World Cup 2006 and Other Football Stuff #3

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I was kinda disappointed at the way Sweden was playing. And Larsson with that penalty...yikes! Anyway, Germany deserved to go on, although I think Ballack is really pissed that he didn't get a goal in, hehe. He tried SO hard.

That Argentina-Mexico game was awesome! I thought Mexico might have a chance to go through but then that Rodriguez goal...WHOAH. :eek:

Argentina vs Germany is gonna be insaaaaane! :D
Well Argentina won. No hard feelings though cause they played an incredible, amazing game! But i think that Mexico should of won if it wasnt for that guy that made their goal.
DaWacko said:
. Tally's comment "the World's beautiful game" was HER opinion and she had right to say that...

O Ducky, as much as this "term" reflects how I feel down to my marrow about football, I and millions of other football aficionados, are paying due homage to a well-known quote from none other than Pele. His actual quote is "Football? It's the Beautiful Game." So my use of this term is indisputably a Statement of Conviction of Utter Belief in the Beautiful Game. :)

'nuff said.

Bravo to Mexico for an outstanding match aginst the eventual winners Argentina. Heart attack inducing! Argentina y'all were inspirational!. What an absolute screamer from Maxi Rodriguez. This sets the Argies up for a brillaint match with the powerhouse that is Germany, who is simply going from strength to strength. Germanic juggernaut, indeed. Very impressive.

Here's to more excitement today!
Great vid Dolphin :lol: and I agree, Argentine/Mexico was a great match ! Congrats to all teams ...
heh, the English ref that did the Aus-Croatia match got sent home from the World Cup...even FIFA said that his handling of the match was 'inexcusable'
and there was also an article where Guus Hiddink admitted that he made a mistake by putting Kalac in goals, and that Schwarzer will be back for the Italy game :D
graham poll, hes alright
not the first time a british ref got it wrong. even in a the english premier league, a few was suspended a few months and relegated to referee-ing lower division matches. it could be worse, they could have sent uriah rennie :lol:
defiantDittohead said:
bobo said:
Thanks for this link, defiantDittohead :) supporters have great and cool imagination . Teams can be proud of them ! what they could do without their support, no matter what .
i told you dutch girls are SOOO hot, look at jayne :D :D
Remember that I'm only halfblood-Dutch :lol: And stop flirting with me ;)

And OMFG dolphin! That video is hilarious :lol:
ooh ;)
ill take that as a semi-compliment :D

yikes! i hope holland and england meet. ill have NO idea who to support :p cos arsenal have a modest passion for nederlands ;) cos of bergkamp and van persie

but on englands selection. why oh why cant he select THEO WALCOTT!?

442 is the way
451 is too defensive..aresenal used it a lot in Champions Leagues, cos they are good on the break and henry is fast :p

hargreaves at RB?! are you kidding.
drop Lamps, steiveG is WAY better... and has WAY more of a passion than Lamps
YES! Dutch people are hoping to meet England too actually. England - Holland have always been cool matches. On TV last night they said that the Dutch like the way the English play.
I agree, a Holland-England match would be extremely exciting and it would be something that I'm looking forward to.

That Argentina-Mexico match was probably one of the most exciting matches during this tourney. That second goal scored by that Argentian(sp) player(I forget his name) was spectacular & probably the best goal so far. Congrats goes to Germany as well for a fantastic match!
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