Would you go to a CSI convention??

I think that would be so cool!! I would love to meet some of the stars of CSI----Especially if Billy was there---(drools!) Of course it would be neat too to meet some of the fans like myself!! And to see the merchandise, that would be too cool!! Of course I would rob a bank to get the money!! And since I watch CSI, I will know how to hide all the evidence and DNA so they don't catch me!! :lol:
me too.. i live in the middle of nowhere in canada, so the chances for me are not big.. but if i could, i would be the first one there!
Wouldn't it be cool if they had a DaVinci's Inquest/CSI convention, and they held it here in Vancouver. WOW! :D
If there was one in the UK I would certainly think about going as long as I wasn't already busy but yeah I think I would go.
I'd definitly go If I had the money, my boss would give me the time off and I could find someone to go with me.
I can't go :(

When I tried to book tickets for 'Grave Danger,' they were sold out, & you have to be 16 (& they check for ID :mad:) to see it or the behind the scenes event! I was annoyed :(
WoW! That really is unfair....... I don't think they would pull anything like that here in Seattle or Vancouver for that matter.

Btw how old are you?