You Know You Watch Too Much CSI: NY When... [#2]

You know you watch too much NY when you find yourself reading through this list, smiling and nodding to yourself with each new point that you read. ;)

I was doing that :lol:
You know you watch too much CSI NY when you have to study for mid tearms and instead your priority is checking if there`s new post on this site!!
I was in Target on Sunday. They have their 4th of July t-shirts on sale for $5 each. They had one that says "Boom!" I had to buy it. :lol: I'm such a dork! :lol:
.... when you see an English teacher carrying the DVD boxset for one of the CSI and quickly think up some reason to go into her office to find out which series it is hoping deeply it's NY!
You know you watch too much CSI:NY when you are listening to a hockey game and the arena starts playing "Baba O'Riley" on over the speakers and you get really excited :D
You know you watch too much CSI:NY

when you have more pics from Mac on your laptop than from your family ( OK, except my son....)

You know you watch too much CSI:NY when: every time you see pics with Mac or Stella or else from this show you throw a kiss them
Ha, these are great.

Okay, you know you watch too much CSI NY when you turn down a date with your crush because you know you'll miss a new episode.

But hey, in my defense, who asks someone on a date on a Wednesday?!?:confused:
YKYWTMCSINYW....(Acronyms are way cooler! :D)

...someone asks you "Cant sleep" and you respond "What's sleep?"

...quote, or TRY and use at least one quote into every conversation you have.

....when your little cousin is making smores and she says that the marshmellows are gooey, you quickly break into a grin and say "Gooey? There's a good forensic word. Gooey. I'll have to use that more."

...when someone slams the door in your face and you add, "You have a good night now." giggle to yourself when someone says improvise, you add, "Word of the day. Improvise."

...when one of your friends says that your lying you add "Would these eyes lie?"

I have no idea how many times I have done these.......tee-hee:lol::lol::lol:
....when your little cousin is making smores and she says that the marshmellows are gooey, you quickly break into a grin and say "Gooey? There's a good forensic word. Gooey. I'll have to use that more."

Lol, i was in the middle of a science practical exam last week and we had to do all these chemical reactions and then list down the observations and well at one point we have to analyze this one substance and i was like okay it's 'gooey' and in my mind i ran through the whole gooey scene wondering if i was illegible to use it in an exam XP
My friends and my familiy rail against me because I answer a call from my handy ( cell) very late because my ring tone is from csi New York and I love to hear it until the end every call!!!!!

....when your little cousin is making smores and she says that the marshmellows are gooey, you quickly break into a grin and say "Gooey? There's a good forensic word. Gooey. I'll have to use that more."

Lol, i was in the middle of a science practical exam last week and we had to do all these chemical reactions and then list down the observations and well at one point we have to analyze this one substance and i was like okay it's 'gooey' and in my mind i ran through the whole gooey scene wondering if i was illegible to use it in an exam XP

Aaaaah i love it! That happens to me all the time, when someone says gooey I actually say the whole quote and they just stare at me, pffft, non-ny watching people, killing my refrences!


....when your watching the House episode, Control, and House ends up playing Baba O'Reilly, where you automatically break into a very stupid grin, moving your fingers in the same "rhythm" as the piano (and yet you know nothing of what your playing...)
i do just about everything in that original list :lol: and i do that :up: - only for me it's air guitar!

My friends and my familiy rail against me because I answer a call from my handy ( cell) very late because my ring tone is from csi New York and I love to hear it until the end every call!!!!!

yeah, i do that, i think people are getting annoyed. i dance to it too - ouch.

as for this one

#6...You Know You Watch Too Much CSI: NY When...
You wish you could find a pic of Gary Sinise somewhere on the World Wide Web that you could print out in an 8" x 10" size to hang on your bedroom wall.

i actually found one. and ordered 2 by mistake. but i have 2 walls so it's ok :)