In 'You Kill Me,' the lab rats keep coming in as DBs, and the marvelous SuperDave gets the repeated line, "No signs of sexual trauma."
Greg: All work and no play makes Greg a dull boy.
Grissom: All play and no work makes Greg an unemployed boy.
Grissom: We look at each case objectively, without presupposition, regardless of sex, creed, color, or bubblegum flavor.
Hodges boo-boo comment in 'Say Uncle'
Basically everything that comes out of Brass's mouth. That man is a riot. The only thing I can think of at the moment is "Where would I put the badge?" when the painter in 'Life Imitates Art' asks him to pose nude.
Cath: Don't call me pookie.
Gil Grissom: I can't tell whether he's brilliant or nuts.
Captain Jim Brass: Sound familiar?
Gil Grissom: A Harvard professor conducted an experiment. Asked a bunch of students to watch a basketball game - count the number of times the ball was passed.
Captain Jim Brass: Yeah? Groundbreaking.
Gil Grissom: During the game a person dressed in a gorilla suit ran across the court. Afterward, the professor asked the students if they noticed the gorilla. Fifty percent responded, "what gorilla?"
Captain Jim Brass: That's wonderful, Gil. If I see a gorilla, I'll arrest it.
Sara Sidle: You made my pickle into a light bulb?
[Dr. Robbins has received a human head in the mail]
[Grissom walks into the room]
Gil Grissom: I heard you got some head.
[liquid from the trunk of a car containing two corpses splashes up onto Greg's face and into his mouth]
Sara Sidle: Technically, that makes you a cannibal. Grissom would be proud.
Greg Sanders: Grissom would have tasted it on purpose.
Catherine Willows: Hey, you.
Warrick Brown: Hey.
Catherine Willows: How uh... are you holding up?
Warrick Brown: I'm fine.
Catherine Willows: You sure?
Warrick Brown: Yeah.
Catherine Willows:'re in the women's bathroom.
[identifying an insect at a crime scene]
Gil Grissom: Dermastidae masculatus.
Sara Sidle: That's Latin for "You're hiding a dead body."
Sara: (to Warrick) Fine suit.
(Nick takes off shirt to change)
Sara: (to shirtless Nick) And well, just fine.
Cath: Well I like hairy chests, but I'm not about to bop a six foot weasel.
Fave shippy ones:
Warrick Brown: Whatever happened to, "You cross the tape, you go the distance."?
Catherine Willows: I was probably saying that to get you to service my needs at the time.
Nick: Leggo my Greggo!