YES! Thank you, byline!byline said:
I thought that stemmed from Greg missing his good friend, Sara, and also not knowing how to talk to Grissom about it, knowing how close he and Sara were. So he just leaves it as a "Yeah, whatever." How people sort of drift off with a throwaway line when they don't know what to say. Greg probably misses Sara every bit as much as Grissom, but doesn't know how to commiserate with Grissom because they don't have that kind of friendship.wolfesgamergirl said:
What really pissed me off was the "Yea, whatever." that Greg said to Grissom when all Grissom said was goodnight. What the heck caused him to be so darn angsty? I wish that was explained because now Greg looks like an ass and Grissom was as confused as the viewers were.
Remember, everyone who passed Grissom in the hallway had something to say about Sara . . . except for Greg.
At the risk of making Greg's reaction seem like a shippy reason: did any of you ever think that his anger was, you know, a shippy reason?
My God, I don't often get heated up about these things but all these "Greg was OOC" and "He worships Grissom" comments really got to me. No, he does not worship Grissom, he respects him as a boss and can get upset at him when he has to (Remember when Mia was lab tech?)
*Deep breath*
Alright then. With that out of the way, I'll say I liked the episode. Very funny. Good lines. Hodges getting shot was the highlight (whoever said there was too much Hodges, I'll agree.)
Yeah. I gotta get to the sandle thread and have me some positivity cookies and Blue Hawaiian. Man.