Yobling RP

Lindsay looked at Sara with a big smile, then decided to get serious if she HAD to tell the truth. "he sluged me across the face!" she said completly lying. "so i broke his nose..." -that part was true. "then he pulled by hair and spit in my face!" again, lying. "so i kicked him in the shin, followed by a good one in the face..." half of it was true. she looked at Sara, "what? -he started it!" this time, she 'half way' told the truth. She then knew sara would tell the whole story to her mother, and she knew her mom would only care about what she did to him. she stood up, "omg sara, you CANT tell mom please sara, please!" she begged.
Sara sighed and sat down. She looked Lindsey straight in the face and gave a look of sypmathy.

"Linds, I know you really, really don't want me to tell Cat - Your mom, but I have to, or there'll be hell to pay. She'll be even more upset if you lie, like you just did, twice," Lindsey's face fell, "or don't tell her at all. And then I'll in trouble for not telling her, and you don't want that, now, do you, Pumpkin?" Sara smiled again, and flicked Lindsey's ear, which set her off. She jumped up from her chair, and was about to tackle Sara when she heard a firmilliar sound. The *tap, tap, tap* of her mother's shoes. She froze.

[Stealing Catherine for a sec! :)]

"Lindsey Anne Willows. What did you do."

Lindsey turned around sheepishy and was greated by her mother's angry glare and intimidating stance. Sara stood up.

"Cath -" she started, "let me explain..."
"Sara, I don't need an explination, I was just at her school, and the Mr. Zondervan told me everything. And I mean everything." Sara backed off. 'Uh-oh'
Lindsay was frozen still like a deer at headlights, for no more then 2-3 seconds. she looked at her mother with jsut as much anger as Cathrine did her, "MOM!" she raised her voice. "i am NOT going back to that hell hole you send me to every day!" she staired into her moms eyes. "Leave me alone! -and, i cant believe you actually listened to that possessed cow <r>Mr. Zondervan<r> you think im crazy? H HA A!" she stepped back, afraid of what Cathrine might do.
Sara stood there next to the pair, listening in shock to what Lindsey was shouting at her mother. She hadn't heard anyone say anything like that to their mother's before! Espically when you had a mother like Catherine Willows. She was sure Catherine was going to explode any minute. She took a few steps back, and was ready for whatever the tall, strong willed, fiery, intimidating strawberry blond was going to say to that small little girl, and herself, Sara. She was sure she shook.

- I suppose this is all we can do until Roos & TMOT get back from their vacations. ;) I hope nothing serious came up! I would feel sooo bad for pressing you guys! -
(is it true that we can't start our own RPs now? Ugh I really want to write, and I can't really do anything yet :()
CSIaddict11, I know how you feel! That's why I started my story. (READ IT! It's "All I Need.." It's on this fourm thinger.) Uhmm.. still waiting for toomuchovertime to return.. And Roos! C'mon, hun! Let's get RPing!
I'm back, just read everything. :) Sorry, guys! :)

Warrick went to the break room, assuming there was nothing wrong. He thought Catherine had already found Lindsey, crying at home. But no. Catherine had found Lindsey telling Sara the whole story and begging her not to tell anything. Warrick just found them screaming, Sara watching everything. He was surprised. Really surprised. He dropped his paperwork.
As Warrick walked out of the break room, Sara caught his eye, and mouthed, "Were so dead," and turned her attention back to the pair infront of her, trying not to flinch everytime Catherine made a hand gesture, thinking it might result in a smack upside the head, to Lindsey, or herself. She didn't bother to interject, because Lindsey seemed to be handeling it.
Gosh, I have no f*cking inspiration.

He read one of his dropped papers. It was really frustating to read what a mother was able to do to her child. Earlier that day, a kid was murdered, probably by the mother. Now Warrick knew Catherine wouldn't do anything like that. But Catherine had to be careful she didn't lose her mind. She never was really mad, but now...
Sara cafefully edged her way around the batteling pair, and walked over to where Warrick was standing.

"Holy crap," she breathed, exasperated, "Cath's really dishing it out."

[OKAY! I'm taking Catherine.. I already checked with Roos, and she said it was okay.. Sorry, toomuchovertime, but we need her!]

"LINDSEY! I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU WOULD DO THAT!" Catherine's voice echoed down the halls of CSI, and pretty soon everyone in the lab was dropping what they were doing and watching the fight, but Catherine didn't mind. Not one bit.
"Fighting, running out of the school like that! I - I don't even know what to say! Just.. Just wait here!"

Catherine gave an exasperated sigh, and watched a fuming Lindsey brush her blonde bangs out of her eyes with attitude. She stalked over to where Sara and Warrick were standing, and Sara blinked.

"Sara," Catherine had started in on her now, too, "I can't believe you sat here with that child and didn't call me!"

"I had no way of reaching you," Sara shot back, "My cell's broken!"

Both women turned angry eyes on Warrick.

"Warrick," they sang in unison, "Help me out!"
Sorry guyd. I've been busy lately.
Cath hoped he'd be on her side, but she waited on bated breath. She left Lindsey's side briefly. "War, back me up here," she whispered.

Sara gave Catherine a hard glance and rolled her eyes. They both waited on Warrick's reply, and Sara thought she heard Catherine whisper something, but she couldn't make out what.

"Cath, please," Sara was loosing her patience and bit down on her bottom lip, "let me explain!" She shifted her weight and shot her brown eyes from Catherine to Warrick, and back again.
Sara gave her a sarcastic smile, and quickly backed off.

"Well, it all started when I found your daughter here on her own, sitting in the waiting area," she said, starting to pace again. "So I sat down next to her.. and I started asking her questions.. Well, it was more of an interrogation." Sara smiled. "So she told me, and then you came along , and, well, you know the rest." She concluded. Then she waited for Catherine to respond, wondering how this was going.