Yeah, and I got 75 Pesos off of your bet :devil:.
(Officially develops a crush on Johnny) Eugh!
*Says it Farooq style* Damn!
More bitter-sweet comments (I love doing this!)
On Boogeyman taunting Kristal and The Miz
I like that Boogey is back, but, once again, SmackDown! is putting itself on the line with its lack of the traditional wrestling matches and putting out the sport itself rather than supposed entertaining gimmicks. ie, Boogey. Though this is becoming a low-rate storyline meant to either creep out or entertain the fans. I gotta say, I like that The Miz and Kristal are the victims. First, I just think that Kristal is a sore loser (as Creative put her out to be) and the Miz is sort of damn annoying already. Him bragging off that he hangs with the Divas doesn't spell "Who's your D-A-D-D-Y?", rather, it spells, "Who
here is Q-U-E-E-R?". As entertaining as Boogeyman is, he needs to show off more wrestling and less creeping.
On MVP's totally ugly in-ring outfit
First of all: EW! Montel Von... oh, whatshisname! MVP! This guy has got it good with the whole hip-hop thing, but to see him in the ring, in that ugly blue tights, that made me wanna gak! Has he lost his mind?! MVP is the keep it cool, I'm a rich hip-hop guy, and he wears
tights?! First of all, it's too damn tight and it details his southern cheeks (Lemme just say, he's no RVD or Kurt Angle with southern cheeks, if you know what I mean) and then he ads diamond-faux accesories!!!
There, that was knew. I talked about fashion for the first time.

On Mickie James winning at Survivor Series
Bad for Lita fans since it's her last match, but good for Mickie James fans like me. Now, I like both Mickie and Lita, truelala, but wasn't it unfair for Lita fans? Twice is nice for Mickie and I'd like to see how far Mickie can push herself as an athlete.

, I'm looking for a Mickie/Victoria showdown. Then I'll know the Women's Division hasn't been flushed down the toilet.
On the fact that Lita's gone
Thank God!!! No more PDA-ers!!! (Er, that's how my friends and I call those who show PDA... slang). :devil: I'm talking about Edge and Lita and their PDD (Public Displays of Digust) even PDS (Public Displays of Sexuality) *shudders*. Thank God that chapter of storylines is over.
That's all folks!