you know you're addicted to CSI when...#2

Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2

That you bring up CSI no matter who your talking with on the phone- with family-friends store clerks-your boss-co-workers and complete strangers- and they look at you as if your a bit off or nuts-which of course you are- cause your so addicted-abd show the lady in the photo dept. of the local drug store pics of WP you've got in your wallet
Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2

YKYATCSI when you listen to any song you think oh this goes get for GSR and That is diffently Grillows and omg that's so snickers, and that one is a sandle, My favorite that is so bling like YoBling. Btw Derstwind I love your Avi. :D
Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2

you know you're addicted to CSI when you dare not eat anymore birthday cake because the DNA of the person who blew the candles are all over the cake.
Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2

you know you're addicted to CSI when you dare not eat anymore birthday cake because the DNA of the person who blew the candles are all over the cake.

:eek: I totally forgot about that! I had some a few days ago and I practically scoffed down most of the icing! But then again, it has my DNA all over it ;)

You know you're addicted to CSI when... you fear the day when it'll all be over :(
Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2

:eek: I totally forgot about that! I had some a few days ago and I practically scoffed down most of the icing! But then again, it has my DNA all over it ;)

lol..then i presume that it was your birthday..if so, happy belated birthday :D

you know you're addicted to CSI when you get all your friends to get addicted to CSI as well ;)
Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2

Thanks :)

you know you're addicted to CSI when you get all your friends to get addicted to CSI as well ;)

I have not achieved that just yet. They're still stuck in The O.C. zone. :( Not that there's anything wrong with that of course ;) Oh well...
Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2

haha..most of my friends are also into The OC.However, my close friends have already been influenced by me :)

you know you're addicted to CSI when all the labels (eg.the one on your suitcase) are labelled as 'CSI *your name*' or anything that is CSI related :D
Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2

ykyatcsi when your in sci class and your teacher says something about phenoplalien[spelling] and you blurt out'OMG GRISSOM USES THAT TO FIND BLOOd AWSOME' and everyone rolls there eyes because thats just like you to say that.
Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2

you know you're addicted to CSI when you scout for clothes worn by the CSIs :D
Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2

You know your addicted when your friends start calling it SIC instead of CSI because you talk about it so offten.
Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2

you know you're addicted to CSI when you act hysterically when you see that the TV listings for the day shows CSI..

but i usually go hyper when there is a CSI marathon :)
Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2

You know your addicted to CSI when every song on the radio makes you play a music video of the show in your head.
Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2

ykyatcsiw you say over 80 times a day the word 'CSI' and talk about how much you love it.
Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2

there was one song "walk like a men"...

and form me addicated is come to the front when i start walk, talk, H :)