I am not for or against when it comes to abortions, I am on the fence, and on that fence I do agree with one thing, if your having them as a form of birth control thats wrong imo and shouldn't be allowed (which it isn't), but if it's in the event of harm to the life of the mother, incest or rape then it should be allowed or optional (every person is different).
Repubs argued it was all about the cost, when it was really all about the language of the abortion law, the Potus signs an exeutive order keeping intact the abortion law as it has been, and they are well he can do that, then undo that to appease someone, WTH okay then I doubt it but if they think so.
After the first vote they went to debate again before the next vote I tell you I do not agree nor do I like the fact that someone, be it from the gallery or one of the members shouted to Stupak "Baby killer" that was way out of line.
Some are saying it's a catch 22, if you want to employ people you can't because of insurance costs, if you want insurance they are saying they can't hire people because of the cost.
Now While I get what they are saying, I believe they said the next big thing they are working on is going to be the Jobs front, the problem is which one went first. Course that will cost to much and the wording will be wrong, and so and so should be fired (ie steele wants Nancy P fired).
The only time the parties get along is when they are playing football, basketball, etc. I love how you hear the different parties say we respect the Pres, we respect the other party, yadda yadda, blah blah. Put them in a debate and BAM everyone is a SOB. :lol: I am sorry for laughing but its true. If you don't agree with so and so, your a rotten piece of trash, a day or two later they are best of friends. *shakes head*
The protesters though are really getting out of hand, spitting on a rep, calling one the "F" word others the "N" word, now the repubs denounce it then you have the idiot yelling at stupak, or how about the one that yelled to the Pres that "you lie", good lord have mercy.
Not to mention the IA Rep King calling for a
Velvet Revolution Against The Government - this led to people (ie Reps and pres) on some message boards calling for shooting people. Heck look at some of the signs I saw one that said to the effect "If you don't stop this [picture of gun] This will". I am sorry but really for peaceful people that isn't peaceful imo.