Head of the Day Shift
lisa your a riot, not that this is funny, but you give it a lighter touch. I agree with everyone.. to a point.. and on FOX news, geez Glenn Beck a lunatic and Rush Limbaugh as well, both to me are crazy. I see both sides and actually listen to everyone on it all. A have a friend in New York who's husband was a firefighter on 9/11, and did get burnt, so they are against it. But I've got a Muslim friend [cute guy], that's also against it, go figure. He thinks is will be a bone of contention forever.. Then there's the ones who have a ligit. argument for it. To me it was the most horrific tragedy ever purported on American soil. And then there's the country star Willie Nelson, who think's 9/11 was partly an inside job. That someone from inside was in on it. All kinds of different opinions, views & theories.~ Here's a link [below] and some ideas about this. I guess bottom line, it's the location of it all, not about a Mosque being built~