"You Kill Me" Discussion *SPOILERS*

I agree that we don't necessarily need another LabRat turn CSI. Poor Greg went through the transition, and now its difficult for him to get an episode with some decent screen time. It was completely pointless to bring Ronnie in, other then to have someone there with Sara on swing. So with Ronnie gone, thank goodness (i hope), and Sara temporarily gone (indefinitely), let the remaining CSI's get the cases and screen time they deserve.

I believe once or twice the writers and producers toyed with the idea, sticking Hodges out, which made no sense in the first place. And he confirmed it later in the show, to Cath, he preferred the comforts of the lab. Then there was a couple little snip-lets that I read somewhere about the possibilities of Archie making the transition, and now Wendy? Who's next, Mandy or Henry? No, personally I would prefer the CSI's to be CSI's and let the Labrats do what they do best in the lab.
DJRideout said:
... let the remaining CSI's get the cases and screen time they deserve.

I believe once or twice the writers and producers toyed with the idea, sticking Hodges out, which made no sense in the first place. And he confirmed it later in the show, to Cath, he preferred the comforts of the lab. Then there was a couple little snip-lets that I read somewhere about the possibilities of Archie making the transition, and now Wendy? Who's next, Mandy or Henry? No, personally I would prefer the CSI's to be CSI's and let the Labrats do what they do best in the lab.

Agreed. However, if they do decide to go this route, Wendy is the most likely candidate. After all they did drop the hint and there seems to be some idea that the CSI shows need two females in the cast. Miami beefed up the Natalia character (who used to work in the lab) and NY brought in Lindsay even though they had already moved Hawkes into the field. With Sophia gone, Catherine is the only "non-lab rat" female in the cast and I don't know that they will leave it that way. Time (and the resolution of the writer's strike) will tell.
Smokey said:
Although, I will admit that I probably wouldn't have made the connections if I hadn't known about the upcoming episode, so...maybe it's subtle if someone wasn't aware of that.

Exactly. I think you guys are being too critical here. If I didn't come on these boards I would be clueless right now. And nobody I know that watches the show and doesn't come on here suspects a thing so far.

If I haven't already said it, I'm against the Wendy being a CSI thing because it is cliche, but I do agree with LateToTheGame that we need another female lead. Without bringing somebody else in, the only way to do that is Ronnie. I know a lot of you hate Ronnie, but what would you rather, her or yet another character brought in, thus reducing the already minimal screen time for everybody else?
LibertyBell said:

Exactly. I think you guys are being too critical here. If I didn't come on these boards I would be clueless right now. And nobody I know that watches the show and doesn't come on here suspects a thing so far.

Yeah, I realized earlier that I/we were kind of straying into non-episode specific spoilers. Sorry. :(

Just downloaded this episode off of iTunes! :)
LibertyBell said:
Without bringing somebody else in, the only way to do that is Ronnie. I know a lot of you hate Ronnie, but what would you rather, her or yet another character brought in, thus reducing the already minimal screen time for everybody else?
Well, if Ronnie and Wendy are all I have to choose from, I'd definitely choose Wendy. Wendy is already established within the cast and is obviously smart and could catch on quickly. And I've liked Liz Vassey ever since I saw her on "All My Children" years ago. I'd always wondered what happened to her, and then she landed a role on "CSI"; I wouldn't mind seeing that role expanded.
I had holiday company, and some us finally watched this ep. last night, and we all thought it was ridiculous, and silly and boring, way too much Hodges, and this was a mix of kids, adults and a grampa, and not once did anyone giggle or laugh, just rolled their eyes, and wandered off, painfully pathetic, and Hodges he's a lab guy, not a CSI, "LAB RATS" was fun, but enough is enough I find Hodges, to be obnoxious, annoying, coniving and always has an ulterior motive, for his actions!.. and his silly little games, and to us, brought the show down to a low level, comic relief :( these people are CSI's , and are not comedians, it was embarassing to watch them try to be funny :confused: lame indeed, the worse one yet, gawd awful :mad: and one family member after like 20 minutes bailed saying "this is stupid". I only enjoyed the camraderie between Brass and Grissom concerning Sara, "have you heard from her"? and him saying "a couple of times" I knew it would be Brass, and she is visiting her mom in San Francisco, I knew it!! and sweet Nick, trying to be cool, on asking Gris to breakfast, "you can talk, if you want, or not" :D and Grissom as usual acting baffled :confused: and gutsy Cath, saying "why don't you go after her"?, and his reply, "she wouldn't want that" "what do you want she said, 'I want her to be happy" good boy. if you set something free, and it comes back, it was meant to be, if not, then it wasn't". I certainly hope next week's is up to the par that is CSI!
*WHISTLES* We interrupt this discussion to bring you the following.

Hey everyone, okay it was brought to my attention that hints or subtle discussion about a future ep is mixed in here, I read through and unless you know what you're looking for (in which case you read the spoilers) it just looks like speculation. -- That being said, lets please remember that threads like this one are for the episode named on it.

If you know what is going to happen in an ep please do not hint at it (even in a speculative manner), previews for the next ep, etc. please refrain from discussing, these are considered future episodes, which should be discussed in the Spoiler Lab or in a thread for that named ep. Thank you.

We now return you to your regularly scheduled discussion. ;)
What's Hodges got against Bobby? He says it's a "running gag"... did I miss something?

And was Greg mad at Grissom maybe because he didn't do anything to make Sara stay? I know Greg had a thing for her for a while.

I must say... when Nick cries... OMG he's so beautiful. Is that morbid? LOL. I think he's so hot when he cries! Maybe I'm just a freak. Hahahaha. ;)
I'm really in love with this episode, it was soooo funny. I couldn't stop laughing. There too many scenes which I can point out. Poor Bobby who always got the blame first. I'm officialy in love with Hodges now, I like him a lot already and now he's really turner into my favourite character on the show.
Not quite sure about Hodges and Bobby having a grudge against each other. I always thought it was Hodges and Greg that would clash horns every once in a while.
I think Greg is mad at Grissom for that reason, for not keeping Sara in Las Vegas, but we don't know yet...

Hahaha... are you talking about the scene where he is mourning over Archie? I thought Nick and Warrick were making fun of Archie at that point. xD
It's kind of sad that Hodges, a relative newbie, gets a larger role in an episode without even a secondary case than do seasoned regulars like Warrick, Nick or Greg. It's rather irksome, really.
Maybe irony will be pulled out of this episode and Hodges might go out in the field one day. Just a thought.
Whatever he will do to impress Wendy I suppose.
Toots said:
It's kind of sad that Hodges, a relative newbie, gets a larger role in an episode without even a secondary case than do seasoned regulars like Warrick, Nick or Greg. It's rather irksome, really.
Agreed. And Archie, not even in the main credits, got the opening line? (I know I've said it before but that just irked me.) Goodness knows I like Archie, he's adorable. :) But has Sara ever gotten the opening line? Come to think of it, have Warrick or Greg gotten that coveted opening line? Hmm, I know Grissom and Catherine did. Nick definitely got his in Gumdrops. I should go ask in the questions thread.

Anyway, the only possible good thing about Sara's departure is more screentime for the regulars. Just hope they don't screw that up.
Didn't he get the ending line, too? I think that's bigger than who starts it, because you remember the ending of most things, I think.

I'm still trying to get more out of the latest episode, providing hints for what'll happen in the future. It was such a contrasting episode to the ones we've had lately.