Would You Rather...


~Queen of Sarcasm~
You know how this game is played...
You have two options. You have to choose one. You cannot say neither (or both). You MUST choose.

For this thread, I'm making a few new rules to keep things running smoothly and cleanly.
1) I will be the only one posting questions. If you have an idea for one, PM me, and I'll gladly put it up for you.
2) I will put up new ones once a week (this may change, depending on how this works out)
3) Questions will remain PG-13!!!
4) There will be no insulting the questions or other people's answers. (ie That's stupid!)
5) Don't forget to tell us why!
6) Remember, this is for fun. Don't take it seriously.

Here's the first round of questions:

1. Would You Rather...
Spend an entire year with no human contact
Spend an entire year literally attached to someone at the hip

2. Would You Rather...
Spend a year with your foot stuck in a bucket
Spend a year with your hand stuck in a bucket

3. Would You Rather...
Loose your ability to speak
Loose your ability to read

Mods, I hope this thread is okay.
lol tough ones here are my answeres

1. no human contac, people get on my nerves to easily couldnt imagine beeing stuck to one!

2. Hand, could be usefull in a fight and atleast you would be able to walk properly.

3. ability to read, you can always get someone to read for you but not talk for you
1. Spend an entire year with no human contact--there is always animals to spend time with, maybe learn how to speak to them..ha ha

2. Spend a year with your foot stuck in a bucket--I use my hands to much to hold tiny things

3. Loose your ability to read--I am just about always talking and someone could read for me but then I am spending the year alone with a foot in the bucket--its going to be a ruff(learning dog language already) year. LOL

I think I like this thread....
1. No Human Contact- I already wish for that now. lol Peace and quiet is awesome and I wish I could keep that state.

2. Hand- You could always write and hold things with your other hand. Your foot, you'd have a hard time walking.

3. To read- As was already said, you can get someone else to read for you, but not to talk for you.
1. No Human Contact. I can just sit and read and sing and go on the computer and just be me.

2. Hand. I've had many incidents where I've only been able to use one hand.

3. To speak. I love to read, and I can always write down what I want to say.

I like this! :D
1. no human contact. i like to be alone alot so it would work for me. though i'd go insane.

2. Hand because you can't do anything without your feet

3.to read. i perfer to have my own voice.
1. No Human Contact. If I can barley spend a week with some people, I don't know how I'd spend every waking moment with them attached to me.

2. Foot in a bucket. I do too much with my hands, but not that much with my feet.

3. Ability to read. I talk wayy to much, and if it wasn't for the internet and school I probably wouldn't read at all :p
1)someone attached to the hip. I need my contact with other people.

2)Foot in bucket. I do to many things with 2 hands. Besides a foot in the bucket would be a great converstation.

3)The ability to speak. I love to read. I have enough trouble concentrating on what I'm reading so it would be extremly difficult to pay attention to someone else reading for me.
1.Spend an entire year with no human contact - because I think I'd do just fine :lol:

2. Spend a year with my hand stuck in a bucket - at least I'd be able to walk!

3.Loose my ability to read - I'd still be able to speak, and could write down whatever I need to say!
Spend an entire year with no human contact - no problem for me! anyway my best friend is 'Me' :lol:

Spend a year with my hand stuck in a bucket - good for fighting and after that at least i would able to run away :lol:

Loose my ability to speak - better reading than talking :p i hate to talk :D
1. Spend an entire year with no human contact. Don't have many friends, don't like my coworkers, and hardly ever talk to relatives.
2. Spend a year with my foot stuck in a bucket. I can put a roller skate or skate board under the bucket. If the bucket was on my hand, it would be hard to eat, type, and do certain other things.
3. Loose my ability to speak. I could learn sign language ot type messages during the year with no contact.
1. No human contact - It's not like I got alot of contact now and I won't miss it neither.
2. Foot stuck in a bucket - I won't be able to do loads of things if it was my hands.
3. Loose my ability to speak - I could write things down or so and I don't speak alot anyway.
Cool thread! :D

My answers:

1. Spend an entire year with no human contact~Because I would get so annoyed with being attached to someone, and, er, how would you wash or go to the loo? :eek: (Unless it was Rory/George/Eddie! :devil:)

2. Spend a year with your foot stuck in a bucket~I need my hands, so I can type on here! :lol:

3.Loose your ability to speak~If Im spending my year alone, and I have my foot in a bucket, I need to read!!!! Otherwise, how on earth am I gonna post on here? :lol:

1. No Human Contact - Who needs people anyway they just would get in the way

2. Foot in bucket - I could still walk but with the hand in the bucket it would stop you from doing a lot.

3. Speak - I'm used to being quiet but sometimes it's better to listen first.
1) Person attached to my hip - I could not go ANY AMOUNT of tim ewith out human contact!

2)Foot in a bucket - I could still move at least

3)Read - If anything, I have to be able to sing still!