Yobling RP

toomuchovertime said:
Cath smiled. "See? No need to worry. We're safe with him."

Brenda nodded, but still didn't really trust him. Instead, she slipped her hand into Catherines and stood waiting, and quiet.
Warrick also went into the building, where a lovely dinner [/lunch? what was it?] waited for him. He liked food. That poor Brenda girl. She was afraid of him. Did he look that scary? He didn't think so and smiled.
(where is Gris anyway?)

(I'm trying a little subplot to give Nick some action...hope it's okay. Some of it's a teeny bit backposted to accomodate it and still not get me way ahead. )

Nick was making his way back to the lab, not aware of the goings on with the others in the group. Later on, he was have a hard time recalling what happened, because it was all so fast. He swerved the Tahoe as something blew out the driver's side window. He thought it was a bullet or bullets, but with the tires screeching and glass breaking, it was hard to hear whether a shot had been fired or not.He struggled to control the Tahoe as the big vehicle went into a skid, felt a sudden shuddering impact, and blacked out.

When he finally woke up again, he wasn't sure how badly he was hurt, only that he was in pain. A few trickles of blood ran down his forehead and he was a bit disoriented. He reached for his mike and made a call for assistance, surprised that his voice was weak, and waited for the ambulance to arrive.

(a couple ideas came to mind. Warrick and Cath could see the accident from the restaurant...I don't know if Gris's office has a scanner but if it does and he's in, he could her the call...or you can just wait for the hospital people to call in a post or two. Up to you. I like the first one myself. Oh, he's not going to die or anything, but he'll be feeling the pain for a bit, poor boy :( He wasn't shot, just lost control when the shot(s) was fired.)
[ Those are great ideas, MellyJelly! - Oh, how I love nicknaming people - :D ]

Warrick was staring out of the window. Catherine was talking to Brenda and Sara didn't do anything, she was staring at her shoes. Warrick was bored. He had thought of having a nice lunch with Cath. This wasn't it. He thought he saw Nick's car. And, wait, he was being hit! He ran to the streets.
[ Thanks for remembering me, Rooosie! Yes, nicknames are fun! ]

Sara sat staring at the ground, and her shoes. 'Wow, I need new shoes,' she thought, looking up just in time to see Warrick flee from the resteraunt and out into the street.

"Hey, what's going on?" she called after him as he ran infront of a car, which stopped with a jerk and the driver honked the horn viciously at him. Warrick ran to someone lying on the ground, who Sara quickly realized was Nick. She also jumped up and ran to the door, calling over her shoulder, "Nick's hurt!" and continuing across the street to where Warrick was crouching.
(he's actually still in the car, but...)

and LOL at the nickname. Lynn also calls me Melly all the time lol

Nick saw the figures coming toward him in his side mirror; he couldn't turn his head toward them to see them for himself.

"Already called for help" he said weakly. "Think someone took a shot at me. I lost control." He tested...good, he could still feel his legs and his feet moved. But his midsection was painful and he groaned a little as he moved his muscles. He wondered if some ribs had cracked. He also had what he thought might be a broken arm.

(also anyone who RPs with me expects injuries sooner or later lol. I'm notorious for hurting my chars...maybe I just have an H/C fetish or something lol)
Shady Lane said:
"Ok." Brenda said and followed Catherine, avoiding Warrick's eyes carefully.
Cath moved slowly, not wanting to rush her. "I'll have the, um, double chesseburger and fries. How bout you, Hon? What'll it be?" she asked, smiling. "Sky's the limit."
"Can I have the same thing please?" the little girl whispered. Brenda's eyes got huge at the option of having all of that tasty food.
Warrick looked at Nick. He seemed in a pretty bad condition. Warrick said Nick was going to be all right. He saw Sara staring at Nick, she was shocked.