Would you guys like lindsay more if she wasn't with Danny??Why does everyone hate her? I must admit shes way off any bar Aiden set but shes ok, i am still a huge danny/aiden fan there chemistry was so nateral and easy dinamite!
^Personally, I have yet to distinguish the Lindsey Monroe from "Montana". So with or without her, whether she's with Danny or a fence post -- it doesn't matter. I don't hate her; dislike is a much appropo word.

Early season two, she was this headstrong, smart girl from Montana, trying to fit in with the New York crowd. But as the season/show progressed, she dissolved into this "kiddo" (arguing with Mac and Stella, jumping into conclusions, basically... acting like the kiddo of the show). So then what?

Imagine her not with Danny. Now, write a character sketch of her. Apart from her being from Montana, I can't think of anything else about her. But hey, it's just me. She's like Danny's third leg, always there but when you cut it off, you barely notice it.

My wishlist:

1. Lots more Adam. Starting with "Some Buried Bones" through "Snow Day" there's lots to explore and we've only gotten a small nibble.

2. Get rid of D/L. Please. I miss the old Danny.

3. Do something with Peyton b/c right now, she's wearing a red shirt.

4. This has been said before, so add me to the list- Flack and Hawkes backstory!
Pooey, I made a post and it didn't go through and now I have to do it again . . .
OKay, lots of repetition to past ideas here.
In no particular order:
1) More Hawkes (backstory AND screentime please! Hill is awesome and needs to be on the frontburner more often)
2) More Flack (backstory/Dad issues/Eddie pretty)
3) More Flack AND Hawkes
4) Where is Louie?
5) The D/L needs to be canned
6) Bring back Maka and/or Angell (I prefer Maka)
7) I'm also totally for the NY/LV crossover
:cool: More Adam and Sid screentime (I'm not too sure I like the idea of Adam being a regular . . . when Greg became one on CSI it seemed like alot of his scenes solely existed because he was due screentime, and not because of necessity. Too much screentime kinda ruined him a bit for me, I do not love him even half as much as I used to, and I don't want that to happen to Adam!)

And that's all I can come up with at the moment. =)
Bring back the Lindsay from season two. While she was good this past season, I didn't like seeing her all angsty and depressed, simply because I don't view her as that type of character. She comes off as perky and tough, so let us see that. Now, I will say that after SOOH she turned around and became happy again, so continue that. Please, for the love of God, do not make her feel guilty about what happened to Danny in SD. Just make her happy again. I'm a *huge* fan of these two, but even I don't like to see Lindsay angsty....I'd rather see her smiling and bantering with Danny like they did in season two.

Count me in for bringing back Louie. Oy vey.