol:. Creepy being creepy? Oh noz! What the f*ck can ya do

. Happy to see the ep promoted regardless.
So long as the moment is "brief," then mebbe it'll be ok. Mebbe. Mind you, perhaps a "brief connection" will be a step up, given I often feel they have no connection at all.
Looking foward to the action, oh teh action. That and an interview with GS, ...hopefully wherein he will not be fielding questions about DL.
This is... interesting. From TV Guide:
I'm worried that CSI: NY will not be back next year. Do Danny and Lindsay at least get a happy ending? — Laura
ADAM: Where's the faith, Laura? Regardless of the show's future, executive producer
Pam Veasey tells us that the couple ends with some very good news: Danny passes the sergeant's test! But, if the show does return, Danny's new paygrade could definitely complicate things. "[You'll] get a hint of how dynamically different their working relationship might be." Veasey says.
O gee. A question about... who are they again?
About the only positive thing I might infer in possibilities related is that Danny has re-grown a pair, and that work might take precedence in focus, even within DL. Lucy will be in jr. high shortly, so mebbe the uber-family aspect will ease up

One might even hope that there could be a conflict of interest if, oh, Danny were ever to have to operate in some capacity supervisory to Lindsay; one might hope they'd therefore hafta take different shifts or suchlike. Or at least different cases. Ya know. Exist independently. As separate entities. Not dependent on sharing the same cubic airspace every nanosecond. Suchlike. One could only bloody well hope. (...he could also turn down a transfer just so's they could continue to carpool and coexist...).
Left field much? Not an unsubtle drama device at all is it

. The guy who didn't report his gun or badge stolen on respective occasions is now the very model of an NYPD sergeant? I guess he musta been channeling his family of cops.
Bleh. Did I mention I was seriously unimpressed?
Happy ending my arse. NY this season has been full of them. Talk to Sheldon. Given Lindsay started the season by getting a medal from a storyline I was hoping would revive Danny, and looks to be ending the season by escaping death despite her best efforts, and a season's generous scattering of DL cheez, what did one expect to suddenly have happen with the happy couple.
Probably the most interesting bits of that grand nugget are PV's "hint," "working relationship," and "might be."
I don't expect NY to drop DL. I expect to still hafta sit thu it periodically to get to the rest of the show that I like. Not gonna waste my breath there. Dear marketers, multimedia conglomerates, social media gurus and assorted entertainment & tech interwebbage publishing folk. Not everyone is ship driven. Sex-Sells as a tactic also seems misplaced here as there's zero chemistry. No team teeshirt will sell me DL. Plz to freakin branch out in coverage on this one wee little show. Inquiring minds wish to know if you are capable. Thanks very kindly.
TV Line has an
action packed preview from this week's episode. Looks like it's the teaser.
...sooooooooooooooo. Inquiring minds are also wondering where the shots were coming from.
They are up thirty floors, yes? And the shots did seem to come from outside the building? Did the the dude hypnotize a 50-cal and teach it how to levitate? Lease an attack drone? Borrow someone's corner office across the block over a lunch break? Casually committed grand theft airborne?
Dang but the place was hosed. Rather an extreme reaction even from a pissed perp. Lordy, boys, whaddidjas
do to this fella?

Thanks for the clips, yas all.
....aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannn' thanks for the Q&A's too.
...I think.
Inquiring minds weren't really curious, but, eh. Whaddaya do
