Zombies III

Danny gently took her hand and squeezed it, smiling. "Anytime, Aid.. You just need to ask."
Flack smiled as he looked into Lindsay's eyes. He tilted his head and gently rested his forehead to hers, gazing back with a smiliar expression.
Tony grinned at Abby before looking up and over to Ziva. "What crawled into your hair?" he asked, with a raised brow.
Gibbs smiled lightly when Kate agreed to that, his hand reaching out to tilt her chin up. "Caitlyn.. Is there anything else I should know about while we're ahead?"
Aiden looked at him, with pouty lips, "Can I stay with ya?"

Lindsay smiled, "Your very cute when you do that" and pressed her lips to his.


Ziva looked at him, "Because she's going to take my spot!"

Abby snorted, "You tried to take hers!"


Kate shook her head, there wasn't none that she knew of, maybe a few, but she didn't want to tell Gibbs, "No"
Danny nodded. "If ya want to, sure," he replied.
Flack chuckled and gently kissed her back.
Tony glared between the two. "Ziva, you took her spot. I don't think Gibbs is about to send you back to Israel anyways."
Gibbs raised a brow. "You absolutely sure about that?" he asked. "Because I'll find out one way or another."
"The vet says he's gonna be a bear." Trevor said as he saw a sign that pointed to the local hospital.

"Hang on." Trevor said as he flipped on the sirens and lights as he accelerated. Even if nobody was around Trevor felt more comfortable knowing that if something happened the lights would still be on so that the rest of the team could find them.
"I hope this is over fast so I can get you into a hotel room" he laughed as they continued to kiss. "It's hot out here and not becuase it's California." He stopped so they could keep kissing some more.
Stella laughed a bit, but her laugh was cut off by his lips. She was surpized they weren't getting more attention, but she didn't care anyway. She thought Danny and Flack would be busting on them by now, but luckily they were preoccupied with their own distractions.
Mac, too, was wondering why he hadn't heard the old standby "get a room" yet, but he didn't care. He was enjoying it too much.
Aiden smiled and nodded, "Thank you, Dan, Really"

Lindsay snuggled against him, "We'll be fine, right?"


Ziva smirked at Abby.

Abby snorted, "Whatever" and looked back at Tony, "Kate's gonna end up kicking her ass, anyways"

Ziva looked at her in shock.


Kate nodded, She knew Gibbs would find out sooner or later, but she didn't want to talk about it right now. "Its fine"
"Do you think anyone's going to be at the hospital?" Catherine asked. "I mean... those zombies could be anywhere... do think they've gotten this far yet?"
"I sure as hell hope not." Trevor said as he looked around. "I'm gonna find us a stretcher. Chester, het verblijf."

Trevor got out and looked around while his puppy stayed to guard Catherine. Little did he fill her in that the dog that was on her lap could immobilize a full grown human in seconds.
"Hey Chester..." Catherine smiled at the dog, watching Trevor walk off. "So I guess for right now it's just you and me before Trevor gets back, huh...?" she asked, knowing the dog probably wasn't listening to a word she was saying.
Chester made a growling "huh?".


Trevor was trying to look inside the hospital but it was closed and locked. It was also dark inside due to the power outage. Trevor ran back to the car and grabbed his PLS (personal light source).
Danny shrugged a bit, grinning. "What are friends for?" he said before glancing up at Stella and Mac with a raised brow. He gently nudged Aiden and then nodded at Mac and Stella. Danny grinned, giving Aiden a look of 'let's just say it for kicks'. He began counting to three on his fingers. One...
Flack nodded a bit. "Yes, we will. We'll make it out together and alive," Flack had glanced at Danny and Aiden, reading Danny's hand movements and expressions, looking at Mac and Stella once before looking to Lindsay. "When Danny get's to three counting on his fingers.. Say 'get a room' to Stel and Mac," he whispered with a chuckle.
"Kate will.. And I'll be damed happy to see that day," Tony replied with a smirk, looking at Ziva once before looking to Abby.
Gibbs nodded lightly before reaching out to gently touch Kate's cheek. "If you need anything.." he began, not really needing to finish.
Aiden smirked, and waited until Danny got to one, and looked towards Mac and Stella.

Lindsay laughed at Flack, "You guys" and rolled her eyes, but also looked towards Mac and Stella, ready to say it.


Ziva glared at him and scoffed, "What the? You can't be serious, Tony!"

Abby smirked, "I think he is" and winked towards Tony.


Kate smiled, and leaned into his touch, nodding her head, "How about a hug?"