"You Kill Me" Discussion *SPOILERS*

NicknGrissom said:
Greg don't have a crush on Sara anymore, he got over it. If you watch it in whatever the season it was. When they interview on Jorja in sixth season when the teams got back together. Jorja said, Eric broke up with her in the old tv guide, I think, I'm not sure when he said it then I knew and everybody knew Greg is no longer got a crush on Sara, he got over it.

Eric did said he has a crush on Jorja, so he make Greg got a crush on Sara, that was long time ago, he got over it, because Greg know Sara will never be interested in him.

If he does got a crush on her, he will go after her again before Grissom get to her, but he didn't. Sara is Grissom's girl, Grissom is Sara's.

Wow... I wish I could find that interview to really read it.
Thanks for telling me, though. I can always hope. I'll keep the fire burning. I just have a gut feeling that he still admires her.
I admire Greg's admiration for Sara.

I just wish we knew why he said it. I thought it was relating back to the case in the Lab Rats game, but I guess not.
I forgot one more thing to you, There is one tv guide, he did mention two years ago or last year, I can't remember which one. Eric went to talk to the producer or the writer to let him, it got something to do with Sara, but the writers never go that route, because the writers are GSR, so the producer and director.

David Rambo is a GSR, but he did said, he love to write Greg's story by himself. Naren is a GSR, Carol is a GSR, Allen MacDonald is both, GSR and Snickers. Sarah Goldfinger is also both, GSR and Snickers. She write Sara's story.
I admire Greg’s admiration of Sara as well. Greg’s a hard-hitting character.

I wish I could see proof of all this… like an article or something. Rumors can be so misleading. D: Don’t want to be so hopeful, you know?
korbjaeger said:
Wow, Hestia, well put!

My God, I don't often get heated up about these things but all these "Greg was OOC" and "He worships Grissom" comments really got to me. No, he does not worship Grissom, he respects him as a boss and can get upset at him when he has to (Remember when Mia was lab tech?)

And that wasn't the only time. One of the reasons I adore Greg is that he speaks truth to power. Even the one time that he told Grissom he acted the way he did during a case because "You intimidate me", he said it in such a way that it came off as more like, "You and your pesky, annoying habit of being intimidating are really getting on my nerves..." :lol:

I'm not a "hardcore" Sandles shipper, but I always saw a little something there. Even if he was "over" her, he still had a special place in his heart for her as friend, mentor and that pedestal known as The One That Got Away. That can't be completely discounted. A little resentment toward Grissom over the whole situation, even if it was just a pissy answer, might not be entirely OOC.

xfcanadian said:
She was his friend, his mentor, and his reaction was the only believeable reaction out of the whole group regarding Sara's departure! I mean, come on. She just ups and leaves, and the rest of the team have to comfort Grissom?! Are you kidding me?!

well, since her character was degraded down to being grissom's girlfriend...and was isolated away from the rest of the team, this isn't too surprising. I agree with you, its silly that only grissom would miss her.

SzmandaEads said:
Wow, I didn't post here for a long time but I did want to respond on this.

I agree!

Why? Greg ain't OOC (how can the writers of CSI actually let a character they made themselfs GO OOC?)! He just responded like a human would! He has feelings, yep. He doesn't worship Grissom, I agree: Greg has deeply respect for Grissom.
And if I'm correct it's a bit at the end? I didn't see the episode yet (and still I'm responding). Greg was probably heading for home, after an 'annoying' shift (believe me, I would find it annyoing if someone you care for a lot just left and then the next shift you have to be all 'hyper').

Who says Greg doesn't have a crush on Sara anymore? I thought Eric Szmanda made it clear enough that Greg STILL has a crush on her!

Oh btw.. The Writers said (it was probably in the commentary of 'Who Shot Sherlock') that Grissom and Greg have a father son relationship. If that's true then we should be able to 'find out' why he really say 'Yeah, whatever.' If they're really like that, then there should come an 'parenting' talk!
Thank you all for the responses. At least now I don't feel like a complete lunatic for going on that little rant. ;) Seriously I really liked this episode and the Greg parts really made me smile. :D Heck, everything made me smile.

But anyway, because I can't leave well enough alone: NicknGrissom, I believe Skell is referring to the article from last year (TV Guide, Aug 7-13 2006) where Eric says something to the effect of Greg's not giving up on Sara.

I don't know if it still has merit but the here's the link and in case it doesn't go through, the quote is:

Even so, he still hopes Greg will get the girl. "I encourage the writers to explore how Greg's infatuation with Sara is going to be affected — because Greg hasn't given up on her," says Szmanda, who is single. "I'm sure Greg is going to make a big fool out of himself."
Like I said, I don't know if it's still applicable since it's over a year old, but I'd like to it could be used as a sort of explanation why he was snippy in this episode. Holding a grudge against Grissom or simply tired and cranky? I guess we'll wait and see.

Now that's enough shippyness around here!
So before I get "mod-slapped" I'll just say I also hope they explore Greg's feelings, in fact I hope they explore the entire team's feelings about her departure, in the remainder of the season.
And this episode was a great change of pace. I wouldn't mind having one or two of these per season. Not too many, because then it loses it's quirky, rare fun. :)
Agreed! Veering way back onto topic!
Do you think Wendy will actually become a CSI? Hodges reason on what happened to Greg seems proof enough to me that we have enough CSIs.
I didn't get a chance to watch my tape until today, and unfortunately I missed the beginning and new opening credits - but I just finished watching the rest and this one made me laugh out loud about three times. All the good lines (it's a NECK wound) have been touched on already so I will just hit some of the highlights I enjoyed. I liked the "narrative", especially when it cut between the "processing" and the game players. I liked how Hodges was "sticking to the program" with his narrative, but kept getting side tracked, so his personality came through. Catherine and Brass' praise of trace, for example - too funny. I liked the clever touchs like Bobby D. becoming increasingly agitated each time he was a suspect. When Hodges told Grissom that the Bobby D. thing was a running gag - that was a laugh out loud moment.

I was dubious about the thing between Hodges and Wendy, but I have to say - the way the actors portrayed it actually worked for me. Wendy was getting into the spirit of the game, and I don't think it was just because it was good theory for her if she takes the field test (interesting trial balloon the writers threw out there). She was genuinely impressed when she saw the prototype game, and just as genuinely upset when she learned how Hodges "seems" to view her. I don't know that this will go anywhere, but the way they portrayed that there is "something" was pretty good, I thought.

As for Hodges "comforting" Grissom, am I the only one who thought that, self-centred as Hodges is, he was saying "Sara", but thinking "Wendy". That he was referring to himself not being able to do anything if Wendy wants to leave the lab and go out into the field? I may have to watch it again, but that's the impression I got.

Anyway - it was a cute episode.
LateToTheGame said:
As for Hodges "comforting" Grissom, am I the only one who thought that, self-centred as Hodges is, he was saying "Sara", but thinking "Wendy". That he was referring to himself not being able to do anything if Wendy wants to leave the lab and go out into the field? I may have to watch it again, but that's the impression I got.

Anyway - it was a cute episode.

I'm gonna have to sleep on that. :3 I'll get back to you on that!
I will be the first to say it- This episode was lame. I thought it was bad enough they had that guy who plays Jack Malone on Without a Trace two weeks ago (Who & What). I got 5 minutes into that episode before turning it off when Jack punched the guy running through the casino. So very cheesy. Back to this episode... I couldn't even get halfway through this lousy episode. Besides the stupid concept for the episode, everything was just over-the-top corny. Maybe this series deserves the ax. They must be running out of interesting crime scene investigations when they start making this kind of nonsense.
but if you go on how many liked it and how many didn't, it seems you are the minority. Shame you didn't get through it, as you missed a good epsisode that got better and better as it went along :) What isn't fun about lots of science, lots of geeky-ness - isn't that part of what CSI is? If you don't like that side of it, then maybe it's the wrong show to watch.

Yes it was silly, but it was silly done well, and after heavy last week, it fitted in really well.

Kudos to the script writers and the cast for pulling it off so well.
I personally do not want to see another Lab person become a CSI. I think it would become a bit of a cliche if they did go through with Wendy, another DNA tech, becoming a CSI.
texastimothy said:
Exactly! It's not forcing a plot. That's like saying just because Grissom said he likes board games, he'll now have a board game obsession. Well, maybe not the same thing but you get the poing. It was one line of dialgogue. I think if they kept hitting it, then it'd reek of foreshadowing.
It's not into "forcing plot" status yet, but it's getting close. If you remember the last episode, they showed Warrick dropping his pills when he ran into Sara in the locker room, now he's "up" on 'energy drinks' and in the mood to gamble. They're not being to subtle about it so far.
LateToTheGame said:
As for Hodges "comforting" Grissom, am I the only one who thought that, self-centred as Hodges is, he was saying "Sara", but thinking "Wendy". That he was referring to himself not being able to do anything if Wendy wants to leave the lab and go out into the field? I may have to watch it again, but that's the impression I got.
I hadn't thought of that, but it's a definite possibility. Good catch!
acetone said:
I will be the first to say it- This episode was lame.
Well, you're not the first. Head on over to IMDb, and you'll find plenty of company. Which, while I can understand it, is also sort of odd. For me, this was the best episode in a long time. It got back to the forensics and using science to solve crimes, and it did so with some very welcome humor. Yes, in some scenes the actors were a bit over the top, but that was how it was written, and it looked like they were having a blast doing it. Especially Paul Guilfoyle getting to make Brass such a hardass during each interrogation. What fun!

Different strokes, and all that.
It's not into "forcing plot" status yet, but it's getting close. If you remember the last episode, they showed Warrick dropping his pills when he ran into Sara in the locker room, now he's "up" on 'energy drinks' and in the mood to gamble. They're not being to subtle about it so far.

Exactly. Dropping the meds in front of Sara and saying he's having trouble sleeping. Then Nick is exhausted but Warrick is ready to hit the strip because he's up on an "energy drink".

Although, I will admit that I probably wouldn't have made the connections if I hadn't known about the upcoming episode, so...maybe it's subtle if someone wasn't aware of that.