4. Chandler - Friends
- How can you not love Chandler! He is so funny! I honesly[sic] would marry him!
1. Chandler Bing - Friends
- Really like the way his character developed throughout the seasons, from kind of very insecure but funny to a loving husband.
2. Chandler Bing(Friends) - The funniest character in a sit TV sit-com ever. I just love his sarcasm
Chandler Bing (Friends) Absolutely adore this character...could he be any funnier?
3. Chandler Bing (Friends) - He can always make his friends smile. His jokes are tiring sometimes, he's a sweetheart anyway
4. Chandler Bing [Friends]- Who doesn't love Chandler?!
I am honestly very impressed that his name came up so many times. We've got good taste in these parts, don't we?
Angel Dumott Schunard: RENT Angel is so amazing. So full of life, and has the capacity for unconditional, unwavering love. She can see the best in anyone, and loves them for who they are. Not to mention hilarious when drunk.
Very good choice! I think that I learned a lot from her, too. I learned a lot about life, love, friendship, and pure emotion. Plus as you said, she's hilarious when drunk.

I kinda love her. Furthermore, I love Wilson Jermaine Heredia for making her what she is today.
Donnie Darko - Jake is so weird in that movie, and one of my faves.
I'm actually not sure if I agree with you on this one or not. I absolutely love the movie, that's for sure. But I'm not entirely convinced that I like Donnie. Nor am I convinced that I dislike him. He's a very complex character and one that I love to watch, I'm not sure how much I love him though.
3. Sabrina Fairchild (Sabrina): Audrey Hepburn is such a wonderful actress but this is one of her best films. I took a liking to her because she was a character who's real. I mean, she experienced the kind of bittersweet love that we all go through. One of my favourite moments was when she took that cooking class in Paris. I especially liked her towards the end with Linus. Those scenes warmed my heart. I love that they didn't make her into this perfect character.
I absolutely adore this film and the character both. It's one of my all-time favorite films and I was honestly very surprised to see someone else commenting about it on here. Kudos to you for knowing that it even exists!
Atticus Finch (Novel and movie)
Okay My Faves:
(I'm going to have several lists.)
1. Tenth Doctor: (Doctor Who) Why? Well because he's geeky and funny and sweet and smart and not always perfect and adorable and dreamy... haha. I love him.
2. Joey Tribbiani: (Friends) I fell in love with him right around the time he fell in love with Rachel Greene. Something about the passionate way he cared for her made me adore him.
3. Jim Brass: (CSI: Crime Scene Investigation) I'm not sure that there is a more funny character in television history.

I love him.
4. Emily Gilmore: (Gilmore Girls) I honestly don't know why I love her so much but I do. I really, really do.
5. Jacob Hood: (Eleventh Hour) I'm not sure why exactly. There's just something about him that I absolutely adore. I guess it's that I see him as a combination of Gil Grissom, Gregory House, and Adam Ross.
1. Westley: (The Princess Bride) Do I really need to explain?
2. Jasper Hale: (Twilight) I do not like the books, that much. I do not care for the film much at all. I did not fall in love with Edward right away. I despise Bella. And my mild adoration of Jacob is slowly waning away the more time I spend away from the books/movie. However Jasper Hale in
the movie was quite possibly one of the funniest things I've ever seen in my life. He also gets huge kudos for trying to kill Bella in New Moon. (Not a spoiler, it's in the promo video.)
3. Zoë Bell: (Grindhouse- Death Proof) If you don't know why I love her so much then you obviously haven't seen this movie. See it.

Honorable mentions to Kim, she's awesome too!
4. John Keating: (The Dead Poets Society) I've been inspired by this man since the very first time I saw this film. He's a visionary and one of the worlds most effective and memorable teachers.
5. Mrs. Medlock: (The Secret Garden) Mostly because of Maggie Smith's portrayal of her. Hence why I've got it here under movies instead of under books.
1.Elphaba: (Wicked) Because she's everything I've ever wanted to be and more.
2. Henry DeTamble: (The Time Traveler's Wife) I dare you to read the book and not fall in love with him.
3.Atticus Finch: (To Kill A Mockingbird) I think he's one of the most obscure and amazing crushes I've ever had on a fictional character. And, he's amazing.

4. Severus Snape: (Harry Potter series) I believed in him from the very first day. And knew, without question, that he wouldn't let me down. He didn't.
5. Buck: (The Call of the Wild) I'm not exactly sure why. I guess because he was the perfect balance of human and animal. The personification of the struggle between nurture and nature.
Misc. Others I adore
1.Uncle Iroh: (Avatar: The Last Airbender) Because he was awesome and awesome was him. They were synonyms. :-D
2. Niles Crane: (Frasier) There's a very good chance I loved his character so much because of the huge crush I have on David Hyde Pierce. Then again there's also a huge chance that I have that crush because I love Niles so much. It's a paradox!
3. Link: (The Legend of Zelda series) Simply because he's been the most epic character the most consistently in my life.
4. Roger Davis: (RENT) Because he's cute and sweet and sexy all rolled into one.
5. Nanny: (Wicked) She's so crazy. It's cool.