Zombies III

Flack smirked at Lindsay before looking at Aiden when she asked him the question. "Girly boy.. Pixie. I can imagine him wearing a pink shirt with a heart in the middle that says 'love to all'," he replied with a grin.

Danny's eye seemed to twitch for a second. "I hate you all.." he growled, shooting dark glares at Aiden and Flack.
"I don't know. I can't read Kate's mind," Tony replied with a shrug. "And Gibbs has a harsh side. Very, very harsh.. Probably picked it up working for him when she was with NCIS."
Gibbs grinned a little. "Do you feel up to meeting Ziva?" he asked.

(xD Go for it, woman.)
Lindsay looked at Danny, "Aww Danny" and swatted her hand at Flack, "That's mean"

Aiden smirked, "I like that Don, speaks truth" Aiden laughed, "Aww poor Dan"

Abby smiled at Tony, "Knowing Kate, probably picked it up from Gibbs"

Ziva kept her eyebrow up, "Gibbs having a harsh side, I really don't see that"

Kate smiled at him, "Sure why not?" She better not piss me off, Kate thought.

{Triangle, can I have it for awhile, can i?? :D .. I really need an icon of the three of them. }
"What? The woman wanted an answer," Flack replied with an innocent look.

Danny ran a hand frusteratedly through his hair.
"I think she did," Tony said to Abby before looking to Ziva with a wide-eyed look. "Well, they day you decide to piss him off, warn me, 'cause I want to take that day off."
Gibbs smiled as well before pushing himself up the wall and standing. He soon offered Kate his hand up.

(..well.. Okay.)
Lindsay looked at him, and gave him a look, "You still could've said no"

Aiden smirked at Danny, "Mad at me?"

"Warn me too" Added Abby. She didn't want to be around with a pissed off Gibbs, Kate might be able to handle him, but she couldn't and didn't want to be near him when he was, she didn't really want to be near Kate either, And Tony was pretty bad when he wanted to be too.

Ziva nodded, "Alright, you win"

Kate smiled, and gladly took his hand, "Thanks"

{You have any icons of the three of em?}
Flack shrugged. "Ah.. He needed a strike to his ego," he said. "We all teased him once in a while."

Danny shot a death glare at Aiden. "Yes."
Tony looking over to Abby. "So, when that day comes.. You wanna take off with McGee and Ducky? Go get lunch?" he grinned.
Gibbs smirked, helping her up. "I'm not a complete bastard.. I still have some sensibility.
Aiden pouted, "I'm sorry Dan"

Lindsay hugged him and kissed his cheek, "I love you"

Abby smiled, "That sounds perfect, I'm sure they'll want to take that off too"

"What about Kate, aren't you inviting her?" Ziva said towards them.

Kate kissed his cheek, "That you do", and walked around the corner with Gibbs, she noticed Abby and Tony talking to somehow, she assumed it was Ziva.
Flack gently hugged her back, smiling a little. "I love you too," he said to her.

Danny glared for a bit longer before looking away, arms crossing over his chest. "Sure ya are.."
"Though, Ducky might stay.. I don't know," Tony then said with a frown. "Oh yeah, she's welcome if she wants to come."
Gibbs smiled and walked with her. When the other three came into view, he leaned towards Kate for a moment. "Abby has a tendacy to mull people over, as you know, so beware.." he whispered before straightening out again. "DiNozzo, Abbs, stop yakking. Ziva, come over here, I'd like you to meet someone," he said, in his usual tone.
Lindsay didn't move from his embrace. She felt save there, wanted to stay there.

Aiden hugged him, "You know I love ya, Dan"

Abby smiled at Kate. She missed her alot, and here she was. In the flesh. She bet Ducky and McGee would love to be here to see her.

Ziva looked at Kate, eyeing her up and down, as did Kate with an eyebrow.

Ziva smiled, "Ziva"
Kate nodded, "Kate"

Abby feared Ziva was gonna piss off Kate, somehow or someway.
Flack held her tighter to him, actually happy to be holding her.
Danny didn't move for several moments, but he soon hugged Aiden back. "You know.. Only you and Flack call me 'Dan'," he said, somewhat randomly.
Tony stood there in silence with Abby for a second, raising a brow at the little words exchanged. That's when he decided to do something. "So, Kate.. Did Gibbs tell you that Ziva had been hired to replace you? And that she's a ten times better agent than you?" he teased.

Gibbs blinked, giving Tony that said 'what the heck are you doing?!' Well, that was a *great* move there.. he thought sarcastically. "DiNozzo!"

"Yeah, boss?"

"Shut up before I hurt you."
Catherine just nodded, turning to look at Greg. She shot him a small smile. "Thanks, Greg... I really appreciate it," she sighed. "Though I wish I could move.."
"Do you have any pets?" Trevor asked, trying to start a conversation while he looked for a medical center. Every corner he turned revealed stores, but no medical centers. With these results, Trevor headed to the center of town to see if he could find anything.
Lindsay smiled at him, "This is gonna be a weird journey huh?" She was falling so far in love with him, but she was still scared about the zombies.

Aiden smiled, "Well, I'm glad about that, Dan" and kissed his cheek.


Ziva looked at Tony, quite shocked actually, She just got told not to piss Kate off and here he was doing the same thing.

Kate glared at Tony, "You really want me to hit you, don't you?"

Abby smirked, "Tony's getting in trouble"
Flack chuckled and nodded. "That it will," he replied. "Though, it'll be life-changing."
Danny smiled a little bit before moving his hands and framing Aiden's face with them. "No takin' off again like that, ya hear me?"
"Hit me? Hah! You couldn't lay a hand on me.. So, any boyfriends we should hear about other than that Ike guy?" Tony teased with a smirk. Just because he was starting to walk a thin line, didn't mean that this wouldn't be 'educational' for Ziva.

Gibbs' eyebrow rose. "I'm going to lay down some rules here, DiNozzo. No going thru Kate's purse, PDA, computer, or answering phones. Her privacy." And I'm trying to pry you off of this again, why?
Lindsay raised her eyebrow at him, "How do you figure that?" Wondering if they told him something about the LM

Aiden nodded and smiled at him, "Yeah, who would be around to call you girly" looks at Flack and Lindsay, "I think he's going to be to busy to"


Kate glared at Tony and walked up to him, "I can't hit you? hmm?" and listened to what Gibbs said, "Yeah Tony, stay out of my stuff" and hit his shoulder.

Ziva watched with interest, and scoffed, he just lectured her for wanting to do the same thing, and he was still yet doing it, She personally hoped Kate would kick his ass.

Abby smirked at Tony, "Yeah Tony, can't go through Kate's stuff" and looked at Gibbs, and whispered, "I bet it felt nice to say that again, huh?"