William/Grissom: The Hottness Of - Page 11

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Yay! Another British Billy Babe! I'm a Yorkshire bird!

I am so desperate for him to come to do theatre here. PLG and I have already decided - where he is doing theatre next - we are there! That's obsessive! Hee hee!

Saving up for transatlantic if necessary!
WELCOME NightmareAnatomy your in good company, another Brit.. ;)with your sense of humor :D.. have fun, and yes Billy Buns would be good :p and with his new schedule the chances of him coming over there seem slim, if any..but one never knows, do they?
hmmm...one never does know Desert

but after he's finished with CSI i wonder how full his lettrbox is, with all the film scrips he'll be offered!

damnnn...i'd love to see him in a film with Gary Sinise, like forrest gump 2 ^_^

my life would be compleate!
^^ Welcome welcome. I'm also a British lass. From the good ol' place that is Blackburn, near Manc.

On the subject of Billy buns, if I had a cake with his face on, I wouldne wanna eat it! It'd probs start to go moldy before I could even think bout eatin it!

So, the V Fest was fun *raises eyebrows* VERY rainy and muddy. I had a bitta bad luck, somebody snuck into my tent and stole my bag while me and Matt slept, luckily we got everythin back apart from money, I lost £80 (about $110 ish) and my mate lost £45. Just scared the crap outta me cuz if Matt wasn't there god knows what they coulda done...So yeah, that kinda spoiled my weekend, but apart from that, all was good. Sorry to both Lemsip & PLG for not being able to meetcha but honestly, I wouldn't of been good company as I was miserable for basically the whole weekend lol. Sowwie.

BF, I got home to a nice suprise today *nudge* :p
I've seen PLG's pics of the mud, the rain and every beer tent at the festival! What is wrong with you people?! :lol:
They depict a descent into madness. All I could say really! Hee hee!

Sorry to hear about the break in. Gets. Hope your little Billy suprise cheers your soul!
*does happy dance* Everybody's back! Well I'm assuming everyone's back, haven't heard from Lemsip yet.

I went to see Fame, and OMG I want to see billy in lycra! :lol: (and a little sweat band...:rolleyes:)
I went shopping on Oxford street yesterday, and I didn't see any famous people! Well miffed, although Natalie Casey from Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of crisps was in Fame. H from steps was meant to be in it too, but he wasn't there, they had an understudy instead. :( Still, seeing NC was hilarious though, she's got one hell of a voice too! :p

I got a package through the post today, real big and Billy sized! *runs to watch*
Lets not even start on what is wrong with us people, my mate snuck 18 cans in the arena stuffed into various places (LOL) and proceeded to get sloshed. She ended up rolling around in the mud. Sexy...

Ooh Billy in mud. Fiiiiine. Not so sure about lycra, i'm not for men in lycra...sowwie lol. H couldn't make it? Shame... ;) And Lemsips back, she didnt sleep last neet so she's resting I think.

BF, my Billy package is going to cheer me up later tnite ;) :devil: SSS!
Mmmm! Dirty, muddy, slippery Billy! :devil: I like that idea! Now maybe that would get me in a tent again!! :lol:

Sorry, eggster. Men and lycra DO NOT GO! Not even out lad. Uff! :eek:

Ams you have more SSS in your hands than you can handle. They are scorchio! You have been warned... I even wrote the note in my best hand writing! Only PLG, Rocket, Rocky and GG1 have seen that! :lol: I did try. Honest. I have even bought myself a left handed pen, designed by teachers to help kids write neater! I jest not! :lol:
LOL LOL BF! I enjoyed your note, made for 'interesting' reading. And your writings easy to read! Liked how it was on Broadband paper, showing off are we?! :p I canna wait to enjoy later. SSS SSS SSS overload.

Dirty, muddy, slippery Billy!
Hell yeah, i'm all for that. I'd love to go to a gig with Billy. And have it rain, man I wouldn't even care if I was cold. Sigh.

Do you ladies know what we did? We've been naughty and not in the good way lol. We missed Grissom's birthday. It was on the 17th TUT at us. Sorry baby! *hugs Grissom*
Oh no! We did! We are BAD Grissom fans! Bad I say! :lol: *licks Grissom's face* Happy Birthday, Griss! Can I give him birthday bumps?
Go for it BF! I'll give Mr Grissom a different kinda bday bump...

I don't think The G Man would mind really, I doubt he's one for celebrations really...partay pooper! Maybe he'd be different after a coupla pints of cider eh eh?! ;)
Urgh! Too many early teen sessions on cider! I'll chill him a beer or two and put his clean PJs out :lol:!

That's a good topic - what would you do for Grissom on his birthday? No smut please! I know you filthy lot! :lol:
What would I give Grissom for his birthday? :devil:

Ok, Ok. You asked for clean so here goes: When I was in school I always went all out. Yup, I was a teacher's pet, and I would definitely want that distinction from Grissom, so I would probably get him some rare bug that he was pining for. Or maybe I would offer to watch his bugs next time he went to a conference, or buy him a new Racing Roach. Or a rare book that he has been trying to find. Or tickets to an opera perhaps.

Let's just say, I'd get him something that would hold his attention for a bit, while I tried to get a hold of something else. :devil: Well , I was clean up until the very end... ;)
I guess we do a big *D'OH* for missing Grissom's birthday. :eek:

HOW COULD WE? :confused:

Anyway, I'd get him a book. Something about bugs or bug envirorments, something like that.
I personally think, he'd appreciate more heartfelt gifts than anything over the top
INDEED, HOW COULD WE :( I'd get him a big book on rare bugs, and then take him on a rollar coaster, of course Sara's invited too :p and maybe some champagne, if he liked that!
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