You Know You Watch Too Much CSI:Miami When...Part 2!

ilovejontogo4evr said:

-When your mom comes in your room when your watching csi miami and her first words are "is this a new or old one?"

ROFL.... yep my Mum does that and its usually followed by wweeellll if its not a new one you can help me with/ take out the/ pop to the shops for ..... parents they just don't get it :rolleyes:

>you know you watch too much CSI Miami when someone (who shall remain nameless :mad:) whenever they see you watching an episode and says 'I used to watch that show until ...' and you have to leave the room immediatly as a red mist decends and you risk being locked up for justifiable homicide <- well in my opinion anyway :lol:
You know you watch too much CSI Miami when you pass by a store where they sell Ducati motorcycles, and you think "Hey! Speed's got a Ducati! A yellow one!" So guilty :rolleyes:
When you're quickly glancing over the snack food and swear you see Togo on a box then it's really Yogo. My mom was still laughing when we left the grocery store.
When you are seriously thinking of every possible way to get a state/county yellow license plate!! Seriously If i got one i'd hang it on my wall! :)

When you have Ryan Wolfes drivers license # and social security # ( I saw it on the promo . he he :))
You Know You Watch Too Much CSI: Miami When...

- Your nickname is Horatio, Calleigh, Speed, Ryan, Eric, Alexx, etc.

- Whenever you go to the fair, you make a beeline for the "firing range" and pretend you're Calleigh.

- At the firing range, you ask your friend to take a picture of you with the bb gun.

- When the most common topic of discussion between your friends is CSI: Miami ships or CSI stuff

- When you want to murder your little sister who saw a gold hummer and you didn't
When H and the gang is stuck in your head.
Right now I got CSI MIAMI running almost fulltime
in my brain.. Sometimes I think of a ep or character,
and I also make up stories using then in. I only wish
I had the talent in writing my stories down, but I lose
it when I pick a pen up or it doesn't sound as good on
My I like it!!!
SpeedsDaughter said:
Your nickname is Horatio, Calleigh, Speed, Ryan, Eric, Alexx, etc.

HAHA!!! that's funny cause I do!!! my bf, who just happens to love the show as much as me looks just like a young Speed!!! and i get to call him Speed!!!! that's his nickname :D and seeing as my name is Heather and i have an actual pair of Horatio Caine sunnies that i got in the mail from DC himself, cause i told him that what i wanted more than anything for my birthday would be a pair of sunnies and BAM!! he sends me a pair!!!! he called them an early "Birthday present" ;) :D so cool!!!

...anyways my bf calls me H :D and i call him Speed. and while the real Speed was on the show we were big fans of the H/Speed slash ship. and i was like "hey!! we can be the H/Speed ship!! :D" :lol:

anyways ranting over....

you know you watch to much CSI: Miami when you laugh because your friend's liscence plate letters are RAC...and you tell her that it stands for Ryan And Calleigh!! :lol:
You know you watch too much CSI Miami when...

>your dad says the whole family is going on holiday to Cuba for a week and you picture yourself in a bikini streached out on the sand and shriek 'Nooooooooo!!' at the thought of no CSI Miami for an entire week :lol:
You Know You Watch Too Much CSI:Miami When...

- Sunglasses are no longer just sunglasses anymore. No matter who they belong to, they are Sunnies of Justice in your family.
Need4Speed said: and i have an actual pair of Horatio Caine sunnies that i got in the mail from DC himself, cause i told him that what i wanted more than anything for my birthday would be a pair of sunnies and BAM!! he sends me a pair!!!! he called them an early "Birthday present" ;) :D so cool!!!

WOW..DC sent you a pair of sunnies!!!! That is too cool!! I am soo jealous.. I want a pair of H sunnies too. :cool:
I think she was just trying something... Would definately be interesting if I got the sunnies though! JK :D :p :cool:

You know you watch too much CSI: Miami when you call your friends whenever a CSIM marathon is on. Just to let them know.
What a good friend! I know hate missing marathons.

You know you watch too much CSI:M when one of your cases was keyed by someone last name Caine and your pulse quickens. ;)
yeah i knda realized that SpeedsDaughter but thanks ;)

you know you watch too much CSI: Miami when you spend all your time coming up with new "you know you watch too much CSI: Miami when"