Would you go to a CSI convention??

I would absolutely go at all costs...especially if any of the stars were there!!!
I'd be there in a heart beat! I have a part time job and if I have three weeks notice I'll book it off and save the cash! friends or not I'm gone!! especially if I can hook up with a "reliable person whome my mother can trust" when I get off my plan.
only if there were furries and plushies in attendance. gotta have something to compete with a trek convention!
I was reading in the current issue of TV Guide about a convention for hundreds of fans of the show Lost that piled into the Burbank Airport Hilton, and they have five more conventions planned over the next eighteen months. If Lost can have conventions after just one year, the three CSI series could round up many fans for a convention.
If some of the stars were there, and it meant I could meet members of this forum, then yeah I'd be there :D small problem - it'd probably be in the States, and no way can I afford trip to America (not this summer anyway) :)
I would definitely go to a CSI convention. It would be really cool to be able to meet some of the stars, writers, etc. Not to mention how fun it would be to be around people who are as obsessed with CSI as I am. Has anyone thought about actually trying to organize one?