- Are you a member of some party?
no. i've been a labour supporter all my life (the mainstream socialist party in the uk) but since blair has ruined everything they stand for and turned them into a close runner up in the tory stakes i don't feel comfortable supporting them any more, which is a real shame. there are a lot of people here now who were traditionally labour supporters (and moderate socialists) but who now feel unable to vote for them but don't have many other options because the only other leftist parties (respect (hah, respect!) and the swp are too far the other way). i think this is why the lib dems are suddenly doing better than ever - they are getting a lot of votes from ex-labour supporters who will vote for them just to stop the tories getting in (and i've done this myself).
I know this comes pretty late but still.. I think socialist parties (the ones that have been in control) are in some kind of depression all over. Our socialist party is there, low and in opposition and I don't see them having anyone who could lead party to victory in next elections. And they are sooo close sometimes with two other parties except with some..erm interesting facts. Their leader said last autumn than limit of poverty is 3000e/month income :lol: :lol:
Anyways, I think they are lost just like the Centre Party was in the late 90s - I believe party support comes and goes in cycles. in the 80s right wing movement got support, it died and now in past few years its' follower has gotten bigger and more popular. Centreparty lost itself in late 90s and conservatives in general didn't get to government until late 80s.
Many say here that Centre Party should be wiped off because there isn't parties like that in other countries.. but it is the third big party along with social democrats and conservatives (coalition party)
As for social democrats... Left Wing is getting strong.. I don't mean communists but something like real socialist party, left party. They are on fire, they are very young and they attract young people - like in my university.
But then again there are those old silly communist parties (there are 4-5 and I always wonder if they were together, they might have a chance), that are just... not today's world. (even tho every time I use this 'election machine' on website to see what would be my candidate, there's usually some communist

So at the moment conservatives and true finns (right wing, against immigration etc) are on top, on fire so to speak but their time will come, when they see themselves again in opposition.
AS for all this.. I like student politics, I mean parties included. At least in our university. We all get along... except Greens don't want to be with us and Conservatives.. well there are just few jerks that you cannot like no matter how hard you try.
See, students here have student overalls and those are decorated with different kind of patches (get from events or buy from different groups, exchange with your friends - they tell the story of your student life - what've you done, where have you been etc) - so our Left Wing Youth have a kickass patch, I think it's a great, cool logo so I asked today one of them if I could buy three and he said, he brings three next week and said that he is amazed and happy that a centre party member would buy something like that. I said because it's cool I want to buy it, I am not allergic to cool stuff of other parties or even to people or the candy they give away at meetings etc. I can read their magazines without getting upset or thinking they are below me or we are somehow better.
And we can joke about each other, since we arrange lots of political events at university together.
One of the best moments were last spring when we had MPs here from almost every party and they were given words to explain and audience answered. Well one word was Lenin and this MP only said "Soviet dictator..:" and guy in front of us (Left Wing) yelled "STALIN!LENIN!" and my friend from my party said "Oh, answer comes like a cannonball, no surprise there!" and everyone just starts to laugh.
Discussions between different views are wonderful when you can do it with someone with real debate and not with someone who just says "ME RIGHT, YOU WRONG" and it can be so open and you can talk and talk without being mean.
But then there are people who just.. I don't want to even talk with, they just make me mad - or should I just say - I don't even bother.
Heh, my bf's parents are social democrats, so are his grandparents and now my bf has become a member of centre youth (it was his choise, he wanted, he liked the stuff we do) and it's rather interesting to be with them sometimes when they get upset about Centre Party and I just smile and sip my coffee... except my father-in-law - he is very reasonable and great to talk about political stuff with understanding.
Oh what a rant again
I just add English pages of our parties if someone is interested - True Finns would have been great but of course they have only website in Finnish
smaller ones: