Your Screen Name: What does it mean?

Hm..CSI_Junkie was just a random name that popped into my head. I hate it though..bah, i wish i could change it. I usually use Nirvana_Child when i sign into things on the internet. *Is wondering why i didn't use that for my TalkCSI username* :lol:
My name on most other boards and such is 'Little Miss Indecisive', but I figured I'd pick a new one for here...and I guess lacking creativity at that moment, I went wit 'ThisIsMe' because...well...This Is Me. :p
Screen name; piano rhythms.

It's easy. I play piano and I'm in band where I have to deal with specific musical terms such as keeping the music in 'rhythm'.

I had your way back for a while and that was from another Michelle Branch song. No, not from Tuesday Morning. :p
stripforensics said:
I'll give anyone a dollar if they can guess where MY screenname is from! :p

I'm gonna guess that your name is from that Greg and Grissom quote.

Grissom: Greg!
Greg: Yeah.
Grissom: Take off your shoes and socks.
Greg: See, now we're getting into this whole strip forensics thing and I'm not too sure I can hang with that - even if you are my boss.

So did I win?? :D

Wel my name comes from my love of wolves and the number 13 :) pretty simple actually
ok mine is my name (zoe) but like spelled all weird but still pronounced as "Zoe." the "P" is silent like in pnemonia or pterodactyl.
feedtheducks said:
Mine means feed the ducks as ducks need to be fed too you know...especially in the winter lol

^I have "Save the Ducks" website that is made for fun btw :p :lol:
Mine's from the anime. I love the idea of changing genders on a whim (well, in Ranma Saotome's case, with hot or cold water). The series is one of my favorites.

I also use TheFirthyOne sometimes coz I'm a huge Colin Firthaholic. And sometimes Han after Captain Solo.
Uh...Cos I don't like my real name and just prefered to call myself kazzy cos it's cooler. And I like to have nickname screennames.

And yeah, not telling you my real name. :p
mine is from my favorite show and favorite team. I love CSI and I love the Boston Red Sox (even before they won the Series in '04). I want to move to Boston someday.

SidLe + Mulder = SidLer :D

Yes, I'm a cross-shipper. :lol:
And I have to thank my wonderful on-line friend for giving me the idea. :)