You Know You Watch Too Much CSI:Miami When...Part 2!

my cat's name is Speed :D he's my little baby...even though he's almost full grown...his formal name is Speed but i call him my Speedy baby ;)

you know you watch to much CSI: Miami when you're talking to your friend and you see a hummer the same exact color as the ones on the show you stop in mid sentence and yell "HUMMER" and then never finish the sentence because you're in awe of the awesome hummerness. *so guilty*
You're uberjealous when you hear that one of your friends went to America, to waterworld, and met Adam Rodriguez. Adam tossed a bucket of water over him. :lol:
are you serious!? i'm so jealous!!

how about when you brag to all your friends that you met Rory!!! *super majorly guilty* im dead serious!!!

on a trip to LA, I got to meet him i was in a car at an intersection at a red light and Rory pulled up next to us on his ducati!!!! and i knew it was him because he had his helmet off!! and I was actually talking to him!!! He was that close to our car!! and i was casually and calmly like "Hi. I'm a huge fan. I love all your movies" and then he was so sweet, he said "Oh, thanks. it's nice to meet a fan who doesn't freak out and scream their head off" then I asked him for a picture and he said "ok sure anything for a big fan *smile*" so i got a good pic of him looking right at the camera and then the light changed...dang. and i must say he looked very sexy on his ducati. he was wearing a black button up shirt with jeans and black boots. and his hair was in the very scruffy Speed fashion. although I got to see Rory and talk to him..i wish it had been on the sidewalk that way i could have gotten an autograph. but a pics good enough for me!!! and who knows i might get to meet him again someday.....this time i'll get an autograph....
You Know You Watch Too Much CSI:Miami When...
You see a Suzuki Forenza car on the road and you think "That's the kind of car they should drive on CSI: Miami instead of those HUGE, overpriced Hummers.

Get it??? :devil:
Okay, I am SO dang jealous... I want Horatio sunnies! Lol


You know you watch too much CSI:Miami when:
You see the letters "A&E" and you think "CSI:Miami!"

Guilty. XD
I work in a library, and often glance at the back or flap of books while I'm shelving. One paperback I looked at, the summary mentioned a name...I think it was Horatio Cade...but I'm not positive, anyway, I naturally read Caine instead.
... when you're studying history of modern literature and you see 'Horatio Alger' and think "Hey! That's the dude Horatio was named after!" :rolleyes: :D

... when you see a license plate starting with CSM, and think there are only a few letters short from spelling CSI Miami. (Yes, I get very bored in traffic :D)
... When you can predict exactly what Horatio is going to do. EG (I do this every week): 'Sunglasses' He takes off the sunglasses, 'Dialogue' The little speech about the cadaver is delivered, 'Line' His one liner is delivered, 'Sunglasses' He puts the sunglasses back on, 'Opening credits' and the credits roll. It really gets on my fiancee nerves (Mainly because he tried it and failed miserably.)


^^ How about when you name your child after the main female star? Kidding, Drommie :) My love to Emily.

Okay, when you dress up as a cowboy for a party, and spend the whole time thinking you're Calleigh 'coz you're carrying a gun.

I do this, I still have the fake gun. It has to be the fake one, my aunt wont let me use her's anymore... aparatly I'm clumsy? :rolleyes:

when you practically have a heart attack because your parents (who hate DC for some reason) won't go downstairs to bed right when a new episode is starting.

(fortunally, there are several other TVs availible. )
when you buy all of the csi toys and create your own crime scenes and put on black sunglasses while blaring "won't get fooled again"
whenever you hear a song featured in CSI: Miami you hear it again weeks later on the radio and you remember which episode/season that song was featured in.

Guilty of this one. lol I bought "Hate it or love it (G Unit remix)" by 50 Cent which was featured in season 3 "10-7", "Strict Machine" by Goldfrapp featured in the 5th season ep "Going, Going, Gone" & "Baby Did a Bad Bad Thing" by Chris Isaak also featured in the 5th season ep "Curse of the Coffin" on CSI: Miami. I bought'em all from iTunes last week and added them to my brand new (& my first) iPod Shuffle! :D

everytime I hear those songs I remember which episode they're in.
...When you pounce on the fact that whenever you see Eric in a wetsuit, it's the brand "ScubaPro," and you freak out because that's the exact same brand of wetsuit you use in your SCUBA diving classes...

Guilty! Also, I keep ending up with a wetsuit that looks almost exactly like the one in my signature--color scheme, anyways... The one I wear isn't a short one, since I'm diving in 55 degree water! >.< I wanna take my dive classes in Miami, so the water's nice and warm... Lol
>when you practically rip your (family member's) head off when they interrupt you during csi: miami

>, talk csi, and other csi related pages become your homepage

>you get this empty feeling when you don't watch miami at least once in 24 hrs

>you seem to be flunking US history because you spend all your time writing hiphugger fics

*guilty as charged for all of them especially the last one*