William/Grissom: The Hottness Of - Page 11

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He was definitely manly in Fear... the fight at the end was grand. I was shouting for Billy to whoop his ass... and he did! Go Billy! :lol:

Oh I knew EXACTLY what you meant, windy! Takes a filthy mind to know a filthy mind! ;) :D
desertwind said:
he has gotten pissed off on CSI, in 'GENTLE-GENTLE"

Anyone else find that slightly ironic? I haven't seen him in Fear yet, and i've seen Manhunter, guess you could say he got a tad pissed when he was in the tree. I have got that scene right haven't I? :p

(btw guys, i'vej ust spent the last 2 hours making and editing my livejournal, feel free to take a look, linky in my siggy :D )
And remember when he got really mad at Eddie, and told him to 'leave' when he was harassing Cath, what ep. was that? his anger is usually subtle and sarcastic, but he's definitley had some angry moments :mad: and Lemon who are those people on your avatar? and your icon?
desertwind that episode was Too Tough to Die when he grabbed Eddie of Cath

And LemonJelly that is Mac right? on your icon?

Yeah, he's had 'good' angry moment.. Gentle Gentle is a good one so is Grave Danger
Committed is good because he's scared and paniced and helpless all at once. You can see it in his face
WHat about it Fahrenheit 932, I loved that scene near the end. :D

And Desert It's Grissom in my avy now. ;) But as hhunter said it was Mac before, and in my sig pic it's Robby Takac from the Goo Goo Dolls. :D
AHHH, thank's for the info. on your pictures ;) and I saw "THE RAT PACK' last night OMG, he's such a riveting actor in this.. so beliveable as JFK, with the Boston accent, hanging out with Frank Sinatra in that day and age.. intersting flick, shows the seedy side of those people in their hey day! This was the first time I saw him, and haven't watched it for years, but remember thinking at the time "who is that guy", BOY IS HE CUTE! and then when I saw CSI, I went that's that's guy that was in "TRP" strange how he came back into my life!
Hehe Lemon, niiiice av :D Arm pr0n is love :lol:

Did you see those pics of him and Gina at the celebrity fundraiser for animal rescue -over at BP.com? Man, this is arm pr0n HEAVEN :D
Oh yeaaaaah :D
I'm a sucker for hands, but I like arms too :lol: Especially forearms :p

Seriously, if it's possible to have sexy arms, then BP's the King of Sexy Arms, the man who can make women drool just by rolling up his sleeves or by wearing a t-shirt -remember Jackpot :eek:

Men always talk about wet t-shirt contests when it comes to women, we here talk about sleeveless t-shirt contests :lol: -I wouldn't mind if his shirt was wet too, though ;)

I want a Griss-centric epi with raaaaaaaain!
I just bought Gunshy off Amazon. Got paid last week, so I thought what the heck. :lol:
Oh, and I missed Cousins on Sky again I'm such an idiot. Oh well, it'll be on again...I hope. :p

Fear's on again on Monday night (6th) at 10:30 pm on sky movies drama. TLADILA is on saturday night/sunday morning at 1:45 am on sky movies modern greats. Young Guns is on Monday 6th 5:25 pm, on Sky Movies Action Thriller.
Oh yeah, grissomFREAK! With you on that! The series one early eps were great for arm prawn... mmmmm!

I'd love another Grissom epi - prefereably with a change of shirt in the locker room scene... :devil:

The world would go into BP meltdown!

Eggsy - you will die after watching Gunshy by sheer swoonage. Never has a long sleeved, dirty, white shirt been worn so well... WPHS hits all new levels of delishness in that film :lol:!

ams texted yesterday. Her pc has blown up and then she is going on hols for a week and says hello to you all. and she passed her theory test so she is a bit pleased! Howdy, ams! and well played! :D
YEAH ams :D

GrissomFREAK I want another Grissom centered epi too. Maybe with the director of TLADILA directing an episode of CSI, we will get our wish...

hhunter said:GrissomFREAK I want another Grissom centered epi too. Maybe with the director of TLADILA directing an episode of CSI, we will get our wish...
Yeah. I am so excited about this epi :D

We should get at least on Grissom centric epi per season :p

Also, I was wondering, why is it that we almost never have full body shots?? Like we see Grissom a lot from the waist up, but never from behind or if we do it's always long shots -meaning we really don't see anything interesting *wink wink*, no close ups on his legs or *ahem* back(side), know what I mean? ;)
That's just SO frustrating :devil:
We did in "JACKPOT' :p in his jeans, but with the baggy lab clothes they make him wear, [minus the yummy suits] not much to rave about :( we did see him in a hospital gown, when Cath went to visit him for his ear surgery.. and could see his cute bowlegs! but nothing else :confused:
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