"You Kill Me" Discussion *SPOILERS*

byline said:
wolfesgamergirl said:
What really pissed me off was the "Yea, whatever." that Greg said to Grissom when all Grissom said was goodnight. What the heck caused him to be so darn angsty? I wish that was explained because now Greg looks like an ass and Grissom was as confused as the viewers were.
I thought that stemmed from Greg missing his good friend, Sara, and also not knowing how to talk to Grissom about it, knowing how close he and Sara were. So he just leaves it as a "Yeah, whatever." How people sort of drift off with a throwaway line when they don't know what to say. Greg probably misses Sara every bit as much as Grissom, but doesn't know how to commiserate with Grissom because they don't have that kind of friendship.

Remember, everyone who passed Grissom in the hallway had something to say about Sara . . . except for Greg.
YES! Thank you, byline!

At the risk of making Greg's reaction seem like a shippy reason: did any of you ever think that his anger was, you know, a shippy reason? :rolleyes: I know we try not to bring ships into this (then again when has that stopped us), but Greg has had a crush on Sara for God knows how long. Just because it wasn't as obvious after GSR became canon, doesn't mean it isn't going to go away! She was his friend, his mentor, and his reaction was the only believeable reaction out of the whole group regarding Sara's departure! I mean, come on. She just ups and leaves, and the rest of the team have to comfort Grissom?! Are you kidding me?!

My God, I don't often get heated up about these things but all these "Greg was OOC" and "He worships Grissom" comments really got to me. No, he does not worship Grissom, he respects him as a boss and can get upset at him when he has to (Remember when Mia was lab tech?)

*Deep breath*

Alright then. With that out of the way, I'll say I liked the episode. Very funny. Good lines. Hodges getting shot was the highlight (whoever said there was too much Hodges, I'll agree.)

Yeah. I gotta get to the sandle thread and have me some positivity cookies and Blue Hawaiian. Man. :eek:
I also liked the skull and crossbones that came up in the toxic cloud when Henry was in the freezer. :lol:
I really like this episode. Nick and Warrick cry for Archie, that was Wendy doing it. Poor Bobby, he get the blame for no reason at all and poor Henry, he confess real too quick.

What's up with Greg's attitude? I think he mad at Hodges, he just came from the break room and look mad. I know Greg have a thing for Sara in the beginning and he got over it, he is no longer has a crush on her, because he knew Sara will have a thing for Grissom and she gave her heart to Grissom long time ago. She wasn't interested in Greg, she see him as her little brother and friend.

Only one person didn't push Grissom to go have a breakfast with him, it Nick. He was concern for Grissom. Why did Nick stop Warrick to go the strip? I guess he wasn't thinking anything right now, he was thinking about Grissom and worried about him.

Sara should write a letter to her friends to let them she is fine instead of run away, but I don't blame her for leaving, so she can go find herself again. I knew Sara will go see her mother. I'm thinking she probably ask her, why she killed her father? Sara will be back and she will return to Grissom, not Greg or anybody, just Grissom.

P.S. I do not like Greg's new hair do, because his hair is need new conditioner, it so dry up.
I have to admit, this is the first ep of the Vegas CSI that I have watched all the way through in about 2 years. And I liked it. A lot! Good humor, creativity, and I definitely think that light-hearted was the best way to go, for this one. There's alot of acting talent amongst those folks who play the Lab Rats, and it was nice to see them up front and center.

I liked that there were several mentions of Sara - goodness, the Continuity Fairy has visited CSI! :D It would have been odd indeed, if they went about their business as though nothing had happened. And I tend to agree with much of Hestia's above post, re: the real reason behind Greg's standoffish attitude towards Grissom.
Wow, Hestia, well put!

My God, I don't often get heated up about these things but all these "Greg was OOC" and "He worships Grissom" comments really got to me. No, he does not worship Grissom, he respects him as a boss and can get upset at him when he has to (Remember when Mia was lab tech?)

And that wasn't the only time. One of the reasons I adore Greg is that he speaks truth to power. Even the one time that he told Grissom he acted the way he did during a case because "You intimidate me", he said it in such a way that it came off as more like, "You and your pesky, annoying habit of being intimidating are really getting on my nerves..." :lol:

I'm not a "hardcore" Sandles shipper, but I always saw a little something there. Even if he was "over" her, he still had a special place in his heart for her as friend, mentor and that pedestal known as The One That Got Away. That can't be completely discounted. A little resentment toward Grissom over the whole situation, even if it was just a pissy answer, might not be entirely OOC.
She was his friend, his mentor, and his reaction was the only believeable reaction out of the whole group regarding Sara's departure! I mean, come on. She just ups and leaves, and the rest of the team have to comfort Grissom?! Are you kidding me?!

well, since her character was degraded down to being grissom's girlfriend...and was isolated away from the rest of the team, this isn't too surprising. I agree with you, its silly that only grissom would miss her.
Wojo said:

At least some of us remember Warrick had a gambling problem, apparently the writers forgot. Could this be a sign of his future downfall?

I think so. That, and the reference to the "energy drink" he said he had that.

I still feel like the writers are forcing the plot lines. First all of the foreshadowing of Sara getting fed up with it all and now the very obvious signs of "oh no Warrick is heading for trouble". They could have done it a bit more subtley and creatively.
"Energy drink" is definately in ""...

I don't think that they are forcing the plat- Warrick's anyway
Exactly! It's not forcing a plot. That's like saying just because Grissom said he likes board games, he'll now have a board game obsession. Well, maybe not the same thing but you get the poing. It was one line of dialgogue. I think if they kept hitting it, then it'd reek of foreshadowing.
Hestia said:
byline said:
wolfesgamergirl said:
What really pissed me off was the "Yea, whatever." that Greg said to Grissom when all Grissom said was goodnight. What the heck caused him to be so darn angsty? I wish that was explained because now Greg looks like an ass and Grissom was as confused as the viewers were.
I thought that stemmed from Greg missing his good friend, Sara, and also not knowing how to talk to Grissom about it, knowing how close he and Sara were. So he just leaves it as a "Yeah, whatever." How people sort of drift off with a throwaway line when they don't know what to say. Greg probably misses Sara every bit as much as Grissom, but doesn't know how to commiserate with Grissom because they don't have that kind of friendship.

Remember, everyone who passed Grissom in the hallway had something to say about Sara . . . except for Greg.
YES! Thank you, byline!

At the risk of making Greg's reaction seem like a shippy reason: did any of you ever think that his anger was, you know, a shippy reason? :rolleyes: I know we try not to bring ships into this (then again when has that stopped us), but Greg has had a crush on Sara for God knows how long. Just because it wasn't as obvious after GSR became canon, doesn't mean it isn't going to go away! She was his friend, his mentor, and his reaction was the only believeable reaction out of the whole group regarding Sara's departure! I mean, come on. She just ups and leaves, and the rest of the team have to comfort Grissom?! Are you kidding me?!

My God, I don't often get heated up about these things but all these "Greg was OOC" and "He worships Grissom" comments really got to me. No, he does not worship Grissom, he respects him as a boss and can get upset at him when he has to (Remember when Mia was lab tech?)
Wow, I didn't post here for a long time but I did want to respond on this.

I agree!

Why? Greg ain't OOC (how can the writers of CSI actually let a character they made themselfs GO OOC?)! He just responded like a human would! He has feelings, yep. He doesn't worship Grissom, I agree: Greg has deeply respect for Grissom.
And if I'm correct it's a bit at the end? I didn't see the episode yet (and still I'm responding). Greg was probably heading for home, after an 'annoying' shift (believe me, I would find it annyoing if someone you care for a lot just left and then the next shift you have to be all 'hyper').

Who says Greg doesn't have a crush on Sara anymore? I thought Eric Szmanda made it clear enough that Greg STILL has a crush on her!

Oh btw.. The Writers said (it was probably in the commentary of 'Who Shot Sherlock') that Grissom and Greg have a father son relationship. If that's true then we should be able to 'find out' why he really say 'Yeah, whatever.' If they're really like that, then there should come an 'parenting' talk!
Oh, thanks. I would have never figured that one out on my own.

I still say that Greg has something on his mind, and he didn't seem happy with Grissom. Hopefully that will be explored later in the season.
SzmandaEads said:

Who says Greg doesn't have a crush on Sara anymore? I thought Eric Szmanda made it clear enough that Greg STILL has a crush on her!

Oh btw.. The Writers said (it was probably in the commentary of 'Who Shot Sherlock') that Grissom and Greg have a father son relationship. If that's true then we should be able to 'find out' why he really say 'Yeah, whatever.' If they're really like that, then there should come an 'parenting' talk!

Greg still has a crush on Sara? :D That made my day to have that fully clarified. The last interview that said that was a year ago, so I wasn't sure if it was still true.

Definitely looking forward to that talk, though. :3
Greg don't have a crush on Sara anymore, he got over it. If you watch it in whatever the season it was. When they interview on Jorja in sixth season when the teams got back together. Jorja said, Eric broke up with her in the old tv guide, I think, I'm not sure when he said it then I knew and everybody knew Greg is no longer got a crush on Sara, he got over it.

Eric did said he has a crush on Jorja, so he make Greg got a crush on Sara, that was long time ago, he got over it, because Greg know Sara will never be interested in him.

If he does got a crush on her, he will go after her again before Grissom get to her, but he didn't. Sara is Grissom's girl, Grissom is Sara's.