IMO the guy who owned the mailboxes should not be charged with murder, he taught those punks a lesson and it was their own fault.
Totally agree with you. First of all, the show opened with the driver swerving to miss a deer and overcompensating and hitting the tree. How does that make the homeowner responsible for their deaths? The passenger hit the concrete mailbox, not the driver, so that was unrelated to the accident or the deer, unless, in Nevada, homeowners are responsible for the actions of all wildlife in the vicinity of their property
I thought the reference by Nat's lawyer to Grissom about Sara being his co-worker and lover was unnecessary, do they keep having to remind us that Grissom and Sara were together? Do they think we might forget? Is it really that unmemorable?
Although I abhor the whole concept of GSR, I think I understood the lawyer's reasoning. He was trying to make it seem like Grissom's actions were those of an outraged lover rather than a professional, so he was just abusing "poor Natalie" and can't be rational in his observations. Plus, we all know TGTB have to have at least one GSR reference in each epi. Although Grissom could have balanced that by mentioning to the people in the lab that it was Heather who had helped him get back to working in a professional manner, unlike he was doing last week. :lol: