Worst Movies Ever

another crappy movie is Swept Away.. i think that's what it is called. it's with Madonna or something. it's so cheesy.
Oh my God had the misfortune of staying in last Saturday night and watching Paycheck, NOW that has to be up there with some of the worst movies ever made!!! What was the point in it?
I have to disagree with the nomination of Zoolander though abc, its really really funny, I think its meant to be bad so thats what makes it sooo good if you know what a mean?!
Oh how did I forget to mention 'Electra'?
That was clearly one of the worst movie this year.
The special effect was cool...and that's it.
The story was close of stupid.
another crappy movie is Swept Away.. i think that's what it is called. it's with Madonna or something. it's so cheesy.

I think it is safe to say, if Madonna is in it... It bites! :lol: Oh, one other movie I found so dull I fell asleep watching it. Three times, no less, King Fisher. :rolleyes: Oh, well.
It only happend once to me that I switched off a movie, it was a movie called City by the sea with Robert de Niro, it was so boring and I didn't understand anything of it, I stopped the video halway and went to bed!

I'm glad you said that! I thought it was awful too! so boring... :rolleyes: I think the Scary Movie trilogy is awful - just so not funny. I'd also like to add Gosford Park, though I know a lot of people are gonna diasgree with me on that :eek: *ducks rotten tomatoes being lobbed at her* :) so much time spent on introducing about 20 different characters and talking in this posh place, then not til about an hour into the film at least do things actually start happening, and then when the person gets murdered it was already so obvious who'd done it and why (to me anyway) :rolleyes: and then it suddenly ended, and I thought hang on! this can't be the end! hardly anything's happened! :mad: what a waste of 2 hours that was :eek:

Three words
"Seed of Chucky"

for a horror movie.......please kill me rather than watch again

as a comedy- one of the best!!!! I have not actaully laughed out loud and fell out of my chair till this movie. Billy Boyd must have been drunk, blackmailed, or desperate to do this movie.
Ohh I have so many movies that are on my list as worst but if I pick one then it would really be: Titanic :mad:
I agree. I didn't like that movie either!!

funny story...I was in an improv class and we all had to go up and give a lecture to the class on a random topic that the teacher gave us right before we got up there. Mine was: Why is Titanic the worst movie ever made. :lol:
I thought of another movie. There are quite a few versions. It has to be any that have to do with Anne Frank. Not because I am heartless. It is just the opposite. Everytime I see one of them, I always think "She's gonna make it out. Everything will be fine." It never does, and I am left as an emotional wreck for a couple of days.